QUICK QUESTION? your thoughts are well founded, it;s a relationship , what God wanted to reestablish, Christianity became a religion,a rational philosophy often mingled with pagan esoteric forms and terms which symbolized certain practices out side early .names such as Church and clergy were established to create a state controlled religious hierarchy , it was the goal of the prodesdant england to only chage in word but keep the same poltical forms. The reformation desired to go backand do away with to many additives elevating humans into mixtures of faith and state.
In the case of sardis which entered such a relationship with culture and city rulers it would aid in it;s demise and no longer experience the spirit's power, nor was it became unconcious of it;s condition, state which was termed as dead... Though they had a form of religion they had no conscious awareness of God in them as the body they once were before the unholy unions led them ever furtehr into compromise.. 1 Corinth 1-4
Getting back requires a complete turn a round away back to awareness .OT and the NT where Paul denounces the quest in philosophy, as a vehicle to better define God;s works was often mingled with esoteric forms. See Clement and Origen admitted mixing them, we have quotes from Ireanous dealing withe the dead condition by 300AD.
I suggest people read and research the related historical data to avoid the modified facts not just believe whatever comes down the slide.
I think it would be redundant for me to try define the elder role just to beat words the articles (the word that changed the world) and (the great ecclesiastical conspiracy) clears upa lot mmsiatkes made.
NARROWWAY is interested in the full restoration of the priest hood of all believers not just the few.
The once glorious undivided fellow ship was JESUS CENTERED, without all the associations tied together with world were not dependant on earths treasure hunts.We feel the truth is far more valuable than just going along to get along type of thinking.
Our love is extended in the spirit of truth and knowledge based on the best tools we have the tradition of men often adds extensive obstacles to getting into a Spirit led life as you have well ask the questions pertaining to why you see the stagnation of our time.
In no way do we foster ill will but on the last day we all will be ask in the faith did you do what I ask you to do I doubt their will be much reference sir to the platonic theology, sun goddess based forms, or the esoteric practices spoken of in the two studies supplied by the groups performing the historical documentation we suggested. Our feeling is why waste time let's know now before little is left to speak for. God hated religion in the Ot, Amos 5;21 and does in the Nt,German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, stood up to the spineless religionism of the German Lutheran Church during World War II and was killed by the Nazis. In his Letters and Papers from Prison he sets up the antimony between faith and religion and argues for a "nonreligious" or "religionless Christianity."
Your next question accreditation, school accrediting is a business first and for most, I think Bible school is fine and people feel they need it. I enjoyed the learning part. It forced me to prove myself.
Barth wrote that
"the revelation of God is the abolition of religion."This will help the journey a bit back to connection , Thanks blessings to you all.
"It is always the sign of definite misunderstanding when an attempt is made to systematically coordinate revelation and religion...to fix their mutual relationship. 5
"In opposition to all 'religionism' the proclamation of the grace of God is introduced as the truth..."
"Religion is unbelief. It is a concern of...godless man."
"Religion is clearly seen to be a human attempt to anticipate what God in His revelation wills to do and does do. It is the attempted replacement of the divine work by a human manufacture."
"It is a feeble but defiant, an arrogant but hopeless, attempt to create something which man could do. In religion man bolts and bars himself against revelation by providing a substitute, by taking away in advance the very thing which has to be given by God. It is never the truth. It is a complete fiction, which has not only little but no relation to God."
ecclesia at narrowway
Christianity is NOT Religion
The Latin word from which the English word "religion" is derived means "to bind up." Jesus did not come to bind us up in rules and regulations or rituals of devotion, but to set us free to be man as God inended.
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