Monday, June 27, 2016
The watchman section.
The coarse of self destruction ,
Jesus emphasized that human tradition can never have the same authority as the Word of God. He forced people to look beyond the cultural and the traditional to find the essential core of God’s Word. The apostle Paul said to the Galatians that fellowship with God is a trust in Christ that works through love: “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”(5:6) Extra biblical rules may seem spiritual, even helpful and necessary, but given too much emphasis become death to life in the Spirit, and to the individual freedom to which God has called us in Christ.
For the Christian, obedience is to the indwelling Holy Spirit, not to the letter of the law, or religious rules or forms. As Paul has it,“Not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2 Corinthians 3:6)
Why were the Galatians and why are we so often lured back into legalism? There is always the temptation to live by a code of behavior that gives us a sense of belonging and security but which sets us apart from other believers. Legalism is the Bible plus something or grace plus something. Reader, it is a challenging exercise to attempt the detachment of any spiritual baggage to the gospel of the NT by making a clear distinction between the gospel itself and the religious culture of our own church or denomination. God would have us trust and obey him in a personal, daily, living relationship that is nourished by his Spirit and dependent on his grace in Christ alone.
as an ecclesia based faith, we hold to one body undivided and uncompromised. We do not ascribe to anyone one system of thought but to being spirit led and truthful discerning the times. To being truthful, as Spirit led. 1 Corinthians 1-4kj3.
There are no unholy unions here , nor is any one person above another, we are servants to one another as Christ is and was to us. It's pure grace and the priest hood of all believers and we see each other as the temple of God, there no mixing it with former covenant ,nor is there any use of any former esoteric systems, derived out of the Greek culture dealing with mystery religions. in thought nor form we're simple a group of people meeting in homes and seeking to serve our God, through out reach , aidding the deep needs of our day...and reach out deeply to a troubled nation and way of life in grace and hope , faith.
Given that human nature is basically the same in every generation, all Christians should beware of replacing inner spiritual reality with outward religious ritual. Those who place human traditions above the Bible, eventually lose the power of God’s Word in their own lives. How tragic that those who profess to be Christians should so practice their faith that they become worse for doing so.
The danger with all religious rituals and institutions is that they often acquire a life of their own. Whereas once they blessed people, later they oppress people. What for one generation may be a test of truth and a means of blessing may become an idol and a hindrance to another generation. For example, in the OT God commanded Moses to make a bronze figure of a snake and set it on a pole, so that anyone bitten by a snake need only look at the bronze serpent and he would live (Numbers 21:4-9; 1 Corinthians 10:9, 11). Centuries later King Hezekiah of Judah destroyed the bronze serpent because the people had made it an idol and gave it superstitious respect (2 Kings 18:4).
The list goes , we hope many will discover what it is to be spirit led, instead of human philosophy.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
WHAT IT IS !!! 1 Corinthians 1-4
The foundations of
the Christian faith are rooted in honesty, integrity and truth, which are found
only in Jesus Christ. Believing on Jesus includes developing a character
that glorifies Jesus Christ in us ~ for our body is now the temple of the Holy
Spirit and He lives inside of us (1 Corinthians 3:16). When He is Lord of us,
then there is no way that we are going to live dishonest lives that lack
conviction of what is right and what is wrong. God has given us a conscience to
know the difference! If we are living “questionable” lives, then there has to be
a major rethink on what is required of us now that we have received the
Wonderful Holy Spirit of God into our lives. He will always cause us to
honour, respect and obey the purposes of God for us. He gives us a conscience
and conviction of what is right and what is wrong for
The only authority
we have to bring change is within our own lives. We cannot force our beliefs or
life-styles on to others. But we can set the example. We can show them a better
We can demonstrate
by the way we live that Jesus Christ is the Answer!
Make no mistake
about it: the world is not reading the Bible ~ they are reading the Christian!
What do they
Is there a
difference ~ a difference that would make them to want to know more of the life
you and I live?
