A group mind, hive mind or group ego in science fiction is a single, collective consciousness or intelligence occupying many bodies or entities. Its use in literature goes back at least as far as Olaf Stapledon's science fiction novel Last and First Men (1930). A group mind might be formed by telepathy, by adding brain-to-brain communication to ordinary individuals, or by some unspecified means such as forms of education. This term may be used interchangeably with "hive mind". A hive mind is a group mind with almost complete loss (or lack) of individual identity; most fictional group minds are hives. The concept of the group or hive mind is an intelligent version of real-life superorganisms such as ant or bee nests, and consequently, insectoid have such a mind.
Hive thinking is perhaps long term indoctrination and avoids any critical thinking unless it supports itself. The Christian ecclesia maintains identity and develops Christ likeness within our Creation personality how God made us.Another words we're included in, participation, awareness, and blessings, as well as risks.The priesthood of the believers allows full utilization by awareness of the living God within his people to direct them as well in developing a deep personal relationship. John 15-17 Kj3, young;'s literal, Aramaic Nt, NEB.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
But the fruit of the Spirit is love . . . Galatians 5:22
Loving with agape love is choosing, willing to direct God's love to specific people whether or not they are loveable or responsive. Narrowway 2011taking the time to go out despite objection. But great blessing, as Spirit led.
Loving with agape love is choosing, willing to direct God's love to specific people whether or not they are loveable or responsive. Narrowway 2011taking the time to go out despite objection. But great blessing, as Spirit led.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Ripe fields
As a shepherd seeks out his flock when some of his sheep have been scattered far away, so I will seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all of the places where they have been scattered…." (Ezek 34:12)
The ecclesia is purly a relationship, faith bides us as it does to him. Simple, has direction and is highly mobile for service. He gathering his...Romans 9
The ecclesia is purly a relationship, faith bides us as it does to him. Simple, has direction and is highly mobile for service. He gathering his...Romans 9
Home sweet home!
Narrowway lives here“My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my Rock and my Salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved."
Psalm 62:5-6
I do not depend on anything else, it;s simple, love to all best place to be.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to me? says the Lord. ...Even when you make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.... Cease to do evil, learn to do good. " (Isaiah 1:11, 15-17)
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Love ye one another!
I have seen so many people in spiritual bondage due to unforgiven. It is a common source of bondage and demonic harassment, self destruction,as Jesus warns us about in Matthew 18:23-35. dear ms and sir,Over 12 years of street ministry seen a lot of damage in angry souls' lives.
Over time you become the fruit of it. I learnt how to forgive those who have harmed me as well. Street ministry allows for high risk.We live in a severely broken culture.
People make huge mistake but one has to move away from it, so life regain ability and growth from it.love ye one another, Christ died while we were not as selfish as it gets .....Look around and in a mirror.
Matthew 18:34-35, "And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses."
Matthew 6:15, "But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Hebrews 12:15, "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled."
Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Over the years have seen friend die, I heard their words about relations how they wished they were fixed because in the end [pretty much lot of stuff we think gets sifted away into the things that matter the most, death does as we enter serious illness. I know what it was like for me to go through massive surgery.All the things that matter are not found in what we own how many people we lied to along the way to get our way,, it;s why we;re seeing what are sir, the status quo requires an account with God like it or Not no one gets off questions which will come in the end.
Love to all of you, may peace set you free, narrowway is not another religion it;s relationship here, we;re not interested in lording it over you, we all have learn to think for our selves and use the wonderful talents we been given. "Jesus said what does it matter to gain the whole world and if you loose your soul"?in the end most people may like to use Christ as an insurance policy I think that may be to late most of the time, he knows the intent of the heart of men are desperately wicked who are without him. I have to leave it with him,he will judge rightly in that hour.Love to all of you out there.
narrowway, "follow me, jesus said".
It's the real walk, thanks
cherishing these words, living in a narrowway....
I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.
You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.Certain basic spiritual truths remain unchanging , when understood and experienced by faith, bring revolutionary spiritual benefits to changed life. Narroway has undertaken such journey, it;s a living gospel not a material one.
