Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Where is the power?

Laodiceans today focus on everything but the pure truth of the Living Word. They are comfortable with Sunday morning churchianity. They appear to the world as “cool” with contemporary and carnal worship. 
And they are clearly deceived as they practice their idolatrous embrace of all things tangible rather than obedience to intangible Spirit and Truth. Man and all his works are glorified in Laodicean fellowships. But glorying in God’s work on the Cross provides true fellowship (1 Cor 1:31 and Jer 9:23). Laodiceans are focused on improving self rather than dying to self.

We felt it's great to come back to Jesus central, ecclesia only jess is undivided and allows the spiritual wonders of his presence to come through his people.

  The ideas that led to the demise of the spirit gifts was created by the Greek philosophies when the choice was made to replace the revelatory with gnosis,  or human wisdom and system replaced the personal presence of God with man made ideas, theology is not bad it just depends where it ends up ? man centered, or is the knowledge deriv3ed from God or from the past teachings and methods of the platonic schools of thought. that was the case with clement and oreigin's writings which  merged their ideas with faith.

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