Tuesday, December 31, 2019

the differnce


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Galatians 5:1
A British naturalist who collected animals for zoos, Gerald Durrell, tells how he captured a number of African birds and small mammals.[2] He kept them in cages for several weeks. Due to political turmoil, he could not export the animals to Britain and was forced to free them.

He opened their cages to let them go. To his surprise, some refused to leave. They had become comfortable in their cages, nourished and sheltered from predators. He resorted to prodding them out with a stick but the moment he stopped, they went back in.

Durrell was obliged to destroy the cages to prevent the animals from staying. They had lost their taste for freedom.
So it is with some Christians. They prefer the secure confines of rules, only to miss out on a world of adventure.

“Every man harbors a Pharisee in his heart,” observed the radio preacher.  I agree. Remnants of corruption remain as long as we live, and often generate legalism.

Legalism is the assumption we get righteousness by following rules. Like the Galatians, some suppose we are justified by faith but sanctified by law. Paul protests,
Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? Galatians 3:30

Legalists suppose they have divine authority

The legalist is convinced he is standing firmly on the authority of the divine law. Instead, he has one foot on the law and the other on the remnants of his own corrupt nature. This is slippery ground. Neither foot is planted on the imputed righteousness of Christ.  The sins of pride, self-righteousness and judgmentalism have foothold.
Laws always produce more laws, not more righteousness. They multiply like germs in a Petri dish. This is why Jewish Rabbis, not content with Old Testament law, wrote the Talmud, a set of volumes expanding the law to the size of an encyclopedia.

Legalists imagine they are mature

Freedom is an ambiguous concept, tricky to define. Where does freedom end and license begin? Laws are concrete while principles are ethereal. Children require rules due to their undeveloped faculties. As they mature, they understand the principles.
Paul alluded to this,
Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.  25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.  Galatians 3:24-25 (NKJV)
We can remain children led by a tutor if we choose. Or we may be free, mature adults acting on principle.
Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. Romans  14:1   
The legalist is a spiritual weakling. Like a straw man propped up by sticks, so the legalist props himself up by petty rules. Though he thinks he strong, he is going nowhere.

Legalists assume strictness is holy

Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules:  21  “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”?  22 These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.  23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence. Colossians 2:20
Religious strictness usually makes things worse. Paul had been a strict Pharisee, so he knew the legalist mindset. Pharisees were detailed about laws. It was the one about murder they overlooked.
More strict equals more sin. Why? Because the power of sin is the law[3]. It is the crutch on which the carnal nature leans to work at full capacity.

God’s risk

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13   
Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 1Peter 2:16
Free from what? From rule-based righteousness. Humanly speaking, God takes the risk that we might abuse our freedom to indulge the flesh. If this were not so, these warnings would not be in scripture. The warnings are proof of how just free we are.
Should we fear we might abuse grace? That’s like a doctor saying, “I’m giving you a prescription but be careful because it might make you forget you are sick.”  This is precisely what the prescription is intended to do.

How does legalism enter the reformed camp?

Some reformed teachers ignore an important principle of biblical interpretation:  the New Testament interprets the Old, not vice versa.
It happens due to a misuse of the idea of covenant. God made a covenant, a kind of agreement, with Abraham. This is the Christian covenant, sometimes called the covenant of grace. Galatians Chapter Three teaches this clearly.
This covenant binds the Old and New Testaments together. Some reformed teachers take this concept further than the apostles intended. Launching from the idea of the unity of the testaments, they drag Old Testament law into Christian living. Such practice is like reading the Bible to the end, then like a rubber ball hitting a wall, bouncing back and getting stuck in Deuteronomy.


 The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming — not the realities themselves. Hebrews 10:1
Imagine a person trying to eat a shadow. Such a ludicrous sight must be how God views us when we fall into legalism. To some, the shadow seems so real, while the reality is ethereal. A lamb sacrifice seems concrete, the atonement of Christ ethereal. Shadows make poor nourishment.

Endless delema of chronic error vs Spirit Led

 The strange unions  part open ,, Hocus Pocus !! theology 

The New Evangelicals and Post-Modern Psychobabble
Almost every seminar and teaching series in Evangelical Christianity is now laced with doctrines of
psychology as if psychology was biblical or even scientific truth. Much of psychology is founded on doctrines of humanism and demons.

