Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Now a word was secretly brought to me,

And my ear received a whisper of it,

In disquieting thoughts from the visions of the night,

When deep sleep falls on men,

Fear came upon me, and trembling,

Which made all my bones shake.

Then a spirit passed before my face;

The hair on my body stood up.

It stood still.

But I could not discern it;s appearance.
A form was before my eyes; there was silence Job 4;12-16.

For God may speak in one way, or in another,

Yet man does not perceive it.

In a dream, in a vision of the night,

When deep sleep comes upon men,

While slumbering on their beds,

Then he opens the ears of men,

And seals their instruction.

In order to turn man from his deed,

And conceal pride from man,

he keeps back his soul from the pit,

And his life from perishing by the sword Job 33;14-18

I would like to encourage those asking seeking to really think deeply one word at a time, get alone and ponder these deep truths. Yes,, God can save his way, dreams to Muslims, why not?, We allow him to speak for himself, no filter grids needed

I like thank one man way back in my early years after conversion , here were his words, "Franz- Read it 10 times, it helps us stop reading into it, and than somewhere latter on we start to really hear or listen.
I agree being able to listen should supersede good speakers seeing it;s more important to know what it is to know follow a person for his good speech that was the case Paul had to warn the body of early on.

Read Acts.This is for you Tom, what a wonderful brother and how truth in your every word has holden fast in my life all these years later, it has all come forward to being so.

Thanks enjoy .

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