Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Your questions.

QUICK QUESTION?  your thoughts are well founded, it;s a relationship , what God wanted to reestablish, Christianity became a religion,a  rational philosophy often mingled with pagan esoteric forms and terms which symbolized certain practices out side early .names such as Church and clergy were established to create a state controlled religious hierarchy , it was the goal of the prodesdant england to only chage in word but keep the same poltical forms. The reformation  desired to go backand do away with to many additives elevating humans into mixtures of faith and state.

In the case of sardis which entered such a relationship with culture and city rulers it would aid in it;s demise and no longer experience the spirit's power, nor was it  became unconcious of  it;s condition,  state which was termed as dead... Though they had a form of religion they had no conscious awareness of God in them as the body they once were before the  unholy unions led them ever furtehr into compromise.. 1 Corinth 1-4

Getting back requires a complete turn a round away back to awareness .OT and the NT where Paul denounces the quest in philosophy,  as a vehicle to better define God;s works was often mingled with esoteric  forms. See Clement and Origen admitted mixing them,  we have quotes from Ireanous dealing withe  the dead condition by 300AD.

I suggest people read and research the  related historical data to avoid the modified facts  not just believe whatever comes down the slide.

I think it would be redundant for me to try define the elder role just to beat words the articles (the word that changed the world) and (the great ecclesiastical conspiracy) clears upa lot mmsiatkes made.
NARROWWAY is interested in the full restoration of the priest hood of all believers not just the few.

 The once glorious undivided fellow ship was JESUS CENTERED,  without all the associations tied together with world were not dependant on  earths treasure hunts.We feel the truth is far more valuable than just going along to get along type of thinking.

 Our love is extended in the spirit of truth and knowledge based on the best tools we have the tradition of men often adds extensive obstacles to getting into a Spirit led life as you have well ask the questions pertaining to why you see the stagnation of our time.

In no way do we foster  ill will but on the last day we all will be ask in the faith did you do what I ask you to do I doubt their will be much reference sir to the platonic theology, sun goddess based forms,  or the esoteric  practices  spoken of in the two  studies supplied by the groups performing the historical  documentation we suggested. Our feeling is why waste time let's know now before little is left to speak for. God hated religion in the Ot, Amos 5;21 and  does in the Nt,German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, stood up to the spineless religionism of the German Lutheran Church during World War II and was killed by the Nazis. In his Letters and Papers from Prison he sets up the antimony between faith and religion and argues for a "nonreligious" or "religionless Christianity."

Your next question accreditation, school accrediting is a business first and for most,  I think Bible school is fine and people feel they need it. I enjoyed the learning part. It forced me to prove myself.


Barth wrote that
"the revelation of God is the abolition of religion."
"It is always the sign of definite misunderstanding when an attempt is made to systematically coordinate revelation and fix their mutual relationship. 5
"In opposition to all 'religionism' the proclamation of the grace of God is introduced as the truth..."
"Religion is unbelief. It is a concern of...godless man."
"Religion is clearly seen to be a human attempt to anticipate what God in His revelation wills to do and does do. It is the attempted replacement of the divine work by a human manufacture."
"It is a feeble but defiant, an arrogant but hopeless, attempt to create something which man could do. In religion man bolts and bars himself against revelation by providing a substitute, by taking away in advance the very thing which has to be given by God. It is never the truth. It is a complete fiction, which has not only little but no relation to God."
This will help the journey a bit back to connection , Thanks blessings  to you all.

ecclesia at narrowway

Christianity is NOT Religion

The Latin word from which the English word "religion" is derived means "to bind up." Jesus did not come to bind us up in rules and regulations or rituals of devotion, but to set us free to be man as God inended.

©1998 by James A. Fowler. All rights reserved.

You are free to download this article provided it remains intact without alteration. You are also free to transmit this article and quote this article provided that proper citation of authorship is included.

A Study/Discussion Guide of this article has been prepared by Mr. Pat Beccia.
For a printable PDF copy of these questions

Christ In You Website
Christianity is NOT Religion series


Friday, April 25, 2014

A life apart

When Jesus walked the Earth, the only people he could not abide to be around, were the religious leaders. 

He was constantly calling them on their hypocrisy and self-righteousness LEGALISM. .. until they killed Him for it. Jesus hung with the rabble, rejects and ragamuffins.Not very impressive people even in our time. 

