Wednesday, February 12, 2020

thanks nice warm there.a little...

Australia writes,
"The written record became absolutized. The gospel became a new law. Faith was confounded with orthodoxy. The Church ceased to be a charismatic community and became an institution. Instead of the Spirit there were rules. Instead of the priesthood of all believers, there was wretched clericalism. Instead of the Spirit and presence of the living Christ there were religious canned goods. Instead of the living gospel there was dead ideology. Instead of freedom there was bondage. Yet, like the Pharisees, we have desperately tried to substitute an incredible devotion to the letter of Scripture for the prophetic spirit." 
   Jumping many centuries, we arrive in our historical survey at the religious Reformation of the sixteenth century. Roman Catholicism insisted on the inerrancy and infallibility of the Pope; the authority was vested in the Church and its papal proclamations. The Protestants protested, insisting on the inerracy and infallibility of the Bible; the authority of sola scriptura. Despite these contradictory claims for the basis of authority, 

Jesus said, "All authority is given to Me, in heaven and on earth" (Matthew 28:18). Inerrancy and infallibility is inherent in the living expression of God in Christ, and in Him alone. The Roman Catholics were susceptible (and still are) to ecclesiolatry, idolatrous worship of the church institution. The Protestants were susceptible (and still are) to bibliolatry, idolatrous worship of the Bible. In fact, the Catholics chided the Protestants for having a "paper pope" and a "God who was imprisoned in a book." At least the Catholic conception of God and pope was "personal," though mere man.
   The Protestant Reformation fostered static concepts of sola scriptura, justification, salvation, grace, faith, worship, etc. All branches of Protestantism down through the centuries have prided themselves on being "the people of the Book" or "the religion of the Book." G.K. Chesterton once wrote,
"The Bible and the Bible only is the religion of the Protestants." 31
   Bringing the historical survey up to date, we have just witnessed a couple of decades of evangelical conflict and debate. "The Battle for the Bible" has been the issue. There have been volumes of books and articles on inerrancy, infallibility and inspiration of scripture. They miss the point!What about proclaiming the eternal, inerrant, infallible inspiration of Jesus Christ, the Living Word expression of God, in people's lives? We need a Christo-centric Christianity rather than a biblio-centric Christian religion. Christianity IS Christ!  thanks well said ausy peroanlly in dweling largely reduced the platonic philoshopy and physco bable stuff, discluding real  medical science of carl jurg's sruff  , the  devestating effect of legalism  a repalcement for speit ledness and  faith and helping one another.. we are long ways from the real deal that faith  works through ausy thanks  not all but much is reduced  to the economic and  human performance stuff , amazing... grace in christ alone  no magic buildings , idols or titales and  lofty organized doubt you spoke of  .. free ecclesia  asssembly of people simple to all , stay well.