Ruach A spirit led life is whole othert thing than a religion it is life and abounding knowledge wisdom and manifestation and the ability to know the difference 1 Corinth1-4, An alternative to relgion, legalism,and the occult, it;s life, where power is not based on anyone person, but on Christ, we all serve one another in the spirit love and knowledge. But on the one true perfect God's son to set us free, from the capture of our souls. for the deep cult, there is escape oen does nto have live in hell hole and get the free highs and short range power and deadly endings derived within it;s evil.
And for those now in Christ or YESHUWA a sea of means and opertunity are freely given, 1 CORINTH 1-4..
yes sadly man tries to restrain God into his relgious systems instead of lving relftionship in which a concious state of aware ness exists. Love to from the assembly congration the ecclesia based On the presence of Jeus Christ, alone, narrowoway does not use the teachings of the ancient mystery crafts of or it;s form,s it is JESUS CENTRAL THE BEST WE CAN. We avoid cultureal mixes , that means we leave any of the esoteric teachings out ,that come from the natural world as divine. Romans one.
Itwasa real joy to see the actual words used reffered tothe spirit as wind blowing, it;s interesting to note it was defiend fro m a far more personal mannerthanthe greek philospshy that tried to defien whatw as superaturaland personal into human system of reason which is and unable to grasp what apaul said the wise of this world are unable, I think we for got that when we systemized God in equation. The deadly consequences will be relaized as such thinking has now matured inthe tranahumaims and singularity where man seeks to be coe god like, will be our demise.
The west has suffered inteh face of manifesting God working inotherplaces by dreams which defy their human ego to micromanage God with their theology in compact system and ready made mediums to endorse their new mechanical God and how to formulas, which we now avoid. We felt real wisdon resisdes and comes from God and getting connected and free from all the traps to be led of the spirit, is far more vital toknow the mind of JESUS CHRIST in world heading for madness And elude the halls of plato, . So below we added this from a sight free offer.
( ר֫וּחַ ) is a feminine noun that means “spirit”, “wind”, or “breath.” The word can refer to the natural spirit
of a man, the wind as it blows or, most importantly, to the Spirit of God. Similarly, the Greek
pneuma (πνεῦμα) is
a gender neutral noun that is derived from the verb
pneo, meaning “to breathe.” Thus, it is sometimes used to
refer to “the wind” or to “life” itself (John 3:8; Revelation 13:15) and sometimes even refers to angels, demons,
and the spirit of the human beings (Hebrew 1:14; Luke 4:33; Luke 7:59).
Ruach and pneuma are both used for the
spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:11); that is the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, the One who lives inside
believers (Matthew 28:19; James 4:5; 1 John 4:13).
God shared His image with people (Genesis 1:26-28), part of that image was His Spirit. He sent His Sprit upon
persons to cause them to prophesy in the Old Testament, but in the Messianic era all of His children would be
able to prophesy. The Messianic King himself would have the Spirit of the Lord rest upon Him permanently
(Isaiah 11:2). Therefore He would be wise, understanding, full of counsel for His people and filled with power
(Isaiah 11:2). The Servant of the Lord would be filled with the Spirit of God (Isaiah 42:1).
Moses expressed his wish that the Lord would put His “Spirit” upon all people, making them prophets (Numbers
11:26-30). He had not wanted the gift of prophecy to be his alone. It was the Lord’s will to fulfill Moses’ wish and
His own sovereign plan. Joel the prophet announced in his day, the ninth century B.C., that in the Day of the
Lord, God would indeed pour out His Spirit upon all people (Joel 2:28-29). The sex, age nationality, language or
the social status of a person would not make any difference. The figurative expression “to pour out my Spirit”
emphasizes the abundance of the Spirit’s presence and activity that would be granted by the Lord.
The Spirit of God imparted Bezalel with the skill to build the Tabernacle (Exodus 31:3; 35:30) and even gave him
the ability to teach others (Exodus 35:34). God’s Spirit imparted life to the dead nation of Israel and brought it
back from the Babylonian exile (Ezekiel 37). In the era of the Messiah, the Lord gave His people a new spirit by
means of His Spirit so that they could follow Him faithfully (Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26). We are transformed by His
Spirit (Isaiah 59:21). It is the Spirit who writes the Law of God upon the heart of Christians today in fulfillment of
Jeremiah’s new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
The Spirit was extremely important to the early believers because they considered the Spirit to be the Spirit of the
risen Christ; that is, the Spirit of Jesus making Himself real to the believers in His spiritual form. From the writings
of the New Testament, we know that the early Christians considered Jesus to be present with them and in them
via His Sprit. Thus they honored the title “Spirit” by writing it as a
nomen sacrum, which means “Holy Spirit.”
In this letter to the Corinthians, Paul described Jesus, after His death, as being raised as a life-giving spirit (1
Corinthians 15:45). Paul did not say Jesus became “the Spirit” – as if the second person of the Trinity became the
third, but that Jesus became spiritual in the sense that His mortal existence and form were metamorphosed into a
spiritual existence and form. Jesus’ person was not changed through the resurrection, only His form. With this
changed spiritual form, Jesus regained the essential state of being He had emptied himself of in becoming a man.
Before He became a man, He subsisted in the form of God (Philemon 2:6), whose form is Spirit, and thereby was
united to the Spirit, the Third of the Trinity, while still remaining a distinct person of the Godhead. Thus it seems
clear that at least by the end of the first century and probably earlier, some Christians recognized the Spirit as a
distinct divine person, not just an impersonal force.
Biblical tradition affirms that in addition to Spirit revealing God’s thoughts to His servants, the Spirit could
transform behavior (1 Samuel 10:6). Resurrection and restoration, like the giving of life in creation, require a
restoration of breath from God (Ezekiel 37:5-10); this breath would be God’s own Spirit (Ezekiel 3714), through
which he had already promised to transform His people’s hearts to reflect His will (Ezekiel 36:26-26). And, while
Paul viewed believers as dead to sin in Christ (Romans 6:2-7) and expected them to internalize this perspective
(Romans 6:11), it was the Spirit who dynamically enabled them to think in these terms and live this new way
(Romans 8:5-6, 13-14).
God’s gift of His Spirit shows His kindness and love for us. Although various biblical writers emphasize diverse
activities of the Spirit, some common themes are evident. Whereas humanity is weak in itself, God empowers his
works by His Spirit. Their works represent service for God, include purity of living and, in individual cases,
leadership and especially hearing and speaking the divine message. In the New Testament dependence on the
Spirit characterizes the regular life of faith.
It is reassuring to know that we live in the day spoken of by Joel of God’s outpouring of His Sprit upon His people
(Acts 2:39). The gift of the Holy Spirit makes it possible for all of us to have a direct relationship with God. The
nearness of God to His people is through His Spirit; the presence of His Spirit has sealed us forever as His children
(Ephesians 4:30). While our spirits may languish in our frail flesh and blood bodies, God’s Spirit is the breath of
renewal in every time of sorrow or blessing.
We hope the personal connect will be come more real than the addiction of profiling and destructuve path ways will be for saken for love and true knowledge MS. The area highlighted in green says it all.