I dare say, if Jesus was here today, you probably wouldn't find Him in church. He'd be right where He was before ... with the broken ones. He would be building the true ecclesia people so they would know how to tell the difference we call ti discernment undivided and able and willing. Narrowway follows that path way as well.

He'd be in back alleys with prostitutes, in basements with drug addicts, in hospitals with terminal AIDS patients. Dealing with cults. be with the hurting, lonely and outcast; those who have been ravaged by life and (all too often) rejected by the church mill. He would leave the 99 sheep in the pasture, to seek out that one lost sheep who needs Him the most.

There is no pre-nuptial agreement for the Bride of Christ.the blood is good enough. Just maybe it;s time  for the real deal.

narrow way made  the move long ago into a dynamic relational  journey where  knowing  was a for real  awareness than just a few facts but a life with an interment connect  and path way of self surrender even in our own weakness and falls,  we got back up!!! laughed off the foolish things we heard, or called to ,  and ran the race for life to see others set free. We do not promote a victim mentality, but promote faith love and truth in  age  where darkness  is hailed as new way of life. READ THE GOSPEL OF JOHN kJ3------ GET FREE, LIVE A REAL LIFE


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


trapped can't get out???praying for you,   need real help,? their those who can provide a way out, it;s a start  even for those deeply inside it,, don;t be afraid, the loss is the end  of deadend into real life.


Sunday, April 20, 2014



If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.PROVERDS 29;12 yep that looks about right.

 And the people will oppress one another, every one his fellow and every one his neighbor; the youth will be insolent to the elder, and the despised to the honorable. Isiah 3;4-5  Boy that sounds dead on,... thanks

Luke 22;25-28
And he said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those in authority over them are called benefactors. But not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves. For who is the greater, one who reclines at table or one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at table? But I am among you as the one who serves. “You are those who have stayed with me in my trials...  I think this is as clear as it gets.

narrowway  "on higher ground" JESUS WAY only

Thursday, April 17, 2014

1 Corinthians 1-4 only

Yes, youask here is how it works, this is true in all areas of life and functions both secular and  relgious in nature.

Once you build an institution together you have to protect it and its assets to be good stewards. It confuses everything. Even love gets redefined as that which protects the institution and unloving as that which does not.
It will turn some of the nicest people in the world into raging maniacs and they never stop to think that all the name-calling and accusations are the opposite of love…It’s love with a hook…We give our affection only to those who serve our interests, and withhold it from those who do not.....Institutionalism breeds task-based friendships.

As long as you're on the same task together, you can be friends. When you're not, people tend to treat you like damaged goods.
this was the case early as the ecclesia disssloved into poltical wrestling
It is customary to blame secular science and anti-religious philosophy for the eclipse of religion in modern society. It would be more honest to blame religion for its own defeats. Religion declined not because it was refuted, but because it became irrelevant, dull, oppressive, insipid.

When faith is completely replace by creed, worship by discipline, love by habit; when the crisis of today is ignored because of the splendor of the past; when faith becomes an heirloom rather than a living fountain; when religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion - its message becomes meaningless.
Unlike prophets, churchmen are the product of institutions. In the safety and permanence of institutions they put their trust. They resolutely oppose the prophets whom they accuse of disturbing their repose and rocking the boat.

NW REAL FAITH ,Jesus fear not believe.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Simply the Right direction

It's simple, each of you who are in him are the temple, God as Spirit works in all of his peope theri are no temple priests today the whole body is free to share thanks. 

God does not dwell in temples made with human hands, we are living stones (Acts 7:48)

PRAISE GOD.... The one true teacher,  we do not needt o go back to the  OT cov nor do we need to go to any of the  mystery relgions of the past to know Jesus Christ or Yeshuwa... undivided and caring for each other is not a profiling exercise or profit mill. It's personal each one  at a time.

1 Corinthinas 1-4 speaks the condtionof one;s mind providing they  avoid the constraints of human doubt and fear, We are called to go, reach out and change the times where the lrod wills, the question dear oen is are we hearing him or the trying to answer the question in back of book? or guessing, getting close is taking time like your loved ones to be with them, God is no different, those alone times will make the path way deeply clear. Love to all of the gang there.
we;'re friends and in connection for ever here and to come.

 Each of you are opart of the whole. Pray fro all about you. And the nation we live in , it;s a real mess.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Spirit led? free?

