Thursday, August 27, 2020

thanks saw the article ok here , no change ,,,, but faith ....

 Though the modern practice in all institutional churches of any stripe is that of “giving sermons” and “preaching from the pulpit,” the word group for "giving a speech" or "give sermons" is never found within the New Testament ecclesia. Instead we have "discuss" or "start a discussion," or "dialogue", the true meaning of the Greek word.

But again, the translators gave an incorrect rendering. They inserted the word “preach” instead of dialegomai, “dialogue”, confirming yet again their love affair with the medieval practices and traditions of power hungry and lust-filled men.quote ! 

So now we have in the church institution the notion called “the centrality of preaching,” taken from Acts 20, a situation where the Apostle Paul spoke for a long time. But many fail to notice, and others even refuse to acknowledge, that verse 7 specifically states that the purpose of their coming together was “to break bread” (fellowship) not to hear a sermon!  true sender  thanks fox penn knew that fully .......   yes read  it,,, it; amazing  journey for any one seeking insites ,,,,stuff  , was intense write , i doubt many have even ask the question, lrt alone find the answer    your yoru speaking to putting up  agree.... the actual terms do nto support it//// tyndale knew so did all the other that got wicked , the reformers  remain  mixed  into thir deministic  theology , which entails them in their lofty arrogance of power,!!!!,, anciant priest craft has not left them,,,,  sir and sis,,   read the book the origins of the priest craft and king craft,,,  it will provide with deep formal education on the orgins and doings of their tragic  drama,,,,,, both practices for power , is amazing you will see fox -penn address the drama, as  by far rejected the magical wagon of silver power  in the sufferings asscociated in  the arrogance that raged in those centuries that  and much much more !!!grace is not so, freeing one enslaved mind at a time  you might say....  thanks , love the article super  ..., 

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