Friday, December 28, 2012

 The fellowship goes back to the word in Aramaic "Chaburah or chaber, a comrade or companion , friend" they formed a small communities and expanded as an ecclesia, and were shot through and through of the Holy Spirit unlike today.

  which got us a lot of what see today, but back to the core. see Woe OesterleyThe jewish back ground of the christian litergy1925 pp 167,172

The word according to the study was changed to church in the latin form from ecclesia would support the pagan sway of the sun god attached with the Circe-term old latin MSS,  term as the word orgins come fromkirk or church was not found in scriptures . Uncetainty as to why that remains  is the question,  Sun god worship was very common  in Rome and under Constantine as it was added in latter on and used by others..

They were based on friendship the Spirit in them increased his  power of love and unity came out of it,Spirit awarenesss there was no ownership or priest created to once again we see  injections  human mediums over them but it was purely Spirit led ihnthe origanal, they met Saturday nights and ate meals together and shared the works of the spirit amoung them.

The fellow ship was intensely christocentric and Christ concious, they were aware of the direct activity of the Holy Spirittowards  each other, unlike the divided condition of today where he has been largely authorized by various filter grids.

The Hopwood story is  specific on the key issues of body, the actual spirituality of the body of those times before sungod worship and the philosphies drafted themselvews in intothe thinking  often stifling I would assume.
 The fellowship was the Koinonia, friends gathered they were conscious of the Spirit in them, their fellowship was aware of their relationship fully. The fellowship is driven of the Spirit in them, they are evidencing the presence of God / Holy Spirit, the third part of the trinity  is active in  his forms of operation, there were philosophers or  mediums to supervise the Holy Sprit ministry  unlike today where we have many forms of media like  controls. God went through common people,  , he spoke for himself. He did not a need a tax break, or compromise "his saving power and miracles" jesus cenrtal all the way.  He referred to them as "My eccleasia".

They were not or ever in  a formal organizatrion at all quote ;hopwood it is the creative power of jesus Christ biding us together out of experience with a living savior centerd in Jesus Christ spontanously influencing the  emergance of the ecclesia in many places . 

 "Jesus viewed it as My ecclesia" My Isreal

The members of this new community were   "friends" deeply  spiritually  bonded in awareness.

They were ruled by the Spirit, phil 2;1 2 Corth13;14, later he says the fellowship is brought about by the  intercoarse with the Holy Spirit as deep personal relationship with him. Which all christians were expericing  among them . The ecclesia is not the invention of men or Paul it was brought about by the God the Holy Spirit.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

We believe following;--- That the justification of God's elect, is only by the righteousness (Rom. 3:28 and 4:6 and 5:16-19) of Christ imputed to them,

 That the justification of God's elect, is only by the righteousness (Rom. 3:28 and 4:6 and 5:16-19) of Christ imputed to them, without the consideration of any works of righteousness done by them; and that the full and free pardon of all their sins and transgressions, past, present, and to come, is only through the blood of Christ, (Rom. 3:25; Eph. 1:7; Col. 2:13; 1 John 1:7, 9) according to the riches of his grace.

 That there is but one (Deut. 6:4; 1 Cor. 8:6; 1 Tim. 2:5; Jer. 10:10) only living and true God: that there are (1 John 5:7; Matthew 28:19) three persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who are equal in nature, power, and glory; and that the Son ((John 10:30; Phil. 2:6; Rom. 9:5; 1 John 5:20) and the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:3, 4; 1 Cor. 3:16, 17; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18) are as truly and properly God as the Father.

 That the Lord Jesus Christ, being set up from (Prov. 8:22, 23; Heb. 12:24) everlasting as the Mediator of the covenant, and he having engaged to be the (Ps. 49:6-8; Heb. 7:22) Surety of his people, did In al. 4:4; Heb. 2:14, 16, 17) human nature, and not before, neither in whole, nor in part; his human soul being a creature, existed not from eternity, but was created and formed in his body by him that forms the spirit of man within him, when that was conceived in the womb of the virgin; and so his human nature consists of a true body and a reasonable soul: both which, together and at once the Son of God assumed into union with his divine person, when made of a woman, and not before; in which nature he really suffered, and died (Rom. 4:25; 1 Cor. 15:3; Eph. 5:2; 1 Peter 3:18) as the substitute of his people, in their room and stead; whereby he made all that satisfaction (Rom. 8:3, 4 and 10:4; Isa. 42:21; Rom.

, that all those, who are chosen by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sanctified by the Spirit, shall certainly and finally (Matthew 24:24; John 6:39, 40 and 10:28, 29; Matthew 16:18; Ps. 125:1, 2; 1 Peter 1:5; Jude 24; Heb. 2:13; Rom. 8:30) persevere; so that not one of them shall ever perish, but shall have everlasting life.

