Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hypnotic effect of philosphy


The Invention of The Ancients / Perennial Philosophy


The today untenable idea of an Ancient Wisdom Tradition that Theosophists and Esotericists are referring to,  had its roots in the Renaissance where the Cabalah as "the oral Torah," was considered the Ancient Wisdom Teaching.  

Renaissance philosophers (deemed "science") taught the Cabalah contained the secret teachings of Moses, an oral supplement to Scripture, making it possible to accurately interpret the written Word of the Bible. (Pico della Mirandola "On the Dignity of Man" p. 29)  

In other words the Renaissance  philosopher/scientists worked within a view of history in which their own tradition was represented as an ancient philosophy, contemporary with Moses, only to have this legend gradually undermined by scholarly studies, the Enlightenment rejected this old order.  

Renaissance Neo-Platonist used the "prisca theologia" (ancient wisdom tradition) theory to support their claim that Platonism was reconcilable with Christian doctrines.
 1 Corinthian 1-4 does  not support the  use of the ancient mystery religions, God has no use for them, though it is used often without notice due the lack of any historical  know how,   as the origins of these forms or philosophies today are often renamed and used without awareness. 

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