A commandment of love,


“For as many as are led (guided) by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14, NKJV). Kj3

Have you ever stopped to seriously think what this verse of Scripture is speaking to us about? The fruit of a Holy Spirit-filled life is that we know the reality and experience of what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit. It means that we have learned to trust the Lord enough to make ourselves available and yielded to the Holy Spirit to guide us in whatever and wherever He desires. It is no longer our asking God to bless what we’re doing, but our being obedient to God to doing that which He wants us to do. That is a big difference. Being led of the Holy Spirit is a sign ~ and an evidence ~ that we are maturing in our walk with Jesus and know Him sufficiently well enough to do His will, His bidding. Jesus said, “If you [really] love Me you will keep (obey) My commands” (John 14:15, Amp. Bible).
It was Jesus Himself Who sent the Blessed Holy Spirit to lead and guide us! You can rest assured that if Jesus sends us Someone or something, then we desperately need what He sends! For too long we have neglected and rejected the provision of God to us and have tried to fulfil Christianity in our own efforts ~ that is religion, not reality. God’s way is far above our ways and He wants us to so know the Holy Spirit that being led of the Holy Spirit is a blessed reality, not a Scripture quote that we know nothing or little about (theory rather than reality).
When we are yielded to the Holy Spirit ~ with a commitment to do whatever He asks us ~ then we are “His witnesses” wherever we go (Acts 1:8). It is a daily relationship with the Living God through the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:11)! And He lives inside every Spirit-filled believer right NOW! He speaks, He leads, He guides, He shows us what to do, He tells us of things to come, and much more (see John Chapters 14 to 16). He provides us with whatever we need to fulfil His purposes here on earth. But we have to be led.
 1 Corinthians 1-4, we are praying for people lost inthe utterly dark cults of our time our culture been oblivous to it;s impact, we;re praying for all those we have met and those to yetto do so, to escape into life of jesus Christ not as a religion but as relationship filled with joy and abundance in servitude not just in things but in deeply connected life, where the fruit of real love will supersede the selfish ambitions of the desruction of their own lives as well as others.
 Our rpayers for the needs of so many in deeply confused locked into self destructive culture of drugs and apathy. We are praying for those  who need real life and hope to see them or you set free.
Thanks, from narrowway2011

Friday, April 11, 2014

Some things never change

GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796
However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

 Sadly this has  become common practice.. "We the people"

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Really trusting?

Jesus said, "Fear not! Only believe!" (Luke 8:30). Why did He use the word "only?" Well, at birth God has given to every human being the ability to believe – just watch a little child. It is simple. When you are hungry, only eat. When you are thirsty only drink. When you are tired only sleep. And when you need a miracle from God, Jesus opens His arms and says “only believe”. You got it! Practice it. God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE

It's simple but hard to do, our pragmatic religion's  philosophies do not allow for faith, in such a way we say it but can we do it?, casting off doubt, excuses, fear, and second guessing, become traps in growth and resort to human make shift models which try to mirror a real faith.. That's all very cultural, the idea of weakness is perceived as wisdom today so is not knowing, assuming we can not know is what Christ never endorsed 1 Corinth 1-4, the mind of who? which does not name doubt fear and unknowings but certainty and ability and the means to be aware of the things to come..Spirit led is  not phycology 101, or the twisted ideologies of natural man and his trends.

 As is  skepticism can,  we can know much more. A tool into mere human philosophy Unmasking faith so it's free to operate is not a traditional event it requires pulling away from doubt and fear and ignorance  into living relationship nurtured by faith connection and awareness. All of which take time to grow and know what it is to know."You have to go through it to know it", what Jesus was all about. h e goes with you and knows you through it.

Something we do is to take the time to know our God, a relationship is not philosophy that's man made and twists things for it's liking what Paul warned about in the Acts as he does in other letters and Peter is riddled with faith. One might say the Spirit of God is the quantum side of what we can not see but are well connected into so mudding the water with human fallacies  blurr the path way.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

America's freedom abounds?

“May we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter"
George Washington.

Perhaps no greater time then now to tie on some sound thinking skills, People seek security? if we sell our rights for security  we may find temporary   peace in a Stalin's  like siberian gulage or Nazi like death camp one may find an element of secuity in either if they are willing to forfit their rights ? In order to live in a fictious eternal entitalment based culture.Where thought and speech are controlled by mindless.
So well said! thanks to the sender...get active protect your rights,America is to be free.