That there will be a resurrection of the dead; (Acts 24:15; John 528, 29; Dan. 12:2) both of the just and unjust; and that Christ will come a second time to judge (Heb. 9:28; Acts 17:31; 2 Tim. 4:1; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 1 Thess. 4:15-17) both quick and dead; when he will take vengeance on the wicked, and introduce his own people into his kingdom and glory, where they shall be for ever with him.

That singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs vocally, (Matthew 26:30; Acts 16:25; 1 Cor. 14:15, 26; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) is an ordinance of the Gospel, to be performed by believers; but that as to time, place, and manner, every one ought to be left to their (James 5:13) liberty in using it.

Now all and each of these doctrines and ordinances, we look upon ourselves under the greatest obligation to embrace, maintain,, and defend; believing it to be our duty (Phil. 1:27; Jude 3) to stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel.


 I enjoyed his works ongrace and so much more. I added this from his book section to give you an idea  of grace and a deeply conencted awareness of the lord in his mind.

 Yes, the questions of systems coems up, if you go way , way back it was largely relaitonal, after all that's what those final grade comes out of , fabricating a philsosphy?  out of the personal indwelling who is trying to get your attention to make real life changes, in the indwelling christ , in man's pride it becomes an end in itself, or a god, to many..The question is are we going to build buildings careers and money piles or are we going to beocme servants and set aside easy colorful faith into a real  faith beyoud your abilities to let God reshape you into his model , so that one day you and I will  not be barren in the last hour.

The whole pupose fo the ekklesia is to get one out of instutionalized thinking into direct connection of discernment, no special place or certain codes but his word, connected actally  knowing the mind of Christ led of the Holy Spirit and knowing how to yield to his lead and manifesting presence in his people who are the temple, so all those external marketing ploys  get dissolved away into real action living for Christ.

In the Christmas season oen has to look at Chirst not just as babe as he came so humble and built only by being in a stable, and lived a life out side the ivory based religions we have today, and those early ones would not know what it is we are doing, scary How we build will one bare great joy for some, humble sharing with wisdom love with knowledge, power from on high is not compromise, or confusion, lack of faith ..  I wonder if we grasp the rela christmas spirit and left allthe junk behind and did something for others without in faith picking people we dispise and do not see as the proper inthe culture of lies we live in, perhaps now is the time to become like  him, stable , going in the night to the lostand pbrotken where ever they are not themcomingto you so we can sake out cold legal fingers at them  but us becoming like them and taking their place to give of your self , than we would know what a merry Chirst mass is ..

 I can say this having lived and goen throughlot of aches pains and that life often is way to shortt o come short inthe last days remember, paul talks of building, how you build, imagien doing allthat finding out he says what were you thinking, that means little to me what baout the people all aroudn you? can't you discern I provided the power to do so but you shunned it for the glory of men, what loss, one day. It happens, I read them nowe and than but remin true to not havingto run to rome or greece to try make it all fit when inthe short years,  he wil be asking about you having doen all you can to stand? that part is largely misisng today, I see it all the time 

Friday, December 21, 2012


The priesthood of the believer! this is for those asking, by all means we see elders as vital but not as medium betweeen us and Christ, the roles are far different from the actual terms and practices then they are from secular  state controlled or denomaintional run operations who have  other insterests than Christ alone.thanks The best of Christmas, , we;re one with all other true believers.

I lie to thank the Assembly is for letting my presence bare testimoney to the 10 years or more of night street ministry, narrowway  is purly faith driven christocentric undivided and deeply truth seeking, I think what it;s all about,   we worship Christ in Spirit and truth



Thursday, December 20, 2012

Moving forward

NARROWWAY is not likely to retreat back into SARDIS any time soon.

Merrry Christmas..

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lord have mercy on our nation!

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand." John 10:27-28

"... choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

Internment Camps in "free" America?
"...we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Temple of God!

Christ our High Priest has made one sacrifice for sin for all time (Hebrews 10:12), and there is no more sacrifice for sin that can be made (Hebrews 10:26). But as priests once offered other kinds of sacrifices in the temple, so it is clear from 1 Peter 2:5,9 that God has chosen Christians "to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:5-9 speaks of two aspects of the priesthood of the believer. One ask what does that actually look like in the early body.