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Spirit Led
The Lord your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you..." Deuteronomy 1:30
There things that are all Spirit , apart philosophy and guessing, a world of faith that can not be remolded by man's pragmatic religions, allegorical themes, but must be learnt by experience and awareness, connection.
JESUS says follow me, simple even if the Sanhedrin are not approving you, their are no mediums in Christ , just him.. Get to know him not just about him, . Read the scriptures their good for the soul.
kj3, young's literal, or the Tyndale translation. Enjoy the journey.
ecclesia ,
There things that are all Spirit , apart philosophy and guessing, a world of faith that can not be remolded by man's pragmatic religions, allegorical themes, but must be learnt by experience and awareness, connection.
JESUS says follow me, simple even if the Sanhedrin are not approving you, their are no mediums in Christ , just him.. Get to know him not just about him, . Read the scriptures their good for the soul.
kj3, young's literal, or the Tyndale translation. Enjoy the journey.
ecclesia ,
Friday, June 10, 2016
Knowlede from above ! know your way back
Where is heaven? Have you ever thought about it? Does the Bible have any clues?
Whenever you ask a child, "Where is heaven?" they will usually point straight up. Twelve hours later if they were still pointing upward, they would be pointing in a totally different direction. Because the earth is turning on its axis constantly, the direction (when you point upward) is constantly changing. So then, where is heaven? Doesn't the Bible give us some more specific clues?
It appears from a study of the Scriptures that heaven is located in the North in our universe. When they would offer the sacrifices in the Old Testament they would offer them northward toward the Lord. Notice what Moses said in Leviticus 1:11, "And he shall kill it on the side of the altar northward before the Lord: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle his blood round about upon the altar." The implication is clear that the Lord is in the north. "Northward before the Lord," says God's Word.
North is always the same direction from this planet no matter what time of day. If you were to point to the north in the morning, twelve hours later you would still be pointing in the same direction. No matter where the earth is in its orbit about the sun, north is always the same direction in relationship to the earth. So no matter what time of day or what time of year, north is always the same direction.
The Bible also implies that salvation comes from the north. In Psalms75:6 we read, "For promotion (salvation) cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south."
Therefore, we conclude that salvation comes from the north since it is the only choice left. God and heaven must be located in the north of our universe.
Thirty-five hundred years ago in the book of Job in the Old Testament, God gave us two amazing scientific facts in one verse. Job 26:7 says, "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." One scientific fact is that the earth is hung in space upon nothing. History tells us that man did not know this, but what man did believe about the earth was scientifically in error.
The Egyptians, for example, believed that the earth was a saucer held up by four pillars with a ring of mountains around the edge to keep the water from running off. The Greeks believed that the earth rested upon the back of Atlas. Because this theory was so popular and widespread, we still see its effects today. For example, when you obtain a book of maps it is called an Atlas. The Hindus believed that the earth was carried on an elephant's back and that the elephant was standing on a turtle swimming in a cosmic sea.
Amazingly the Bible did not include any of these myths and fairy tales, but simply stated that the earth was hung upon nothing. Science cannot give us a better description than this. If you ask a scientist what holds the earth in place, he will say "gravity". If you ask him what "gravity" is, he will answer "that which holds the earth in place." Actually, they have no better answer than the one God gave us 3,500 years ago in the book of Job.
Job 26:7 also says, "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place." Here is another amazing scientific fact. There is an empty place or void in the north of our universe. It was first discovered with the 200-inch telescope on Mount Palomar, California, and is now being studied by three separate observatories across the country. This empty place has been found to be so large that it could contain 2,000 milky ways. The Milky Way is 100,000 light years across. That would mean that light traveling at 186,000 miles per second would take 100,000 years to travel from one end of the Milky Way to the other.
We believe that heaven is located in that void in the north of our universe.
Lucifer (Satan) in his rebellion (when he tried to overthrow God) spoke of this void in the north. Isaiah 14:13 tells us, "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the side of the north." This must refer to this empty corridor in the north where there are no stars. Heaven is said to be there.