Psychology is the virus in the backbone of so much evangelical teaching that it isgetting hard to find evangelical teachers that are not helping to spread the virus. There is not much point in
trying to list all the teaching and the programs that have infected the church because there would be no endto the list.

I will give a couple of good examples so you get the drift.
First, let me define the type of psychology that I am mainly talking about. It is mostly theories of
psychotherapy that originated from satanically inspired men. This would include but not be limited to theories by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

One of my main concerns is the temperament profiling psychology and psychotherapy that originated inmythology and ancient paganism. It was most likely reinspired by Jung’s introvert, extrovert, thinker, feelertheory.

Today there are more developed temperament typing theories and testing that are named "Myers-
Briggs type indicator" (MBTI), "Keirsey temperament sorter" and “DISC Profiles" as well as some others. Another concern of mine is Bill Wilson’s 12-step program that inspired Christianized 12-step programs. Wilson’s solution to his addiction from alcohol was inspired from Carl Jung’s idea that sometimes only a spiritual experience will break an addiction. The 12 steps of Bill Wilson’s 12-step program mostly originated from doctrine in the Oxford group movement religious cult. Both Carl Jung and Bill Wilson claim in their own writings that they heard the voices of spirits that gave them some of what they wrote. 

Bill Wilson wrote a letter to Carl Jung and at the end of the letter, he refers to psychic phenomena among AA members and he gives praise for “I Ching” (an ancient Chinese philosophy and system of divination).
My final concern in this section will be on the psychology and the dominionist teachings of Dr. James Dobson who is now the most influential person in “Christian” America. There are additional unbiblical psychologies and psychotherapies in the church but these examples should be sufficient. I will also explain how all this “Christian psychology” ties into Dominionism in bold type toward the
end of this topic.
Temperament or personality typing is a prime example of pop-psychology replacing biblical thinking in the church or ((eclesia home groups )). Temperament typing now occurs in churches, Christian organizations and even in Christian job hiring placement.

The temperament analysis theory of four human temperaments originated from ancient myth and
pagan thought. It came from the ancient theory of there being four bodily fluids that when imbalanced display a person’s temperament or personality in their physical appearance. It has long been discredited but recently temperament typing is making a comeback in pseudo-psychological practices.

The four temperaments were regurgitated through the spirit guide influence on Carl Jung with his introvert,extrovert, thinker, feeler theory. Others further developed the myth and developed testing to define the temperament of individuals. It was first popularized in evangelical circles through Tim LaHaye’s book written in 1966 called “Spirit-Controlled Temperaments”. Later LaHaye wrote “Transformed Temperaments”. LaHaye’s first book drew extensively on the writings of Dr. Ole Hallesby who wrote on this subject in 1940. LaHaye took psychological temperament theories and Christianized them by reinforcing the theories through his unique and rather strange interpretation of a couple of Bible passages. In his books, LaHaye attaches presumptive temperament types to well know biblical characters. For more information on this, see Tim
LaHaye & Psychoheresy.