These proven principles and most of all an ongoing relationship as life in a state of awareness can help you to be more consistent in your walk with God and be more effective in your witness for our dear Savior in living experience.
We believe what he says, there is no effort to explain it away here. H spoke to simple people they were not required to be philosophers, they were Spirit led the revelatory superseded the gnosis. love to all.
Monday, February 18, 2013
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPIOkdNL-QQ&feature=player_embedded Truth, ever wonder what will happened when all the lies we believed in our selves, and life ends one day all the junk is now in our account, ready ?, now comes the eternal consequences, I had to face my own battles, but cleared from being a rebel. Jesus made a real a life poosible.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Our veres of the month is pslam 25, enjoy getting close. Love is the highest state of endeavor.
(Payer is key as is time alone with God), our entertainment based minsets often desire instant answers. God sought out,it's fruit of that is all to obvious. Alternatives are found in relatonal building. We have our selves to blame no one else we got what we ask for, I think is the right answer to our state.
The great danger to come is the text thinking world another huge step into depersonalization, fragmented personalities and half- wit communications. Crime and gangs etc are all products of the family unit broke down replaced bu gadgets and artificial acts of love. Consequences will come for doing so, will be greatly enhanced as time goes on.
2,The issue of transhumansim is far ahead of of the public mind set it;s the very near future, it will be massive change to an already serious state of suspspened thinking, the shock to an entertainment based culture will have dramatic results as the total loos to its own identity will no longer exist all of sudden we wake and realize we been misisng form the equation for quite some time..
Activities of the esoteric world and it;s mission of transhumanism. We encourage you to watch and learn, the race is on..Both give you quick and second one a much deeper connection the esoteric world into the development of human type of human race.
Both the spiritual and physical world is going to be re- engineered, as they seek to build society for higher state of conscience ness with a new body.
We felt this is vital to those seeking the restoration of the ecclesia to it;s original state and full connection to personage of the Biblical God in a relational experience of life and divinity who has provided before man usurped themselves above the original connection and Spirit filling, in which the early body was fully aware of , the age of altra humans is coming,men seeking to become gods is upon us, if we been lost in the culture which has little to no idea where it;s going the other one to come, is and does. The question is the vast majority will not be ready in any way as to deal with the right decisions. Or will the few that may the final link to human existence.
yes, most education is geared to providing you with all the sheepople skills,or agenda 21 and hive minds etc, In all honesty we can already see much of those functions in near full operation over a wide range of gradualist changes take place.
The frist palces for hive to get into is the education system and religious ones have their hive teachers using the currant trends to precondition the mind for various forms of institutionalism to kppe people submissive to the on coming changes.
The ecclesia is separation from those mechanisms, it requires you to learn how to think for yourself, and stay connected to God who is Spirit, what was the actual condition in the early ecclesia before the esoteric world he speaksof got in, seeking to get an upper hand in displacement of that state back to human dependence and altrahumanist goal....
Which in time is to be come gods, we;re there not far off the science will allow us to unravel the mysteries of untold power, with no moral ability, and much more and created new forms of human- animal cross overslong since under way I am sure. And down loading our conscious minds into a new existance. Its; what we wrapped hard on what took place to the faith when it was spiritually connected in awareness which far supercedes the present condition of today's thinking or cridical skills.
The assault is on it came out the esoteric world of the far past in it;s desire to regain God likeness as you can see the race is on full bore and many will be unable to grasp the huge changed to come in high rate of speed. Or will the hive mind look more the like what we seen already, total inabilty to do anything for our selves.... the mirror appears to reflect the condition that may answer yes to or no to this question...
The choice will call in the final stage of our race is my feeling, unable to stop killing one another now imagine this going out of control of some sort, where that leaves us. And will our creator let us get that close and decide we been on the wrong high way for some time time to close the doors and let the ship sink. Revelation tells us this will happen as knowledge will greatly increase and man seeks to know what God does, and act out his arrogance on and over others as we have been to our final demise. Narrowway
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Not much has changed
Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who
have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of
freedom and danced in his path and given him triumphal processions. Blame the
people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the new wonderful good
society which shall now be Rome's, interpreted to mean more money, more ease,
more security, and more living fatly at the expense of the
industrious."-- Marcus
Tullius Cicero
Friday, February 15, 2013
Yes I know,
"...there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -- President Woodrow Wilson
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Alternatives to grace.