One fascinating passage is found in Psalms 48:1-2. "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King." Without a doubt, this is a reference to the New Jerusalem and not to the earthly Jerusalem. "But you are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to our innumerable company of angels (Hebrew 12:22)."
When the Bible says, "Beautiful for situation," as the verse continues to explain, it is a reference to the fact that the city is located in the north of our universe. From "the sides of the north" God has a beautiful overview of the entire universe and of the whole earth.
One day this New Jerusalem will come down from heaven to the new earth according to Revelation 21:1,2. "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
We believers have a home in heaven waiting for us in this heavenly city, the New Jerusalem. Jesus tells us, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also (John 14:2,3)."
You can know for sure before you die that you will go there to live if you simply trust Jesus Christ as your Saviour. I John 5:13 says, "These things I am writing to you that you believe on the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life."
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
abounding fellow ship
Going back to Christ after 1700 years in the wilderness, Breaking the habit of not knowing the differences .
1 Corinthians 1-4 does a fine job in the kj3 in defining what Barth warned about in his words that Christ is the end of all things, faith was the tool of pleasing God , the need for man made religion was a human creation an ascent and means as a tool of legalism, to replace grace and mercy all to often used to destroy peoples live and nill the walk of the Spirit and the ability to discern truth from error, .
Its;s all a relationship, supernatural the very word epigenosis ties us to the Nt Greek speaking of higher than human rational, but divine knowledge given to operate through each believer, freely
I enjoyed papias views and his relationship with as he was concerned that even with very apostolic letters would rapidly become idolized and replaced the Holy spirits lead in ones life, interesting who is God that edict was made by those who made themselves lords over God's flock, Cyprian was one as were all his pals who made out from the twisted forms they created for themselves...How it worked had nothing to do with being servant like Christ, it rapidly become money and power and in time lust for power took over...
Their were others . the focus here is on each of us as his temple , their are no externals needed, your the body of Christ in which the very creator dwells by Spirit, by the God is spirit he is not subject our micromanaging him but prefers us as humble sharing and being wise as we do cast our pearls the swine either. , discerning the times and places is not guessing.
The people would refer to God as rushing win when he entered them, and they would listen and all pray and rejoice as one came forward. it was relational Spirit loaded through and through, an they knew and were conscious of his lead and in action within his people, allowed to do as God speak in and through them .. pgs Hopwood , faitbain, walker, . Brown , faucet, barth , clarified the real from the phony forms ,as did jon zens has spoken extensively on the body in it's simple form of truth over that which came later and muddied the waters with almost unlimited added externals titles of power and wealth gathering... forms that had nothing to do with his actual in dwelling and acting through his people in spirit of love wisdom and power . avoiding the deeply divided state Paul warned of early on as immature and carnal lasted for 1700 years so far. wow.
We're thankful for those we met in house meeting sister , where numerous mission's people gathered as an ecclesia and joy and friendship grew, were found in a love and joy without any one lording it over the others.... We are one and thus hours passed in joy and wealth of spirit bonding.
we shared our faith each one the stories of faith it's actions , how God worked in us and towards the grace and how we got freed by him and aided those in great distress there was no profiling conjured out of a legal spirit, that anyone had to recite any special buzz words no no , but real deep times .
The desire was to be back and hope soon to see and go the missions we are al ask by God to do , no committees pure faith , we decided to avoid the biding spirit of passion and power over others to be loving and willing to give our selves in the night streets to aid those in love who have suffered loss of many sorts.
