Saturday, April 30, 2016

His ways

The King James translators have Paul telling Timothy:
"Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine." (1 Timothy 5:17 KJV).
Referring to this Dr. Norman Park wrote:
"These writers made short shrift of the claim that elders have the authority to 'rule.' They knew the history of the 1611 version and the determination of King James to confer on both bishop and king the divine right to rule: 'No bishop, no king.' Hence his demand that the Greek word proistmi be rendered 'rule,' though it actually carried no connotation of authority, power, or governance. It merely meant that elders should be 'foremost' in zeal, knowledge, quality of life, and concern for the welfare of the church - a quality which rightfully should be embodied in all saints. In a very real sense, then, 'ruling' was not the preserve of the few, but the duty of all." (Dr. Norman Park "It Shall Not Be So Among You")

The assembly of God gathered to share wherever to share and eat together  bring the things of the spirit to bare in their lives,  to show how he has blessed us, and revealed wisdom to us... , it was not a Greek lecture hall, alone,  it was not a school of rhetoric  sophistry, it was pure relational  the  reached to  the lost as did their servant God our savior Christ. . It was not divided among men, for gain sake . But led by mercy and love and correction, feeding and growing.  Spiritually  sensitive aware and able to discern the fullness of the revelatory nature of God  though his people who are his temple..

love his way always. 

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