All to often the following statement has become all to often real and damaging. I propose a lot more ease and love for those fighting the internal wars even those that have all the answers on how to..
Don't get me wrong we all have battles, that's part of the going, the real war is often never fought it's rejected and avoid called spiritual warfare. It's easy to go through the motions it's another thing to be kind to someone tied into very not nice things, your right be careful agree we may find our selves doing the same provided some slip up comes.
too often Christians expect “perfection” in the first week, run out of patience
very quickly and reject them as not being genuine. I have heard enough stories
from enough people, and heard the consistency of expectations placed on them by
non-understanding Christians, to know there is truth in what I am writing.
my estimation there is a real lack of understanding, patience and people skills
amongst us today. It is a real tragedy that when people reach out to Jesus for
help, it is often the Christians who get in the way ~ modern day scribes and
Pharisees. That changed here years back man I fought some battles inside still do, illness etc, but for those escaping the dark side of cults.there has to be real help that is Spirit led verses the hangman ...
Jesus real love bares no memory of the past, God for gives man likes to kill it makes him feel better that's the flesh part. get even or harm others by discrediting them.
prayer is:
God, open our eyes to see the truth of what is happening in our society today.
Give us the grace, strength, wisdom, courage and Holy Ghost power to help see
the captives set free into the glorious liberty that the true sons and daughters
of the Living God enjoy. Deliver Your people from the fear of man and the
devil, and help us to rise and conquer the enemy in the Mighty Name of JESUS
CHRIST OUR RISEN, LIVING LORD. Amen.” About time is it not, tired of no faith, no victory and weakness worn out reading all the how to books , take the time to be alone with God and learn from him, "Be still and know that I am God"
When we begin the process of death we hear of NDE'S the questions come, God takes us to the edge to get our attention closes all doors to the out side world and begins get us out of our selves so we can hear more clearly. You Christianity is no a religion it's relationship, alive and real get connected. A lot of faith has become a philosophy of man seek to triumph to God with his ideas how to get there, Go to Jesus, simple and super clear.