"...we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting..." Ephesians 4:14-15. (discernent)
A nation whom you have not known shall eat the fruit of your land and the produce of your labor... Locusts shall consume all your trees and the produce of your land.... The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.... Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart...." (Deuteronomy 28:47-48) sounds like here.
By words that cause an irresistible influence or fascination
Galations 3:1, "O foolish Galatians, who did bewitch you"
You have to be careful with the words you listen to.
Some will tell you what you want to hear and bewitch you.
Witchcraft is a work of the flesh.
The Bible says that: "we are led sometimes by our own lusts".
Idolotry and sorcery is witchcraft and they are included in the list of the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:20.
There are those that use influence of words to sway you from serving God the correct way.
By words that cause an irresistible influence or fascination
Galations 3:1, "O foolish Galatians, who did bewitch you"
You have to be careful with the words you listen to.
Some will tell you what you want to hear and bewitch you.
Witchcraft is a work of the flesh.
The Bible says that: "we are led sometimes by our own lusts".
Idolotry and sorcery is witchcraft and they are included in the list of the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:20.
There are those that use influence of words to sway you from serving God the correct way.
The Craft of legalism.
By words that cause an irresistible influence or fascination
Galations 3:1, "O foolish Galatians, who did bewitch you"
You have to be careful with the words you listen to.
Some will tell you what you want to hear and bewitch you.
Witchcraft is a work of the flesh.
The Bible says that: "we are led sometimes by our own lusts".
Idolotry and sorcery is witchcraft and they are included in the list of the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:20.
There are those that use influence of words to sway you from serving God the correct way.
Galations 3:1, "O foolish Galatians, who did bewitch you"
You have to be careful with the words you listen to.
Some will tell you what you want to hear and bewitch you.
Witchcraft is a work of the flesh.
The Bible says that: "we are led sometimes by our own lusts".
Idolotry and sorcery is witchcraft and they are included in the list of the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:20.
There are those that use influence of words to sway you from serving God the correct way.
Getting back to Christ central part one.
Fundamentalist Christians [have] become more defined by particular sets of do’s and don’ts than by answering the “whats” and “whys” of their beliefs…these issues (dress, hair, movies, behavior, music, drinking) are primarily external and represent a very sub-cultural, Americanized form of Christianity. The Biblical teaching that a Christian should be salt and light in a dark world had largely been eroded from the faith.
Another problem with XK extra-Biblical principles is that spiritual standards he has chosen for himself have been imposed on others as non-optional. With this system, he has created an “us versus them” mentality among his followers. Another gospel has been created; A gospel of moralism–regulating the morals of others to cure the issues of the world. This has been the case for long period of time.
The problem with moralism is that although it can be alluring, it is incapable of truly dealing with sin. In Romans 2:1-16, Peter points out that moralism neglects to offer a pardon for sin or an answer to the power that sin’s pull has on us. Yes, laws and morals define how we ought to live our lives. But they have no power in assisting us to fulfilling them. Biblical righteousness is motivated by our love for God–not by a letter to the law.
YES, Galatians deals with it well matter in fact it was why the power of the Spirit was becoming a rarity amoung them, I think they were wondering what happened?, the same thing took place in 300 AD case was present at that time it choked the life out of what was spirit led.. Man has a natural propensity to do those things despte the abundance of joy granted them.Great section thanks.
John17, 1 Peter 1.
Another problem with XK extra-Biblical principles is that spiritual standards he has chosen for himself have been imposed on others as non-optional. With this system, he has created an “us versus them” mentality among his followers. Another gospel has been created; A gospel of moralism–regulating the morals of others to cure the issues of the world. This has been the case for long period of time.