The first is  believers are privileged, thus all are able to participate in ministry which is every day all day and  with everyone one not just the few hired people. The idea is always community the gatherings were in a community life style not shop store models. It was totally undivided, quenching the spirit in form was not likely till later as men sought power  exchanged that which is revelatory for the natural wisdom. 
 Christ centeredness was mostly found in the people with little to gain from any corrupt worldly system. All through history to this day nothing has changed, the ratio is always the few, but the few whom  understand the actual sense of the priesthood of the believer in a relationally driven life in christo centric effort abide and endure all the way through..

Fellowship is with Christ first and for most , the question of faith is found out side of a easy life, where taking  steps into world where the spoon is no more, and baby food is  removed, and you have take the steps of life as God led. It breaks the life  long spiritual infancy into direction and understanding
We feel the body is to follow the original model set forth in actual scriptures the way it was simple, not a career path or a place one can experience the living Christ verses that of a mere historical one 1 Corinth 1,2,3 Kj3, Young's literal.,we're the temple now, where ever we meet and how ever God is not interested in huts or glass, nothing we build  with hay, gold or wood can contain him, we;re temple ever wonder what Jesus was talking about when he said we shall do greater works? something is missing,??,,

 This  relationship not superficial, ever. thanks....... lOVE TO ALL.

Monday, December 10, 2012

You ask, do I follow a system ?

The answer is no, I do not believe  God is ever been a system, he may operate in them, but is not imprisoned to them, but is very personal with his creatian and  more so with us his body. 

 Not to discredit those doing so,,, ,it is man talking one has to seek deep honesty but we can only see dimly in our best specualtion.Very bright people doing them all.

 I think they formed some pretty fair ideas. But again I do not use logic to displace the supernatural function of the Holy Spirit in my life, to guide me,for the most part I enjoy some of them but spend little time in it most of the time. At this point in life it seems pretty much unusable to me in streetministry,  need his power more than my ideas.
 I use the general forms of it to read or learn, to get an idea as a tool to look, but learnt to seperate myself from assumed insight to that  which is directly there. Also important to eb honest many things we will never know.

 It;s far more important to know the making of the mind of Christ and learning how to know the mechanism of living Spirit in way as to know what to do in sec by sec events in life.

 Life is  to short and the vitallity of growing by faith comes from  a relational aspect we're all  longing for, and need in the end. I think the question will be did you do what I ask?there in will the real rewards come.

 It;s where the grades will be answered to,  or lost over. My inward man  tells to be  purly relational not so much as a philosphy per-se but a dynamic knowable relationship.

So time does not let me debate much of it,  but hold to the impressions of the Spirit as much as I can, due to my own inconsistancies, I fumble the ball now and than hahah, just a man bought by his grace-blood, that alone has my mind  bond in thanks.

 Here is what I did, take the time to get to know God, he;s not a book or a formula he;s a person. Spirit alive  what the two testaments are all about, love one another as he has loved us in an ungoing unselfish love, lot of time in systems often  become mere dogma a battle cry to the want-to-bes and brutle engagements take place part of our old nature turf fighting etc, what we been speaking to here in the blog on many issues. Getting back to him.

Our goal is to become more like him, all of us, more love, care, dsicernment, and working out the faith by reaching to the world which is an utter mess at every level, what we need to be doing.

 Think... Lets do it, plenty of opertunity out there. God will one day call  it all in, boy what a day depsite all  arrogance to see what we can do to get away with stuff will not be fun to be unable to whipe it off, when we're all caught in whatever, than have to answer for it. love to you, time to surrender let the lord Jesus take over.READ THE GOOD NEWS

Enjoy,, when walking in faith, no sytem can endure only what his presence in us can do, where ever we are.may that all grow in your account to earn the interest of your lord thus  you may be rich his presence and blessed beyoud measure that day.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas madness an alternative to materrialism, time to listen

Alone with God

"Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible. It wears us out by multiplying distractions and beats us down by destroying our solitude, where otherwise we might drink and renew our strength before going out to face the world again.
"The thoughtful soul to solitude retires," said the poet of other and quieter times; but where is the solitude to which we can retire today? Science, which has provided men with certain material comforts, has robbed them of their souls by surrounding them with a world hostile to their existence.
"Commune with your own heart upon your bed and be still" is a wise and healing counsel, but how can it be followed in this day of the newspaper, the telephone, the radio and the television? These modern playthings, like pet tiger cubs, have grown so large and dangerous that they threaten to devour us all and undo a sound mind. What was intended to be a blessing has become a positive curse. No spot is now safe from the world's intrusion."

We felt you might like this since many of us cator to it maybe a time for a break.?