I can only wish for those seeking to do so, and allow God to remake their fears with faith so they do not have trust what has no power to go, or allow doubt to replace faith , humans to quench being spirit led , thanks to those there I seek to see you all soon a delight to my soul at night I yearn to hear and enjoy your boldness. God is with us ,,, John 17,\
Praying for the people we see those who have done evil , to be set free, for the one who just lost her son,,,, so deeply sorry , such tragic loss in our times, I know your reading, love to you I will be back up there , hope we meet got my stuff the lord is good, trust him, so sorry for your loss and his .... Our nation deeply lost in confusion and corruption
Lord willing we are not backing off the goings , it's now over a decade for me personally and no regrets but to have seen God rescue and answer prayers give his bliss I can not name but gone through to imagine my self in bondage to second guessing and doubting, may it be for ever non existent..... love be with you glad we met, welcome,
Spirit led and faith ward bond , grace and Jesus died for our sins that we might be free and know God, relationally not from a distance but as he lives in us and abides and teaching us john 15-17 kj3 us through his spirit.... I deeply seek the more accurate translations ... it has removed the non existent adverbs and other things that were added to sustain the political dynamic of the kjv which was apolitical monarchal structure which was not based on scripture but the lust of the kings power over his subject miss. that was time of great conflict and secret societies ruled both sides of those arguments which were esoteric in nature and corrupted with power. Greens early translation was a real treat tome years back I could tell he was telling the truth and wanted to get all the non scriptural terms and added stuff that were not in the received text out we agree, there was a need to be truthful after all we are to do so,, God does not lie, man does I spoke with his son numerous times on their work and enjoyed the deep conversations they feel they did an immense job at getting sound stuff out held the Greek directly over..
keep in mind I am not protecting any organization of thought or denomination but merely speaking the truth.. life is to short to be on wrong side of truth. God says those who add or take are not going to do so well in that day we encourage testing discerning what we hear to see if it is true or not , lot rests on doing so, test the spirit to says the apostle , I do not think he was referring to our post modern psycho babbled pc terms, ahahahahah but it's spirits ,,,, ..not platonic philosophy either.. love to all with us In Christ alone..
love to those who have lost ones to the drug sick nation,,,, praying for those tracking me, saw you, in the dark we hope we meet, so I can pray over you as well, get free, no external way to escape the secret things done, God sees and judges , grace can free you , thus you do not need to harm others, good over comes evil guys ... JESUS SAVES GET FREE .... got my stuff read it , believe...... love to you always..
fs praying them all ...
Monday, June 6, 2016
Asembly of friends ..
A ecclesia is simply an assembly of the body of Christ who are people, their are no external mediums needed other than our selves, we are the temple now a living body in which he dwells in . The elders are merely guides and mature as spirit led, used as needed led of God to serve like the Christ not based on how well they use or know platonic theology, or ancient philosophy but out of a relation which is purely Christo centric in nature..
Yes dear sister things have drift a long ways , with perhaps very limited means of knowing the truth unless you really look deep, and ask your self what we are really here for, and desire the truth with so much at stake.. We are to worship in truth and spirit what it's all about very simple but hard for man who loves to control even God by adding or guessing to do so...The NT life is meant to be relational with him and one other so I spend little time in second guessing this new reality just feel into being spirit led by fruit of faith love and hope .
Religion is the creation of man it's our desire to do it our way, find his way up and out, trouble is it goes no where Barth says it's failed effort of self righteousness , the life of Christ is faith and awareness and ability to discern spiritually the situation at hand , it's life apart and Christ centered, for his glory not ours..
The assembly early on was purely relational with Christ it never was intended to leave that or find another description of the faith by external means natural ability other than through grace and love and being Spirit led , people have forgot God is Spirit ..
I was delighted to have escaped the guilt laden religions of man to knowing the inclusion of my self as others who come through Christ to God are no longer on the out side but now inside imagine getting you your faith around that part he gave us and sees us no longer bound to doubt and guilt, I do say the former spell is now broken in him alone..
1 Corinthian 1-4 the kj3,,, I deeply enjoy it by the way , it's good for the soul , read it .. thanks
Blessing pray for the many lost our new pandemic of drugs and whatever lurks next around the corner in our degenerating culture..
In Christ be strong be wise discern test the spirits to see what is true or not .... thanks
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