The problem with moralism is that although it can be alluring, it is incapable of truly dealing with sin. In Romans 2:1-16, Peter points out that moralism neglects to offer a pardon for sin or an answer to the power that sin’s pull has on us. Yes, laws and morals define how we ought to live our lives. But they have no power in assisting us to fulfilling them. Biblical righteousness is motivated by our love for God–not by a letter to the law.
YES, Galatians deals with it well matter in fact it was why the power of the Spirit was becoming a rarity amoung them, I think they were wondering what happened?, the same thing took place in 300 AD case was present at that time it choked the life out of what was spirit led.. Man has a natural propensity to do those things despte the abundance of joy granted them.Great section thanks.
John17, 1 Peter 1.
Hope ,,
Spiritual warfare.
Trust and learn faith.
The result is the church-assembly divided again. Just as tragic, millions
of terribly hurt people, believers as well as unbelievers, go without help or go
to counselors who may be atheists or Christians inexperienced in the demonic
realm. The Scripture-versus-experience issue
is unfortunate,
unbiblical, and illogical. Never in Scripture are the two held to be mutually
exclusive. They are always seen to be two sides
of the same coin. God’s written revelation is the Bible.
That written revelation is not given
in an abstract theological form, however. It is given in historical form as God
makes Himself known to His people and to the world in the context of human
experience. A knowledge of God divorced from the experience of God led to the
Crusades, the Inquisition, and other chapters in the colonization of the heathen
world by organized Christianity too shameful for words.
We all recognize this in our
evangelism. We commonly say we want to help people find Christ as “their
personal Savior.” We know informing them about God and Jesus is not enough—they
must experience Him personally. God must first be experienced before He is
understood. that my dear sir is exactly the point and why things are as they are
today to , I say that in love, but ask your self how many people do you know get
to gather to go out and seek God and wait on him?
We all recognize this to some degree
in our development of theology. We realize that God’s truth is not
discovered primarily by the human brain but by the human heart as revealed by
the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2:10). Thus if we had to make the choice of being taught
about God by a brilliant, highly trained, but “unsaved” theologian, or a
semi-literate but Spirit-filled believer, we would probably choose the
While he may not be able to
define God theologically, he can lead us to God experientially. Why do we
evangelicals so distrust experience with the spirit world? (Why do we develop
theologies about this dimension of reality about which we are personally
ignorant except through biblical exegesis? ((thanks true))).
The misrepresentation of those failures is stunning and
damaging, this is why we took it to task to answer those questions rather than
brush them aside or run back to never knowing the difference in action or word
1. by experiencing. 2 and factual truths .
Can a theology
of Satan and demons that is both true and useful for ministry really be developed by theologians studying
their Hebrew and Greek Bibles while sitting in their air-conditioned offices
apart from at least some personal
experience? If the theologians in question did not bring limiting preconceptions
about what demons can and cannot do to their
study, they could possibly, exclusively through the Scriptures, develop
guidelines to practical demonology that could then be tested by experience. Based on the results
of that experience, they would then need to readjust their demonology to fit
the contemporary assault of evil
supernaturalism the body is facing today.??? ((I
agree that's the issue...))
The primary
The basic tenets of our historic
Christian theology probably did not change. In fact, they only became firmer.
What did happen, however, is that we were forced to return to Scripture for
help, again and again. We began to examine anew certain dimensions of our
unreflective theology when it did not prove congruent with our own valid
experience with God, with people, and, in many cases, with Satan and demons.
Therefore, correct biblical interpretation is that interpretation which is most
consistent with experience. Theology which is contradicted by experience, or at
the least brought into question, is theology that needs to be reexamined. To
declare that theology must be maintained even if it is challenged by on-going
experience is legalism, pharisaism, dogmatism, and
evidence of subtle arrogance.
This perhaps the most deadly stigma found in evangelical denominations at the present, for those outside the which have formed an ekklesia type thinking escaping the drift into institutionalism is far more free in the expressing truth seeking,obtaining benefits found in his people. Stott, Barclay, expressed their concerns for the rigid lifeless formalism controlling away the relational connection. See Stott in his book 1-2 Thessalonians, Barclay on Corinthians, both described reluctance to go back to relational personage in which all were bringing their fruit to share.