Our prayers at narrowway to all those without food, hope, love, and reason to go on, we know what it;s like, over ten years of street ministry, May this season be a new one a new life take the time to read the scriptures, we enjoy the kj3 or the Young's literal, yes, were serious about getting back to truth,is, we decided  we wanted to be rich in his ways.  After all life is to short to be guessing. Love to you in the Christmas season, from narrowway,, always with his hope, joy and love .

"And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there." Matthew 14:23

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

May truth abound

We agree here as well the situation of truthfulness matters the historical information and the trends set by misinformation have played a role in the fast bond state found  static Christianity today, tradition has replaced spirit led and formalism which avoided the priesthood of the believers, we're seeking to restore  vitality of the whole body not just a few, we feel that the article here speaks to the issues well. A life of Spirit led life operating in faith were soem of thr questions s we were ask by a group of young people. We endorse the Young's literal and Kj3 translations as an improvement over the political vernacular ecclesiastical tranaltions still in use today.

Yes, we performed our own research etc on the life and translational terms activities surround in the King James  issues where words were changed in order to sustain the political structures  and people under the sway of it's control.

 New testament brotherhood was reclassified into non scriptural functions into laity and clergy neither of which mirroed the early ekklesia, we felt our desire is to get back to the truth avoiding pitfalls along the way that generated the peope who were shot rhoughand through of the spirit into a old covanant like preisthood which we feel was done away with in the NT age..

Our personal research was in Constantine, King James and the Tyndale event, the word church,and it;s orgins, forms and the ekklesia which was community function not mere lecture hall forum,  and why it replaced the people as the temple of God making location and wealth  a factor as well as buildings.

 Hopwood Religious experience of the primitive church 1927, Barclay 1 Corinth letter on the body activities Spirit led 1957,, the ekklesia early church history, etc.... Thank those in ekkelesia, seeking to restore the body origanal functions who have desired to learn the differences we thank you for the invite to have shared some of the details with you.

The quote from the author, of this paper.

In spite of the title of this article, you are still probably asking yourself if the English-speaking world really needs another New Testament translation. The answer is a definitive -- YES!
There are many reasons but I will give you the best reason first. The Kings James Version proved to be so popular that other versions that came along afterward were forced into using much of the same vernacular in order to be economically viable.

In other words, if these companies expected to sell their versions, they were forced to keep much of the KJV vernacular and many obvious transliterations.
For an example of transliteration you can examine the Greek word "angelos." Angelos correctly translated would render messenger, every time. However, Instead of translating angelos into the English word messenger the KJV scholars transliterated it angel.
You might ask yourself why would they do such a thing in the first place? Only God knows for sure but one safe bet would be that the term was already in common use when the manuscripts were translated.
Besides, "angel" held a strong connection with the human psyche then and now because of the images it conjures up in the mind. You have a multitude of paintings of angels in many different situations -- the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is just one example. The word messenger simply doesn't stir the same imagination and emotion in the human heart.
An even more telling example of transliteration found in the KJV and those that followed is the Greek word "christos." Instead of translating christos into "anointed" which is the exact rendering and carried a profound meaning to the Jewish culture in which Jesus appeared, the KJV transliterated it and capitalized it Christ.
This error - and make no mistake it was an error even though the scholars knew better - has caused obvious interpretative difficulties to the reader. If fact, it is well known that most actually use the term "Christ" as Jesus' last name, causing them to miss the deeper meaning that is put forth by the correct translation "anointed."

Some of you may be saying to yourself, big deal. However, if you were actually interest in learning while you study, you would have been forced into digging deeper into the biblical significance of the word "anointed."
In reality, the KJV has many more significant biases than those caused by the transliteration of certain words. The Bible student must keep in mind that scholars with a very definite ecclesiastical paradigm translated the KJV. They were members of the Church of England. This denomination had its own sordid history of persecuting and torturing heretics (those who disagreed with the "powers that be"). They were also under certain strictures of the King of England.
As if this wasn't compromising enough, they had no personal experience of any other form than sacerdotal hierarchy. Because of this, they translated scriptures that had to do with leadership and "followship" in the strongest English terms. I will only mention one example here in this article.
In Hebrews 13:17 the verse states.
"Obey them that have the rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch for your souls, as those who must give account, let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable to you."
There are several words in the Greek language for "obey", but the one translated "obey" in Hebrews 13:17, is NOT one of them. For an example, hupakouo, is usually translated obey in Matthew 8:27,..."the winds and the sea obey him."

