“The Bible is a supernatural book and can be understood only by supernatural aid.” tozar.
The God's Spirit who lives in his people all the time not part time, and is pleased by faith.
It was well said we must interpret the scriptures in the same spirit their written in ,that spirit is God, the quest to get back to the more literal terms and avoiding the many traditional spins added over time to shift the meanings as far as possible to support the man made traditional forms.
But rather to go with best Greek we have has been deeply desired and now addressed seen a few now presented , the young's literal, and the kj3, and the Mathew Bible and few others have sought the avoidance of the many added extras.
There could be little more true Tertullian had warned the early Christians to avoid being stuck in the halls of Plato. agree fully.
This having created variety factual information to continue the reformation to the spirit led estate lost after chromic emergence with natural philosophy. the first century awareness hopwood spoke of is often rare and found only in spotty revival thus soon subjected the traditional forms that quickly stunted the works of the spirit back in the legal dichotomy and human control.
What was to be common practice to this day sir as the supernatural body of Christ's, his priesthood of all his people began to utilizing forms hence extinguishing the life power of the spirit in his body, reinstituted sacradolism and sophistry were utilized for profit, an the introduction under Cyprian the former Covenantal forms which is legal by nature not grace, over the spirit led forms Jesus prescribed. And replaced the once spirit led body with into an audience of spectators, which was foreign to the actual ecclesia in which all were part of and active by faith .
Luther translated the word ekkesia into German (gelamine) which means family community and sustained the respect of the congregation of believers as the priesthood of all not just those who wrote themselves in as profession or career.
The original word carried grace by God's election not the jurisdiction of man's legal forms , that got added latter on, the words make it totally clear in of them selves so their no making stuff up on as you go basis.
And into living body of believers in their entirety an their elder aids the growth process but did no think for them. We agree with Tertullian it would be wise to be as it was intended not so much a corporation but a living community, it was utterly personalized and later would become utterly comprised.
Tertullian, when Jerome found him had been fully rejected by the envious clergy class, quote the case... which was formed out the nicolation construct warned of by John .
Our role here his pure grace mercy and forgiveness the way Jesus intended.. the halls of plato needed to go, but it was money, and power, political entrée, easy to be like esau sell one's birth right for mere morsel, or silver, or ease Pharisee, the epigenosis knowledge is from above in reflects adynamic relationship not mere gnosis out of the natural mind.
Epignosis is a full, more exact and thorough knowledge and is clearly a key word in this epistle (2Pe 1:2, 2Pe 1:3, 2Pe 1:8, 2Pe 2:20).
In fairness it should be stated that there are a few resources that suggest there is very little difference between gnosis and epignosis. This discussion holds the opinion that epignosis does have subtle but real differences.
Epígnosis refers to exact, complete, thorough, accurate, experiential knowledge, not just abstract, intellectual, head knowledge of God or even facts about Him. Epígnosis always describes moral and religious knowledge in the NT and especially refers to full and comprehensive knowledge of God’s will that rests on the knowledge of God and of Christ found today in His Word.
(Epignosis) signifies advanced or full knowledge. The difference between the simple gnosis and the compound word is illustrated in Ro 1:21, 28, and 1 Cor. 13:12....
(Epignosis is) Clear and exact knowledge. Always of a knowledge which powerfully influences the form of the religious life, and hence containing more of the element of personal sympathy than the simple gnosis knowledge, which may be concerned with the intellect alone without affecting the character.
See Ro 1:28; 10:2; Ep 4:13. Also Phil 1:9, where it is associated with the abounding of love; Col. 3:10; Philemon 1:6, etc. Hence the knowledge of sin here (Ro 3:20) is not mere perception, but an acquaintance with sin which works toward repentance, faith, and holy character.
Alford quotes Delitzsch as saying:
“When epignosis is used, there is the assumption of an actual direction of the spirit to a definite object and of a real grasping of the same: so that we may speak of a false gnósis, but not of a false epignosis. And the Writer (of Hebrews - referring to He 10:26-note)
"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge (epignosis) of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins"), by the use of this word, gives us to understand that he means by it not only a shallow historical notion about the Truth, but a living believing knowledge of it, which has laid hold of a man and fused him into union with itself.” Thus it is clear that the Jew who committed this sin, was fully informed by the Holy Spirit of the issues involved between the First Testament and the New Testament, and also of the meaning and the implications of the New Testament, (He 6:4-note, “who were once enlightened”) and therefore, he sinned with his eyes wide open." (Wuest's Word Studies from the Greek New Testament)
Wuest commenting on 2 Peter 1:2 writes that
Knowledge” or epignosis is full, perfect, precise knowledge as opposed to gnósis, imperfect, partial knowledge. Strachan says: “epígnōsis, ‘involving the complete appropriation of all truth and the unreserved acquiescence in God’s will, is the goal and crown of the believer’s course’ (Lightfoot) … epignosis implies a more intimate and personal relationship than gnósis. It would be a useful word, seeing that gnósis had become associated with Gnosticism, then incipient in the Church.… Grace and peace are multiplied in and through this more intimate heart knowledge of Jesus Christ, in contrast to a mere barren gnósis. ”
The difference is huge, and it's serious.... the sad part he English translation are quite weak, on numerous key issues, allow for a lot of emotional guessing.
a lot of the word studies commentaries sound more like behavioral phycology, or any philosophy or speculataion, aprt eh truth here spoken of he lists. Avoiding the truth destroys deductive or real discerning minds away and into a form of institutionalism over the individual as the temple of God. Losing the connected and alive awareness they been granted in the new life.
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