This perhaps the most deadly stigma found in evangelical denominations at the present, for those outside the which have formed an ekklesia type thinking escaping the drift into institutionalism is far more free in the expressing truth seeking,obtaining benefits found in his people. Stott, Barclay, expressed their concerns for the rigid lifeless formalism controlling away the relational connection. See Stott in his book 1-2 Thessalonians, Barclay on Corinthians, both described reluctance to go back to relational personage in which all were bringing their fruit to share.
In the wake of the
eighteenth-century rise of rationalism known as the Enlightenment, Western
theology lost an intuitive, historic understanding of the spirit
world))). As in all other areas where the church has
ignored or resisted dimensions of biblical reality, the process of rediscovery
usually comes through experience. This experience calls theology into question
at that point. The theological status quo will always resist the reformers,
That's always the case, it’s easy to not get in the cross hairs
of devil by staying hid and lip services to the faith, or remain removed from
taking task to heart,.
The status-quo theologians and Bible teachers, if they hold a
high view of Scripture, will go back to Scripture, not to openly challenge their
own presuppositions in light of the experience of their brethren, but to defend
their presuppositions against their misguided brothers.
The conservatives,reformers or others, if they also hold to a high view of Scripture, will also return to Scripture. If they are honest, they will return not to prove themselves right and their status-quo brethren wrong, but to better understand what their experience is telling them.
The conservatives,reformers or others, if they also hold to a high view of Scripture, will also return to Scripture. If they are honest, they will return not to prove themselves right and their status-quo brethren wrong, but to better understand what their experience is telling them.
Jesus did what he said and went to places the scribes dare not
go other than their final sentence through rejection to hell, as they were of
their father the devil. Jesus dealt with other side, as we should pray and reach
out seeing we are the temple of God , we are given his power...prayer 1 Corinth
4; 23-24,
When they do, they will either call into question their
experience, their understanding of Scripture, or both.
Usually the latter will occur. If their experiences are valid they will find that they are supported by Scripture much more than they had first imagined. They will also find that Scripture will cause them to restate their experience and not go to extremes. They will recognize that they too, as all men, are susceptible to both deception and error.
Usually the latter will occur. If their experiences are valid they will find that they are supported by Scripture much more than they had first imagined. They will also find that Scripture will cause them to restate their experience and not go to extremes. They will recognize that they too, as all men, are susceptible to both deception and error.
The result should be a newly formulated theology more consistent
with both Scripture and experience. This is what is occurring today with the
bodies “new” experience with demons. The demons have always been with us. But,
as conservative evangelical theologians and Bible teachers would do well to
think deeply....Hopwood warns that conservatism was the first step downward in
leaving relationship based faith heading into external organization driven by
gnosis he mentions,evanglici, see his book, that does not mean scripture it
refers to their propensity to add and deny things by explaining them away and
changing the Oder God designed?
Our theology of the spirit world must
fit the reality of contemporary human anguish. Particularly for us in the West, where materialism is
the religion of many, and where occultism, Satanism, and the New Age movement
flourish, a status-quo practical demonology will not do. With sexual abuse and
even Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) of children no longer a secret, but almost a
national epidemic, status-quo counseling will do no longer.
Been telling us for years, as we see the day of the final
conflict between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of evil approaching, an
outpouring of demonic evil such as the church and the world has not known since
the early centuries of the Christian era will occur.
If we are entering that period, and most biblical scholars
suspect we are, then we should expect Satan to come into the open and through
lying, deceitful spirits assault mankind in general and the body in particular.
Is that what we are witnessing today? Only time will tell.
One thing is absolutely certain, however:
Demons flow where abuse flows. Demons flow where Satanism,
Satanic occult practices, and the New Age movement flourish. Demons enter the
bodies lives of abused children, especially those who have experienced SRA, and
of practicing New Agers. The church in the West will find it difficult to bring
salvation and healing to the survivors of such evil if it maintains its present
status-quo,unworkable theology of experiential demonology.
