Tuesday, September 5, 2017

spirit led?

But be not ye called Rabbi,.... Do not be ambitious of any such title, fond of it, or affect it, or be elated with it, should it be given you; nor look upon yourselves as men of power and authority over others; as having the dominion over men's faith, a power to make laws for others, impose them in a magisterial way, and bind and loose men's consciences at pleasure, as these men do:
for one is your master, even Christ; meaning himself, the true Messiah, the head of the assembly  King of saints, and Lord of all; who had all power in heaven and in earth, to make laws, appoint ordinances, and oblige men to receive his doctrines, and obey his commands: the word "Christ", is left out in the Vulgate Latin, the Syriac, Persic, and Ethiopic versions; but is in the Arabic version, and Munster's Hebrew Gospel, and in all the ancient Greek copies Beza consulted, excepting two: no other indeed can be meant; he is the great Rabbi, and doctor, that is to be hearkened to, and the master we are all to obey:
and all ye are brethren; not merely as the descendants of Adam, but as being in a spiritual relation, the children of God, and disciples of Christ, and so have no superiority one over another: this may regard the disciples, both as believers and Christians, partakers of the same grace, and standing in the same relation to God, Christ, and one another, and having an equal right to the same privileges: and as apostles and ministers, one as such, no, not Peter, having no pre-eminence over the other, having the same commission, doctrine, and authority, one as the other. J Gill

 faith is simple, no pagan forms of head ship  used, or needed to improve on the Christ work,   by the Christ , elders are servants,  older men ,  the words used in our translation for the offices etc,  are added their no such words based on what we see  in all the titles created , no such  forms  to support the   human priest craft in the nt era existed  that would come later and lead to the demise of the spirit led Body . . thanks we strongly suggest people study things out to see the origins and means used and fabricated later on, by use of  the pagan cultural models of Greece Rome and later on the western Europe adopted monarchal  forms for power and control and  pick pocking the people for their wealth, both political  organizations...   self made hierarchal terms used to usurp authority  over the people was not promoted by Christ ,  sin of the nicolations    in the early body no such constructs existed, thanks ,they were spirit led and loved one another , undivided and in tone to 1 Corinthians  1-4.kj3 as spirit led. or young's literal ...thanks


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