And yet the word peitho, rendered "obey" by the KJV in the Hebrews text under discussion, NEVER implies unwilling obedience and is never used in regard to obedience to congregational leaders.
Peitho, the word translated "obey" in Hebrews 13:17, is translated 23 times "persuade", 10 times "trust", and one time "agree". It is translated 5 times "obey," but only in Hebrews 13:17, 21, does it refer to obedience to another person (See Acts 5:36,37; Romans 2:8; Galatians 3:1; James 3:3). Don't you think it just a little strange that it is translated "obey" when speaking of "leadership" in this place?
Another scripture that is a blatant example of ecclesiastical bias is found in 1 Timothy 3:1-2. The Kings James Version renders it thus:
"This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the office of a Bishop, he desires a good work. A Bishop then must be blameless..."
The translators, under the king's injunction to keep the main terms of the Church of England's ecclesiastical form, make two main errors. The first is adding a word to the text that doesn't appear in the Greek, i.e. "office". There is neither a word in the text for office NOR the idea of office outside their own paradigm.
The second is an error in translation. The word translated "Bishop" is episkopos. The word means to "oversee", to "tend".
Vine defines it thus: "EPISKOPOS, lit., an overseer (epi, over, skopeo, to look or watch), whence Eng. "bishop"..." The passage in 1st Timothy actually reads, "If a man wants to oversee, he desires a good work."
One reformer wrote,
"I am convinced that the King James Translators, laboring under an 'institutional church' mentality, selected the strongest words possible which conveyed the idea that the people must submit to the authority of the Clergy. In this way King James could control the people through the Church, of which he was Supreme Ruler."
Another prominent bias that was handed down and instilled in the mind of countless churchmen was the unbiblical limiting of women's role in the churches. One example among many should suffice here.
The King James translators, as previously mentioned, were well acquainted with "ministers" within the Church of England hierarchy. They consistently translated the word diakonos "minister" when referring to a worker of the congregation except when it came to Phoebe, and then they translated it "servant" (Romans 16:1-2). Are you surprised? By the way, Phoebe is the only person in the entire New Testament who is referred to as a diakonos of a specific church and yet the KJV translators and most others that have followed suit purposefully dilute her "position".

As we know from experience, "minister" is a word that has become a title. This word is taken from the Latin translation of the Greek word diakonos meaning "servant," or properly "table servant." The word group is translated 38 times "minister" by the KJV. It is translated "ministry" 16 times, "ministering" 3 times, and "ministration" 6 times. It is translated "serve", "servant", and "service" 21 times. It would be correct to translate it "serve" and its derivatives every time.

These examples are just an hint of ecclesiastical biases included in the KJV New Testament that definitely effects the students beliefs and practices. Countless others could have been noted but it was not the purpose in this article to detail all translator biases that have adversely effected generations of Bible students but to point out the reasons why a non-ecclesiastical rendition of the New Testament is due.
If you want to read more on the subject you can view my thesis, "Men Who Would Be Kings" on my site under the article tab. Well praise God; there is such a translation now on the market. In fact, it is called "A Non-Ecclesiastical New Testament." The author is a self-taught Greek scholar with a PhD in math from the University of Florida. He spent more than 10 years researching, compiling and revising his translation and used only the earliest manuscripts. It is available in both PDF and hard copy and a preview is provided before purchase so that you can examine it for yourself. All the information can be found at []

Article Source:
We posted this knowing little of the writer but the facts were matching the historical research performed at narrowway, both in word study and checking the back ground of the historical mechanisms used to making the shift stick over the centuries.Thanks much, for those asking, we're as interested as you are on those truth issues.

Yes we also were able to recover some of the documents  in our work which reveled the intentions in the tyndale case and why the words were not used from the greek but were subject to slanting them into the offices and wealth and power.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The idol called the church where people worship the church rather than Christ is actually rooted in ancient temple worship (this is still practised by most other religions on earth today) we  seek another way which is Christ alone, there are no human mediums required and the those who are elders are their as friends to help  the way in truth not to amass wealth or  empire building but to serve the lord by being servants. Caring for the body but the body to must learn and exercise faith not just get comfortable and lazy.

Temple worship actually goes back to Judaism etc and other religions seek to build places, where that religion was centred on three things – the temple, the priesthood and the sacrifice. When Jesus came He ended all three.
Christianity started off as the only religion on the planet that had no sacred objects, sacred people and no sacred places – they had no sacred buildings for their worship.
Ekklesia is not a physical place it is an assembly of people.  where ever we go and and hope to see many join into the friendship of faith and the might of God. thanks.

KJ3 ,young;'s  etc got here great read we suggest the  Hopwood on the primitive church  before  , yes we did have  enjoy the copies of the king James events dealing with Tyndale and the edict of the king to keep things blurred is perhaps the word  the ecclesiastical powers in place to be tied tot he government etc etc, wealth and power do funny things to people, we;re  dedicated to building people ...