What happens to their world view when
they become Christians? It becomes confused. That confusion has at least a dual
source: First, Western missionaries, though looked upon as experts about things
spiritual, are primarily ignorant of the activity of the spirits. Second, their
national church leaders were trained in their ministry by missionaries ignorant
of the spirit world. I was one such missionary. I know as well here, it’s
The Holy Spirit vs. Spirits of Slavery
and Fear
Verse 15 is one of the great verses of Scripture setting the
“Spirit of adoption,” the Holy Spirit, over against the opposing spirit,“the
spirit of slavery leading to fear.” The Spirit of God, even when He is the
Spirit of conviction of sin, is always the Spirit who lets us know we belong to
God and His kingdom, Paul is implying. He builds up. He encourages. He blesses.
He enlightens. He makes Jesus more and more precious to us. He empowers us to
the defeat of the flesh, the world, and Satan and his demons. It is he and
healone who cries within us, “Abba! Father!”It is the other spirit who tells us
The writer of Hebrews says that the other spirit, Satan, is the
one who binds us in fear (Heb.2:15). We have been delivered from him, however,
so we are not to fear him or his. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of liberty, of
adoption. He lets us know that we belong to God. He “bears witness with our
spirit that we are children of God” (v. 16). The other spirits either whisper
denials of our true sonship or say we are unacceptable to God, even though we
may be His sons. Thus Jesus says the other spirit is “a liar, the father of
lies, whenever he speaks a lie he speaks from his own nature” (John 8:44). When
he speaks lies to us, we are to shut him up as Jesus did (Matt. 4:10; 16:23). We
are to resist him with the words of truth (Eph. 6:17; James 4:7–8). I hold to
this in my mind, I waste little time with debates, the war is on sir, the other
stuff is man talking.
Narrowway 2011
Promotes a life of wholeness unto Spiritual maturity. Thanks
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
New book
We recomend mere churchiaity a New book we heard off ,
Fill with Thy Spirit ’till all I can see is
Christ only, always, living in me.
Fill with Thy Spirit ’till all I can see is
Christ only, always, living in me.
Faith stand fast
did not come with excellence of speech
of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God.
For I determined not to know anything among you
except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
I was with you in weakness,
in fear, and in much trembling.
And my speech and my preaching
were not with persuasive words of human wisdom,
but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,
that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men
but in the power of God."
For I determined not to know anything among you
except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
I was with you in weakness,
in fear, and in much trembling.
And my speech and my preaching
were not with persuasive words of human wisdom,
but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,
that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men
but in the power of God."
Corinthians 2:1-5
narrowway is dedicated to sharing for those in ecclesia faith is the only real sight.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Who will stand???
The Christian Church in America is on the defensive, compromising with the culture at every turn. One day soon we will have compromised ourselves right into a corner where Christianity in this nation is powerless to affect the culture and will become a toothless lion—all roar and no bite. I remebered point man in this article.
If love means accepting and endorsing a sinful, decaying culture, Romans 1,and compromising the gospel to be seen as relevant, I want no part of it. {sender...}.amen agree...Men worship the creature over the creator.
True love comes with knowledge and knowledge comes with faith, discernment, the above condtion is not derived out of real love but fear and ease, deception.
James 4:4 warns that one cannot be a friend of the world and God's friend at the same time.
Dealing with legalism, tradition after men, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16). The truth offends most people, it;s easy to beleive a lie,but the Word of God teaches that we should LOVE THE TRUTH. “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” REAL FAITH is offensive.
If love means accepting and endorsing a sinful, decaying culture, Romans 1,and compromising the gospel to be seen as relevant, I want no part of it. {sender...}.amen agree...Men worship the creature over the creator.
True love comes with knowledge and knowledge comes with faith, discernment, the above condtion is not derived out of real love but fear and ease, deception.
James 4:4 warns that one cannot be a friend of the world and God's friend at the same time.
Dealing with legalism, tradition after men, Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16). The truth offends most people, it;s easy to beleive a lie,but the Word of God teaches that we should LOVE THE TRUTH. “And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” REAL FAITH is offensive.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
He said that the Holy Spirit would teach us what to say in that hour LUKE 12;12
NARROWWAY is dedicated to this function in restoring it fully and to it;s life vitality of being spirit led minus the errors of the past totally unrelated to scripture in their orgins and practices.
