Thursday, September 6, 2012

We're an Ekklesia

An ecclesia is about people, the Scriptures says we are the temple now.

Whereas a ‘church’ in many people’s minds is a building, or denomination, there are  no such things in scripture,  an ecclesia is a group of people, “an assembly of the called”, meets anywhere with any of the people in homes or otherwise, meeting house but we desire to avoid the huge expenses of buildings and many of the added traditions, but rather adhere to what God original plane  is...which is the literal meaning of the Greek.

 For those of us in the happy position of being Christadelphians, and who thereby belong to an ecclesia, the term should be a reminder not just of our “calling” by God ( as in Eph. 4:4; Phil. 3:14; Heb. 3:1, John17,), but also of the fact that we have been called, not into a building made up of literal stones, but rather into a spiritual lining temple made up of people who are being fashioned for eternal life swallowed up in life by their Creator.

 Unlike a church, which is built of inanimate materials,wood and titles and stones, an ecclesia consists, by definition, of people, of men and women who are “called to be saints” (1 Cor. 1:2). In responding to the invitation from God through the call of the gospel, therefore, we come, as the writer to the Hebrews puts it, “to the general assembly  or Tyndale would have held to the original   design of God, not man would make the statements such as the  of the firstborn, which are written in heaven” (12:23).

Our desire is to see the body unified and able.We could not find historical justification for what was added latter as having Biblical place, perhaps we can unify and experience the once power the body had inthe begining beofre it decided to follow man for the fear of public opinion and noterity and wealth onto love and care and hope and faith.

We do nto feel money is bad buthe love it often leads to distortion and power, and desire to do wicket things to hold onto control or status.

we added the article taken from the hiscox paper
An interesting observation: (Hiscox Standard Baptist Manual, p. 120). Hiscox believed the New Testament church was completely autonomous (independent), but that man could improve upon God's original design by developing Associations, State Conventions and Conferences. Other groups  or denominations  ignoring the Bible pattern, have developed massive regional and national organizations. But he individualis remainslargely seeking else where to find the answers they need, we hope to provide the historical truths and direction back to faith. Our hope is to see the operation functionin their origanl intent.

It was well said that the scriptures must be understood in the same Spirit they are written in, like wise  it would appear wise to do things the way  God made them available to us without us seeking to place man above his creation Romans one.
We're merely stating to all our family lets get back to God letting him speak for himself ,we're happy to see the body be one . the things we could do if we stuck to the truth.

We associate ourselves, in other words, with those people who, in like manner to ourselves, have called out and changed by the Word of God and have thereby been “begotten . John 16-17,. . again unto a lively a living hope” (1 Pet. 1:3,23-25), John 3-16.
It will become apparent, in our consideration of the role and purpose of the ecclesia, that people, with all their needs, and more so Gifts  can and will  contribute  to by which grwoth will take place.

We aid those interested to learn study and move quickly beyond the elementary things, to compare and think and exercise faith , discernment, by stepping out of their comfort zones in a life in which the impossible becomes in time a passion to live by,onto Christ by which to grow onto maturity, not in hundreds of years but in life time.
We're not static or stagnant, and move all the time,and go places as fast as we can, while we pray to have more ways to go by, it;s living body that does more than it says 1 Corinth 4;20, we take  1 Corinth 1,2,3,  a great boost to go by.

We hold fast not to keep the body in ignorance or dependant but raise up those able to think for themselves in the fullness of the truth given us by which to bare testimony and guidance to those coming by faith and to the out reach so we may be effective. 
The ecclesia,  is our spiritual home, it;s all who are his  without the  add ons,our spiritual family, the channel through which we receive the benefits that flow to the children of God from their heavenly Father: Fellowship, spiritual food, forgiveness of sins, personal support, and wise counsel from likeminded brethren and sisters. Truly in the ecclesia, and only there, are the psalmist’s words fulfilled in our own experience: “The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage” (Ps. 16:6). Love ye one another. Pslam one, Porverbs one may bare his wisdom to guide us so  we do not have  to approve upon what God has decreed.

