This spiritualizing of words is also called the allegorical method. which we can see in the study of early faith struggled with and many compromised with it , part of empire building and titles all that comes with it,philosophy as the key to truth. Or trying to blend it with revelatory concerns took place seeking to avoid a way of inventing ever increasing adjustments to Scriptures meanings.
What we are dealing with here are changed definitions, of words describing actual events. This produces confusion. It also provides the false sense of mystery and hidden knowledge. The hearers sense that the whole thing is incoherent. Some reject it outright and leave. Others, worried that it only appears incomprehensible because they are not smart enough to grasp it, go ahead and accept it.
This changes actual information into some kind of secret code, comes from the pagan Greeks, was common practice, IT;s where we get Circe, Kirke, the black sun themes out of it all.
Philosophers used it to convince their countrymen they were very intelligent, and able to delve into the secrets of the universe.Still going on today, trans humanism , a large part of the public conditioned state to be without question or told they will get some thing which ever shows,...
This is where sophistry comes in they were expert speakers used to persuade the people, I agree with angebert {they exchanged the revelatory for the gnosis}.The road to possible big trouble started here in these practices.
Greek philosophy made its nearest approach to Christianity in Plato (427-347 B.C.). He elaborated the concepts of Socrates and wrote them down. Later, the teachings of Plato greatly influenced liberal Jewish and Christian writers. They were deeply impressed by his grasp of what men called esoteric (hidden) knowledge.
Origen (c. A.D. 185-c. 254) was the first to extensively bring Platonic error into early Christianity, became major practice inuse. The Neo-Platonic philosophy was just coming into prominence under the leadership of Ammonius Saccas.
Origen studied his methods carefully. Soon his reputation was widespread, and heathen and Gnostics in large numbers were attending his lectures. Because he taught a mixture of Christianity and Platonism, many heathen were converted to his worldly brand of Christianity, which can be referrede to as modern churchianity, or institutionalism.
Your question getting back to spirit led one has to remove many of the grids in the way of truth. It;s doable and requires a personal relaitonship with Christ and in his requests for getting close not Eypt or greece. much after 300Ad was no longer related to the ecclesia of the past where God worked mightly, that would be shifted over to human control,men who asigned themselves divnity. Today revivals which term ndicates the state of death or slumber is sought, no the ability quenchteh spirit by merging him inlegalism of cultic practices out side the actual words and origanal scriprtures,,plus the relationship which was made free to all of his people needs to take regaining the preisthood of the believers, apart the spectorial nature by mere bystanders. There is no indication he has left his body it;s the other way around the body has left him in the tradtions of men and may be stuck as an innocous condtion over the centuries to soem degree.
Origen studied his methods carefully. Soon his reputation was widespread, and heathen and Gnostics in large numbers were attending his lectures. Because he taught a mixture of Christianity and Platonism, many heathen were converted to his worldly brand of Christianity, which can be referrede to as modern churchianity, or institutionalism.
Your question getting back to spirit led one has to remove many of the grids in the way of truth. It;s doable and requires a personal relaitonship with Christ and in his requests for getting close not Eypt or greece. much after 300Ad was no longer related to the ecclesia of the past where God worked mightly, that would be shifted over to human control,men who asigned themselves divnity. Today revivals which term ndicates the state of death or slumber is sought, no the ability quenchteh spirit by merging him inlegalism of cultic practices out side the actual words and origanal scriprtures,,plus the relationship which was made free to all of his people needs to take regaining the preisthood of the believers, apart the spectorial nature by mere bystanders. There is no indication he has left his body it;s the other way around the body has left him in the tradtions of men and may be stuck as an innocous condtion over the centuries to soem degree.
Origen mastered the Hebrew language, gone to Rome, Arabia, Palestine and Greece for further enlightenment, and then wrote extensively, I have no doubt exposure to the esoteric world was extensive it was very common that to seek the mystery religions base truths..
Because Origen was willing to dabble in Platonistic and Gnostic learning. Origen was the first to reduce the allegorical method of Scripture interpretation to a organized systems, this would be passed onto our time to this day in various degrees requires people avoiding them as end in themselves..
Origen stood with Augustine as the other of the two most effective theologians of the ancient church world using these methods, Sophistry and hiearchy was added for human control to suppress the spirit led by the states new artifical religious inventions. 250Ad Carthege onward the Spirit would be subjected to silence by decalaration of the only the leaders who took those positions over for themselves.
Both taught these ways and are used today to support like ideas and practices.The early mss was chanegd from ecclesia, to the hiearchal terminology to gather power for people who felt they could improve upon the work of the Holy Spirit. Amazing isn't it all?? The desire to be Spirit led over an esoteric broom ride is a far better choice.
The spiritualizing, or allegorical, method frees a person to be able to read into a passage anything he wants it to sayappears to be part of the desire in this! Why denominantions exist?aquestion ask,?, The Bible no longer is a message from God, but a collection of assumptions and theories devised by people chaneg as they continue to progress away from the truth.This is good reason we're deeply interested to what the truth is in all this.MS.
test it to see if it is true or not/..... getting back to Christ alone, only.