Wednesday, January 23, 2013

His way....only

Then the Lord said,
“Because this people draw near with their words
And honor Me with their lip service,
But they remove their hearts far from Me,
And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote,
(Isaiah 29)
Therefore behold, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, wondrously marvelous;
And the wisdom of their wise men will perish,
And the discernment of their discerning men will be concealed.”

And as opposed to repaying him in the way he had requested, they have made a religion out of what he had requested: in opposition remembering what he had done for them with true gratitude worshipping him in truth and spirit, they have made rituals to fulfill this “duty”, and instead of seeking him in a personal way (a way that is closer than a brother), and thus ultimately giving up their earthly, temporal lives to him, they have made up doctrines and rules to replace the surrendered-to-him-and-his-will personal relationship he had requested. John 15-17 .2 Chronicals 16;9

 Imagine now that you had once sensed the Spirit of this man leading you to truths that no human being had ever spoken, to have given it over to mere rote, and formalism. I would like to share a way back is not hard at all it;s quite simple actually... The living God lives in his people as  the Holy Spirit.
Your the temple now,  it;s not a hut  but you, portable mobile and able.

 It is not the natural man but from above, a new indwelling. The idea of revival is not something I support MS, sorry at large,to accept it for those out side of Christ yes, those in Christ if they require a revived sequence than that would mean something is dead, the   idea implies a state of death,would mean that Christ's work is in vain and as to his promises, to his people of his indwelling, they are able to quench him without faith and the use of denial theology to keep it man centered.That could suck the life out of  a group at that point it;s mere mechanical relgion, or performance profiling.

 That may more the case,continue on in death state or slumber they got themselves into, I would say the warnings are for those doing so found in revelation Ms, Sardis and laodacia are  prime examples of of dieing relationship,states perhaps by intention,  or simple ignorace of the real truths in all cases appear to be historical and theologically available to anyone relaly taking the whole thing serious enough to want to be deeply engaged in the only relationship which holds any eternal benefit. .Got to go back to what it was like before terms and forms got adjusted to supporting the poltical compromises found in ambition and power.

That is why we listed the pgs Hopwood books and now have obtained the research work on the nature of the mystery religions, and the early history of the ecclesia,  into latter centuries where key features got changed. His resources are great place to find old books containing interesting studies dealing with what your seeking.. You got to go far back before the reformers they they merely carried over some of the former gave it new names but the forms stayed the same I think that may be what you were wondering  about,  thanks may the quest go well.may youand your friends enjoy those truths..

The real awareness is one that will lead far  ahead into maturity and awareness. Start digging, loads of gold there.John 15-17

I endorse KJ3,  Young's literal etc or any other which would promote them for the removal of  non existant head ship terms added out of tradition. Christ centered.we're servants dear one that's it and  need to remmberthe modle Christ set, he could have been king, and loaded himself up, but he did other wise,. Money is not evil, it is the love of it that drives people over the edge., and power,  Really simple  it;s all at the core of those changed what  we spoke of.

God sees us all, heart intents. thanks let love and wisdom rule , love is not without knowledge, discernment it watches what goes on seeks to sift junk from the truth.  Thanks

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