 section two 

Most psychologists do not accept temperament or personality typing theories nor put these theories into
practice but it is now very popular with large corporations, and with government organizations who find it
useful as a tool in their tolerance, diversity training and team concept brainwashing. Much of Evangelical
Christianity now accepts temperament typing as truth, much the same as they have with marketing, success
and self-help psychologies.
Temperament typing analysis, like astrology, is really all about learning about oneself in the flesh. It is rooted
in well-established pagan myth and theory expounded on by men who have doctrines of fantasy. The four
human temperaments are not taught in the Bible. Those who live by this stuff cast themselves into molds and
then find reasons to reinforce their imprisonment. The temperament tests are said to reveal the nature of a
person so that that can understand self, work on self-improvement and know what their brain equips them to
do in the world and church. It is very much like astrology, which is also said to reveal information on self with
just about as much scientific validity. Now we know why temperament typing is so popular. I can hear the
conversation now. What is your sign Charlie? “I’m an Aries but Christians don’t believe in astrology”. O.K.,
what is your Temperament then? “Well, I’m a blue, compliant, compliance, analytical, perfect melancholic,
blue, beaver, idealists. You see, I found my chart....er… I really meant my charted purpose in life, through
eight different temperament tests.”
I have come to believe that the root of the almost fatalistic “Purpose Driven” doctrine comes from this
conjecture that people are molded into some shape from birth. Thus, they seem to think that even before
spiritual regeneration, everyone on earth is a pot whose flesh has already been almost unalterably shaped by
God for His purpose. I guess we can forget about the Bible verses that tell us to walk by the Spirit, to deny
self, and to die daily. We now must learn about this dead earth pot we live in to fit into the plan of God. I
guess we can stop singing the song that says, “you are the potter and I am the clay, mold me and make me
this I pray”. Frankly, I thought we were all crackpots until the Holy Spirit came into the pot and sealed us. I
actually believe what is in the pots is far more valuable than the clay that holds this new creation.
What is really crazy about this, is the depth of involvement in this unbiblical practice coming via our “wise”
church leadership. Some pastors are taught this junk in Bible College. Many others have taken Saddleback’s
“purpose driven” church growth package that includes temperament typing. Still others are getting it in various
other programs within their denominations. I have been told that you cannot even be a member of the
Saddleback mega church unless you take the class they offer on temperament typing. Some places of
employment even make you wear a color-coded ID when working so that everyone will deal with you
according to your personality type color. Now around the water cooler, you might hear, “You better be cool
man, you are talking to a dominant red lion.”!
The Saddleback temperament types or profiles are part of the purpose driven SHAPE program that have now
been purchased by thousands of churches and offered to their congregations. Temperament testing is also in
the church by the names of the “Keirsey temperament sorter” and “DISC Profiles”. There are additional
names as well; they all do their own twist on the four temperaments. After a person is typecast, the next step
is to tell them what ministry or job they will be suited for in the church or organization. Therefore, the
temperament profile becomes self-fulfilling and validates the temperament theory. Ministry in the church or
organization then becomes more likely to be based on attributes of the flesh than Holy Spirit directed gifts.
Sure, some also have programs to tell people how to find out their spiritual gifts but that is a topic of
discussion in itself. In any case, pagan mythology that finds the purpose of the crucified flesh is not
compatible with determining spiritual gifts. By using psychology and theories of men they put the cart before
the horse. Where does the following scripture fit into all this?
Pr 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding 6 in all thy
ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
“Celebrate Recovery” is a “Christianized” 12-step program that was developed by John Baker and Rick
Warren of Saddleback Church in 1991. Thousands of churches that span most denominations now offer this
program. Saddleback claims to have Christianized the twelve-step program of Bill Wilson. However, the claim
that this “Christianized” program is based on biblical principals is misleading. Instead of using the applications
already in scripture to overcome sin they search the scriptures to find passages to take their place or to
“Christianize” Bill Wilson’s twelve steps. For example, they totally misapply the teaching of Jesus in the
beatitudes and use most as principles to overcome addictions. No Bible scholar has ever defined them that
way! The Beatitudes are statements of principals for happyness and Godly living in the Messianic kingdom.
They are spiritually discerned principals that conflict with the fleshly way of achieving happiness through the
lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. This twisting of the meaning of Bible passages to fit
some worldly theory is a fine example of how post modernism pragmatic Christianity uses, or should I says
misuses, scripture. They redefine the scriptures to mean what they want it to mean even if they have to twist
the meaning or find an obscure paraphrase of the passage. If one questions why they have twisted the
meaning, they will justify what they have done by telling you “it works”. The original version of the 12-step
program also works according to those that are in it, but many also disagree with that statement.
Just the fact that Saddleback had to Christianize Wilson’s 12 steps to recovery should say wonders about the
whole theory and modern practices like this in Christian churches. Was there no overcoming addiction before