This is a secular Greek term that describes someone who is uneducated, or who knows little about the subject under consideration. The Greeks call this person a layman, this was used by pagan magicians and esoteric mystics and was adopted into the body by twisted ideals to take control over the people utilizing numerous non scriptural terms and practices. Power and weatlh were the quickly the back wash as was legalism as the spirit was suppressed by theology which supports the existence of those functions, thanks. Walker and Angus, pgs Hopwood on the mystery religions and their influence in Christianity.The body of Christ is not to be referred to as unknowing despite the conditions of appearing so is due to the state their conditioned into.
I refer to the term as‘secular’ because the word doesn’t appear anywhere in the New Testament. The New Testament knows nothing about a laity because the New Testament is built on the priesthood of every believer.
The clergy began to reorganize the New Testament church until it resembled the Old Testament Levitical structure. Present today, it;s flawed.
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11,12 (KJV) KJ3, YOUNG'S LITERAL
Defining Paul and Philo,
Philo led it as a philosophy mix hellenistic and hebraic ideas into one, he saw philosphy as the way, he commingled the concepts into a way of life, many of the how to books today are mingled ideas of life, same orgins and ideas just new words.
Paul on the other hand is faith led Spirit led, unlike philo paul is deeply seeking the initation in the christian life and rewards in the end or prize won in the end.
Christian life is growth in faith in every other grace,, (think) so that perhaps faith must always be viewed under these two aspects.
As the clue to spiritual progress as well as the crown. it;s the primary direction of narrowway as well. Unlike Philo faith, in Paul's view is not something inferior to the ecstatic or mystic condition which gives superior knowledge from the Holy Spirit.
example of the proper terms and use:
Knowledge (1922) (epignosis from verb
epiginosko [word study]
from epà = upon +
ginosko = to know) is a strengthened or intensified form of "gnosis [word study]"
and conveys the thought of a knowledge which is fuller, larger and more
thorough. It also conveys the idea of a more intimate and personal relationship
than the simple term gnosis.
EpÃgnosis refers to exact, complete, thorough,
accurate, experiential knowledge, not just abstract, intellectual, head
knowledge of God or even facts about Him. EpÃgnosis always
describes moral and religious knowledge in the NT and especially refers to full
and comprehensive knowledge of God’s will that rests on the knowledge of God and
of Christ found today in His Word.
But the christian mystic of the Holy Spirit depends wholly on on faith as it;s source. To be in faith and in the spirit are synonymous. Paul himself is pneumatic charistmata.He enjoyed the gifts and usage in all of them.
The question was raised to Hatch , where did the cult mystery religions come in from,cultural absorption cultism was mainstream thinking, Paul warns against philosophy, much of it was tied into the esoteric mysteries.
the person inside of Christ find himself having fellowship directly with Christ minus all external mediums used.Paul sought hat constantly in his life and use of time, philo was often deeply inside an ocean of absolutes neo platonic ideas,
NARROWAY is Christ centered not just in word but in form and practice spirit led is faith driven.
There is no such thing as clergy or laity in Scripture the word are repugnant to the truth and love of Christ for his body. The desire for control led the way by men and restricked the work of the spirit and the preisthood of the beleivers fell under the control of the few over what the model in scripture provided men sought to improve upon God, scary.
the person inside of Christ find himself having fellowship directly with Christ minus all external mediums used.Paul sought hat constantly in his life and use of time, philo was often deeply inside an ocean of absolutes neo platonic ideas,
NARROWAY is Christ centered not just in word but in form and practice spirit led is faith driven.
There is no such thing as clergy or laity in Scripture the word are repugnant to the truth and love of Christ for his body. The desire for control led the way by men and restricked the work of the spirit and the preisthood of the beleivers fell under the control of the few over what the model in scripture provided men sought to improve upon God, scary.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Yes, we enjoyed both due to the literalness, I prefer it over the political correct modified translations all the way back even to the Kjv with it's ecclesiastical additions which were not present in the manuscripts used by Tyndale and the others onward who would died for resisting those additions and support the removal of them as man made often in for the personal power etc. {He who adds or takes away}, I do not think those words are a joke.To bad it took all these years to be honest.
