Friday, February 24, 2017

Getting out of the fog...

what does it say????: If anyone will not receive you or listen o what you say then  as you leave that house or town shale the dust form your feet. I tell you it will be on the day of judgment it will be more bearable for the land of some and Gomorrah than for that town. Matt 14-15 NEB

No warmed over physco  babble stuff will suffice, or fix  it...   nor will the magical delusion of  positive and negative thinking, remedy the endless stream of pandemics from drugs to murder and  all violent cult stuff, or the mal content tarring apart cities...
Often  in a nation which  flounders in the ancient form   (reca) or the inability to think,  or well enough to escape or change  from the perpetual consequences now amassing as result of not knowing the differences  of even the very base truths.


"You know that the so-called rulers in the heathen world lord it over them, and their great men have absolute power. But it must not be so among you. No, whoever among you wants to be great must become the servant of you all, and if he wants to be first among you he must be the slave of all men! For the Son of Man himself has not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life to set many others free."

it's a real shame and spiritual  failure,  as  greed and self made rulers lord it over the  people in the body using the pagan systems to do so  the same to mechanize people one way or the other in business practices or  in collective assembly of faith.  The danger in arrogance of it is deeply destructive as it is distorted from the way of Christ. As Jesus warned not to do so.

The way of the America constitution  was like wise created for Christian based based culture, people rule themselves  with minimal  corruption of  taxation and theft and murder and all the rest of the  twisted stuff that's gone on . They established  this to  spin the terms and use the ignorance of the masses to their advantage to confuse and  rewrite the  beauty into socialist order.
the only real remedy is living the Christ life a real departure of the from the greed and violence of bankrupt culture at many levels as...

praying to escape the endless insanity we are! as we can...

Jesus says come out and follow him....

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Speaking of ....

Spiritual" Love

The human heart can love the human Jesus as it can love the human Lincoln, but the spiritual love of Jesus is something altogether different from and infinitely superior to the purest love the human heart can know. Indeed, it is not possible to love Jesus rightly except by the Holy Spirit. Only the third Person of the Trinity can love the second Person in a manner pleasing to the Father.

The spiritual love of Jesus is nothing else but the Spirit in us loving Christ the Eternal Son. Christ, after the flesh, receives a great deal of fawning attention from the liberal and the modernist, but love that is not the outflow of the indwelling Holy Spirit is not true spiritual love and cannot be acceptable to God.

 We do Christ no honor when we do no more than to give Him the best of our human love. Even though we love Him better than we love any other man, still it is not enough if He merely wins first place in competition with Socrates or Walt Whitman. He is not rightly loved until He is loved as very God of very God, and the Spirit within us does the loving.
There is much in present-day gospel circles that illustrates the distinction we are pointing out. A great many loud protestations of love for Christ leave the discerning heart with the impression that they are but sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. Innumerable sweet love ballads are sung to Jesus by persons who have never known the inward illumination of the Holy Spirit or felt the shock that comes with a true sight of the sinful pollution of nature

Teach us to know that we cannot know, for the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Let faith support us where reason fails, and we shall think because we believe, not in order that we may believe.”  – Knowledge of the Holy.

 from the heart of the ecclesia .. enjoy.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

breaking free of willful ignorance

 Breaking into freedom ,

the stigma of legal spirit has done m much and is centuries deep the life of the spirit being  reduced or nilled,  or morphed into a mere mixture  of philosophical physcobable. Forms of man's creation. As the creation of doubt or appeasement stifles the spirit led unction driven lives...   He offered the same  remedy the apostle Paul has.. 2 Corinthian  3,  7-12, kj3 or the ylt, the ministry of death in the former covenant  would be changed into a ministry of life in the new order Christ, under the  spirit  who is God  is still perhaps scarce as far as those understanding. The actual freedom and power that comes with the new change is heavily neglected in order maintain the ole temple image of buildings  etc the rest of the doubt..  , well defined here in his writes.

There fore having such hope we use much boldness is the finals statement he makes  as he defined the ministry of death verses the one  of life...11th verse

Thanks , getting free of  organized doubt and fear is a requirement for faith to work , neither of which the former  God  considered  useful, only faith ,  all done out side of faith is sin ! or those seeking to trap others in it,  to be operative and succeed out side the of the man made religions one must for sake  what is incapable of pleasing him,  Faith any teaching or reasoning out of faith  pleases him . .NW

Still crippled by doubt and fear and unknowing ness?   

"To keep Satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions" (Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary, emphasis mine).
Paul was keenly aware of the unseen spiritual battle raging around him, which is the reason why he kept on telling those to whom he wrote that they must not be ignorant. Yes, evangelization and missions are important, but if you will take the time to check it out, you will find that 90% (or more) of the New Testament is devoted to doctrine and instruction in righteousness. with precious little devoted to "how to witness seminars." And every bit of it is intended to equip the saints for a life of service in the middle of the battle. Beloved, the average Christian, seated in the average Church today, is being fed a steady diet of salvation sermons and "warmed-over psychology," with no teaching whatsoever on the enemy! Oh, the devil and hell are mentioned just enough to try to scare someone into "making a decision for Christ," but anything of real substance relative to the subject of spiritual warfare is totally lacking. 

Willful ignorance is the worst kind.