When the Lord Jesus Christ asked Peter if he wanted to quit following Him, Peter answered,
to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life
about Him which could be found nowhere else! In addition to those words which would be powerless without the who is God no life would be given nor would those gifts be made present in each and every believer by which they would manifest the presence of God. No man can teach what comes from above or give what only the Spirit gives. The out reach taken the time to love with knowledge and wisdom Phil 1;9.
The message of the early Christians was equally dogmatic and distinctive, as they represent the truth: in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, amen
For there is one(1 Tim. 2:5). The often-heard Authentic Christianity goes against the flow of man’s drifting opinion.The nature of those drifting opinions have drifted in both departments of thinking, prior and after salvation, have often led into confusion and misrepresentations of truths which are key to a fuller life and awareness.With many it is often the promise or the word but hardly do we hear and know of how the life giving Spirit works. Thus we are repossbible for being so, there is no one else to blame but ourselves, it;s called personal repossibility.
We do not wait upon the opinion of human tradition, but on the might and power of our lord to reveal his will to his people with great anticipation, there are no human mediums to do that we are all called priests and blessed sons of God,nor is stagnation pleasing to God. Fascilation is not replacing personal pursuit nor should it be. Leasdership skills are based on spiritaul life , not legalism but onrealitonal love and the ability to hear and know the mind of Christand how he works though his people so quenching the spirit is not as drastic as it is today.
The Bible is not politically correct after all! never was.Romans 1,2,
In his words it is the most neglected and shifted doctrine yet we are in the age of the Spirit, almost equal to the day the Pharisees that saw Christ did not know him, thus may be our likeness in the absence found in the often confused statements surrounding the Holy Spirit who is as much God as the other two are. I think often we do so because the power of the supernatural is displeasing to us because our assimilation into the world to gain it;s short term treasures, which are falling in it;s appeasing to things colorful items which change over time, for sin has consequences.
It was well said in those days one message was preached and 3,000 came today 3,000 messages are preached and only one comes, program upon program has failed to see and know the missing Representative that gives life is taught away or molded into human terms and often void of faith as men have sought to micro manage God who is Spirit into a less than the relational aspect of his presence.
Isn't it time the truth was sought without all those added tooters, whistles and excuses. Narrowway has provided a number of series of papers that deal with historical truths for those willing to take a step. In the face of truth we added the attachment from (lake side ) with their permission which we are thankful for. Freely provided a challenge to me years ago,as I ask the questions to myself seeing a standing still mode which does not appear to be the case once intense and in depth study of scripture is conducted it becomes fast obvious, there is no go along to just get along, there was intense discussion pursuit of truths and the knowledge of the ever present awareness of the workings of the Spirit, it was not a mere intellectual or system ascent but purely relational as it has been all along and perhaps why we have what have to day. Enjoy with an eye for action in the right direction.We sure did, and the changes are well worth alldoen is amazing almost wordless, as faith and Spirit led are more than mere poetic ideas. As Paul would teach Shepard one another in Thessaloniki is the language emphasis, there is time to move ahead of the elementary things onto stable maturity out side of waiting 400-500 years to do so or take the next step.
In the 1970's Stanley Romaine Hopper wrote section which described at that time an utter neglect of dealing with the things and presence of the life giving Spirit in today's tradition, often opposes the apostolic traditions which was Spirit led.
The God of the Bible has no room for other gods. The Lord Jesus Christ made it unmistakably clear
that all religions are not equal nor can they be compromised. .
we would like to furthr recommend the works of ekklesia as God intended a great read and helps put some of the perspectives back into reality ourtside the business models.We felt there is not worthy distinction between that which was purley relational verses that derived out of a legal spirit, which has often replaced teh Holy Spirit . Ignorance is not bliss, What are the motives for standing still? pleasing people, money, or fear, power over another,or our own good pleasure, will all come back to sting us. Tozar made refference to these like ways in his writings often. As we do to those seeking, I would like thank those now doing so praise God.
we would like to furthr recommend the works of ekklesia as God intended a great read and helps put some of the perspectives back into reality ourtside the business models.We felt there is not worthy distinction between that which was purley relational verses that derived out of a legal spirit, which has often replaced teh Holy Spirit . Ignorance is not bliss, What are the motives for standing still? pleasing people, money, or fear, power over another,or our own good pleasure, will all come back to sting us. Tozar made refference to these like ways in his writings often. As we do to those seeking, I would like thank those now doing so praise God.
By Divine inspiration Paul wrote to Timothy .