How I spend my time is vital, I would rather spend a life time dealing with souls than trying to build a system, God will still ask {did we do what he ask us to do}? by what I see it;s about a relational life, we will account for.
I was delighted they both came about, way over due, My personal time is spent seeking listening Be still and know that Iam God plus my home life job. I think learning is far more beneficial in knowing a personal God than the elevation of borrowing from the other side.
LAP Stone ministry wrote a great front page on the terms and what they represent,used I sent to several groups worth reading I agree with it fits the history I saw as well plus the books going back a few generations contained a lot of the info.
How I spend my time is vital, I would rather spend a life time dealing with souls than trying to build a system, God will still ask {did we do what he ask us to do}? by what I see it;s about a relational life, we will account for.
I was delighted they both came about, way over due, My personal time is spent seeking listening Be still and know that Iam God plus my home life job. I think learning is far more beneficial in knowing a personal God than the elevation of borrowing from the other side.
LAP Stone ministry wrote a great front page on the terms and what they represent,used I sent to several groups worth reading I agree with it fits the history I saw as well plus the books going back a few generations contained a lot of the info.
Getting molded
Lord, You are our Father;
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand.”
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand.”
be still and know that I am God.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
A life apart. in freedom.
Narrowway 2011 , My prayers for all those we meet,,,. we also like praying for those trapped in darkness, there is hope, joy, freedom from it;s grip.
we're not a religion, it;s purely relational here, Love in action
The ecclesia are his people, no one else's. The end result is worship him in truth and Spirit. For those asking the early mss was changed from ecclesia to hierarchy terms which was not what Christ intended, it supported the greed and power not found in the community based faith in a simple ecclesia, friendship love undivided. the Spirit was officially suppressed in 250Ad by decree, this would spread in the new order, doctrines were created Io support the edicts.
Walker in the history of the early Church brings to light the truths, dealing with leaving the ecclesia as dissolved into mere tradition to it;s new hiearchy over lords adopted by those seeking control..It was well said that for faith to work the person must have begun to enter the gate of the impossible in order to see what ones eyes can not see. NW
I strongly endorse the book by walker written in the 1920's present forms by politically correct modifications are avoided.Oh by the way the purpose of the lofty Greek philosophies was a desire to appear very smart quote Walker description of the intents. A lot of systematic theology got it's forms out of platonic thinking, it would be used to replace the revelatory. One has to test what he hears to see if they are true or not.Men seek to figure out the mind of God, "My ways are higher than ours" he says..
"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
"Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints...." Ephesians 6:10-18
Ekklesia, it;s still personal, the ascent is by his love only, not by philosophy no other will do,why we promote gettng back to the wire which has life flowing through it..NW WORKING FOR THE KINGDOM
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. (36) For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: {37} "For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. {38} Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him."
(Hebrews 10:35-38)
(Hebrews 10:35-38)
The value of faith is a vision beyond sight!
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” (John 16:13) It is the Holy Spirit that guides us into all truth, the Bible contains truth but only when the Holy Spirit guides us do we know how to apply Bible truth, or know when books did nto exist, that inner leading in any thing or place we go. The Holy Spirit tells us how to do God’s will, God’s way, and in God’s timing always.
Despite all the systems of theology past and present and divisions fabricated by man, there is always one place to go with certainty where nothing is misleading, therein is rest, to those who know the life giver, the difference between real life and mere human philosophy.
Despite all the systems of theology past and present and divisions fabricated by man, there is always one place to go with certainty where nothing is misleading, therein is rest, to those who know the life giver, the difference between real life and mere human philosophy.
Alone inside and out!
'Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow
The star is dimmed that lately shone;
'Tis midnight; in the garden now,
The suffering Saviour prays alone.
'Tis midnight, and from all removed
The Saviour wrestles lone with fears,
E'en the disciple whom He loved
Heeds not his Master's grief and tears.
There come those times and places where all but you must stand. It is here the life is forged over the anvil of trial. A place God refines us through.
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