NARROWWAY 2011 IS AN OUT REACH, Dedicatedthe restoration of the early bodies functions as it was.
During the unfortunate earlier centuries, however, Christian doctrine
shifted away from the trusting faith and spiritual wisdom that
would have been imparted to each believer by the Holy Spirit.
The increasing reliance on Greek reasoning removed the Spirit from His
true place of empowering men and women to live a life pleasing to
God. Instead, only the “elite few” could be trusted to interpret God’s
Word for the rest of the Body.
The dualist concept also brought about the myriad of church rituals
requiring an intermediary on behalf of the people. A priest, a professional
clergyman, was required to sanctify, or make holy by prayer,
that which God had already created and declared to be good.
Clergy control through sacraments
would keep worshipers enslaved for centuries, distanced from their biblical privilege of walking as a priesthood of believers.
The Elders were servants, filled with love and cared and he who loved most would led by example , and truth and Spirit. it was not lecture hall or those who led by faith, it was not a management style function as you see to day where the long fast bond state of morbid nature institutional; took the place of wise faith based thinking...Dictatorial and profit driven was never the case. Love marked the path way it was not sold to the world systems. ad the people were matured by faith they all were one divined and shared but also required to work for each ones own bread.
The goal is formal education largely historical back drops origins terms were sought out in depth... ,
The out reach goes over large region of actions largely driven by spirit led unction artificiality of mere programs was left out and replaced by faith . Our rpayer is for those hurt by all manner of things and the loos of so many jobs substance abuse the nature of the dark cults in which lives are injured or destroyed...the need of all men to come through Christ . Our hope is the restoration of the family the way God intended. Please read the book of Romans. Our prayers for all we meet and hope many turn and see what life is like withe out a destructive path way to one self and others..
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