Sunday, September 18, 2016


 What is fellowship?

The Greek words translated “fellowship” in the New Testament mean essentially a partnership to the mutual benefit of those involved. Christian fellowship, then, is the mutually beneficial relationship between Christians, who can’t have the identical relationship with those outside the faith.  Christ binds us, the Holy spirit leads us .

Fellowship does not require us to be institutionalized, we can meet almost any where,  and have a relationship , but more so how  about your fellow ship with God. When is the last time you heard  person relate to the likeness of Paul's description  1 Corinth 1-4kj3 or young's literal

Our hearts and minds are “other-worldly” because we follow Jesus Christ, who said that His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36

The focus is note a ball game or the  amusement park stuff but he mind of Christ,  discernment  of spirits and so much more  out reach, being Spirit led, the priesthood of all believers,  and love God's way, by having the mind of Christ and  knows the differences.

 The walk involves ,intimacy  with Our lord. We assemble in few homes keep in things more personal and contact wise rich in spiritual fruit.

Narrowway recognizes the people as the temple of God the way that  Christ did, john 17  we not use an external artifice  to replace a relationship. Any of us as elders  operate as servants,  and the ones who loved most led, Fairbairne 1910. We are a nt faith   with functions modeled by  our lord through us . 

We believe the body is able and fully gifted and alive discerning the mind of Christ and  capable  of  moving quickly obtaining wisdom to know and operate in faith without the constraint of fear and doubt.

The Holy spirit is  a critical part of our lives more so than the platonic systems of human philosophy. We assemble due to the new life,   an alternative to the halls of Plato.

Fellowship involves a faith in action among us  it far extends beyond  organized doubt and fear but lives in faith  action..  We do not market our selves for the sake of gain but live by faith .We trust God more than the economic use of  God for profit.

 The objective  is as Jesus says it is and was  the condition of our culture has become reprehensible die the absence of real presence of active faith.  The loss of life, addiction,  and all the dark things have merged  leaving a path way of deep sorrow,and self destruction as a means of  appearing wise or content.

We hope the life giving power of Christ  will supersede the need of having  doubt  or human reason as fruit of our  self centered self destructive culture to look up to.

 Fellowship  is true friend ship, Love hope and faith.

 John  13-17

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