We're an assembly a group of individuals who gather for the purpose of worship, living, and dialogue inside teachings in a living relationship manner we call fellowship as an active faith led lives Where spirit led is lot more than mere words, but an active life of faith and spirit ledness.
We are faith growth driven as aspirit led active in out reach , whom recognize they comprise the temple of God in the NT age. And seek to be active as a body utilizing his inward presence John 17 given to all those who have come through him. By taking time in pursuit of grace and love. Over the distractions of temporal but rather grows rich in Christ. The pursuit of truth and spirit led, leads to spiritual maturity 1 Corinthians 1-5.
Due to his presence listed in 1 Corinthians 1-5 kj3 or young's literal. The good news to the lost advanced. And the of use faith to promote both the gospel and personal growth to avoid the lethargic condition that's captivated in action and crisis laden nation. We set our selves apart to grace and avoided the pit falls of a patterned hypnotic effects of philosophy in contrast to redefining spirit led life into mere rational but sought one of faith and spirit led .
We're undivided in our core knowledge's. We prefer to meet in simple gatherings and allowing the ability of people to be personal.
By way of being deeply operative in spiritual discernment ,led by his presence . We encourage people to seek the facts around life apart Wuest and Strong define the depth of the word and life which draws out side of the seduction of human philosophy but rather a life aware of the higher nature of epigenosis. As taught of his pure Holy spirit .
Love comes with knowledge and wisdom, Philp 1;9 they are all woven together in Christ and in God's people through Christ JESUS. Operative and functional by faith and the power there of which comes with being Spirit led, is unmeasured by man's fallen wisdom,it's not another behavioral modification religion.
Content of it's being.
God hates religion, Hosea, defines the futile human traditions , he came to build a relationship. He's looking for a real body he can work through, with his people and his bride, which needs to come free of all the love affairs it's gotten into of with a fallen world.
Back to Christ is untainted with obstacle's which generate out of doubt and fear. It's not a human ascent to heaven by formulas and behavioral modification techniques. Nor are systems made by man to improve on what God says or desires to do through faith and his Spirit in his people. He' s able to save men through dreams without our consent..
Trust out side of flesh .
God is not restricted through the crippled imagination of fallen human beings ... as he said it would in 1 Corinthian 1-3.
But it is out of a spirit led life, where his power speaks loudest takes place... The very nature of the write presented in 1 Corinthians 1-4.kj3 or young's literal .John 17 puts us in him, not back out side, in a lost and confused state, into doubt and fear. God's Spirit is the final teacher.
Our answer to the mis conceptions ;
God seeks to be sought through a relationship his way, Gospel wise.
Gary North's fantastic job on the (Hypnotic effect of philosophy), we encourage people reading this to help see through clouded crystal ball created in keeping the waters of spirit led muddied, is here avoided. . Papais warned by merging in a quagmire of second guessing through fallen philosophy and a need for externals to prove the internal by. With it's esoteric origins in the mystery religions and platonic craft etc led us to today's confusion and divides. We can change , Narrowway is free of those hidden path ways , In Christ alone !
Fellowship is friend ship", love and care , which is wise, given to it's fruit and awareness.
In them as they are his temple which is not made of mud or rocks. But as living souls, all of them not just a few. Who seek to be guided and made aware of his presence in them. Be still and know that I am God , requires learning how to connect with him and being silent long enough to be free of guessing, as revealing himself to his people as Spirit....
A big difference than man seeking their self ascent upward through moral performance, or money on their own part which is largely more destructive than it is wise. Galatians 1-3 KJ3and or the Neb ,
The desire for our unity is from within not without, another words their is passion for him even when we are not consistent. Grace doe not leave on basis of human failure.
We are completely separate and un-owned we're free in Christ alone, no additions needed.
Free of the Hegelian dialect, influence. Our goal is live for him .share that love for deeply troubled nation that can scarcely stop committing it's own social suicide, riddled in massive drug addiction and crime heart breaking.
The elders are used as needed , it is not career function , nor is all sophistry or sacrodolism. But in discerning body are they used as needed as it was before the money and power became it's ambition. Christ alone is people who see the new life through growing in spirit of love in portable community as sojourners as was the Christ, all done out side of faith is sin, all, not just the hand picked stuff, which favors ease, easy faith is not what 1 peter tells us ...the testing of our faith is like a fire purifying us so we may grow stronger in it, and go much further in our growth aiding one another forward. .
Hard to get used to the idea God has left much to himself, and for us to learn how to hear what he says in words that come often inside, and through discerning of spirits over the platonic, pc, physco babble mills of our time. Which create systems as man seeks to micromanage God, and each other, good luck on that one , all you have to do is look around see how far that's gotten us.. And we still don't get it..
Narrowway seeking a life of faith peace in Christ , hard not to speak out as the nation is falling on it's face.
We left that here and decided it was going to be truth laden and spirit led despite rejection of critics of truth, fear not the lord he says Luke warm goes no where.... That story in the last book flies in the face of western thinking your either hot or cold. Praise God
By the way we are included the beloved!!, john 15-17 helps us get there, we're not weak or unable , those conditions are done away with by God it is our choice to stay stagnated or not know the differences,..A choice we we make to avoid being troubled by the world., God is not crippled your his body faith can operate if it is the size of tiny seed , . so where does that leave us , rich, and fully able.
Just imagine he loves you that much and willing that God the spirit works through your body as his now, no need to waste time in doubt. He is a God of action, and if we fail he will raise others to take our place..
Time for change, your taking a first step of faith start believing him thus we are able to move beyond john 3;16 to grow , leaving the spiritual cradle far behide, and maturing in discernment and the power of God through his spirit minus weakness. Dr.. Deere does a good job at defining their request for Paul to come to free them of the bondage which got them so powerless, may be fair to say . Galatians got trapped in legalism.
We pray for all those we meet in our out reach and for those trapped the dark cults, we seen , the use of deadly drugs and desire for power at he expense of both kids and the very young. Pray shoveling money will not fix it, has change inside Only God can fix it .
JESUS SAVES for those in dark things , the use of other lives for your power is deeply ugly way of thinking.
The dark side ,
The use of infant scarifies and blood from the very young or otherwise is extremely distorted and reprehensible, does matter it is wrong. Were praying for people in such practices to come out of it, and seek serious help, in the lord Jesus Christ.
Praying for a deeply troubled culture, lost in it's own distorted amusement park of life styles is now in big trouble as it self destructs maybe on a huge scale, God does not reward that which he has warned against which it has well strived for in one sense in vigor..
Section one, our path way back "coming home as Christ intended".
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