Bill Wilson? Do Christians now need to study the philosophies of men that were actually inspired by demons?
Some have said, “All truth is God’s truth”. Of course, it is, but there can be no truth that conflicts with the truth
that God revealed in scripture. His word is totally sufficient to overcome sin in our lives by confessing it,
submitting to His will and by growing in maturity. This maturity comes through Bible study, meditating on His
word, through prayer, applying biblical truths in our lives and walking in faith. Sanctification and God’s truth
does not come in a 12-step formula inspired by demonic sources.
The “Celebrate Recovery” program has additional problem besides the 12-steps. The whole program is laced
with theories of pop psychobabble. It seems that Christian leaders cannot get enough worldly counsel from
pop psychology these days. For many in post-modern Christianity, the Bible is simply a textbook of passages
to search to find a passage to validate their own preconceived philosophies. If they cannot find a passage in
the Bible to support their preconceived notions, they will redefine one. By the way, you will not find any
serious Bible study or anyone with solid teaching credentials doing any Biblical instruction in Celebrate
Recovery small groups since this is not permitted. This alone should say the foundation of the program is built
on sand. For more information about the “Celebrate Recovery” program please read the excellent review of
this program from T.A. McMahon of The Berean Call Ministries.
Dr. James Dobson with his Focus on the Family Organization is the most influential person in “Christian”
America. Dobson is a child development psychologist. He is not a minister of the gospel, yet Dr. Dobson has
more influence on Christians in America than any other religious figure today. Dobson has done more to bring
in psychology and theories of self-esteem into the church then probably any other individual. Dobson’s theory
on self-esteem and other pop psychology that he supports (such as temperament typing) is simply not
compatible with the Bible.
Most of Dobson’s platform focuses on establishing, maintaining and enforcing biblical morality in American. I
guess someone has to try to do it since America has now embraced moral relativism in place of biblical moral
standards. Yet, Dobson’s views much too often are psychological theories dressed in biblical jargon. They
may sound good to Christians who desire biblical morality in the world but it really is a humanistic substitute
for the work of the Holy Spirit. The conversion and sanctification process that brings morality cannot occur
through psychological techniques. Moreover, the unbeliever knows nothing of the Spirit and they can only
know the moral reasoning of their own mind. Dobson teaches a mixture of psychological techniques and
biblical law for morality in America. He makes no claim about knowing much theology, so one has to wonder
why so many “Christians” have made him their theologian.
James Dobson is a Nazarene, This denomination takes no position on eschatology other than that
Jesus will return. Dobson does not display understanding of prophetic scriptures but his organization
does display a Dominion Theology type of worldview that the Church will overcome evil through her
social and political action. Dobson’s agenda implies that Christians are to confront the world system
through efforts of social and political action. This is so much like Dominion Theology that it probably
has to be labeled as such. When Christians believe they will succeed in the world system through
psychological, social and political techniques and through their own self-efforts, they have missed
the scriptures that indicate that the world will hate Christians and that our kingdom is not of this
I am not implying that Christians should not take part in the political process nor do good social works. Focus
on the Family has been a very productive force against certain evils in the United States. Nevertheless, it
does seem to me that the focus of Focus on the Family is somewhat out of adjustment, as is the focus of
much of Evangelical Christianity. Dobson’s expertise is in child psychology yet somehow a psychologist has
become the foremost moral authority for Evangelical Christianity against all unpopular adult sinful lifestyles in
American (there are popular ones such as materialism, laziness, gossip, and gluttony but few Evangelicals
focus on them). The focus seems to be to educate Christians to take political action or economic action
against a sinful unregenerate group of non-Christians as if sinful people can live a moral lifestyle. The only
logic is that Dobson and his supporters must believe that most Americans are Christians and that this "moral
majority" in America will live by the teachings in the Bible. If that were truly the case, the educational cause
would have more meaning. However, polls and the lifestyles of those that call themselves by the name
“Christian” in America demonstrates otherwise.
The idea that the United States can be Christianized by political and social action is very compatible
with the views of Dominion Theology. The worldly method of using a confrontational attitude toward
those living in unpopular sinful lifestyles actually makes these people less receptive to Christians
who preach the message of salvation. The Church is not Israel nor is America Israel. No enforcement
of biblical law can bring a nation to morality; morality comes when a person or nation has a change
from within. The Church was directed to preach the good news so that people can overcome sin by
believing in Jesus and receiving God’s Holy Spirit.
The ungodliness that is going on in America is the norm for those in the world. The fact that Evangelicals think
they have to bring America back to morality (as if it ever was moral), so that we can comfortably live in this
world, tells me that we all value this world a bit too much. Dobson is so popular in America because he tells
Evangelicals what they want to hear and not what they need to hear. Evangelicals rightly see trouble is
coming by the downward spiral of morality in America but they expect simple humanistic solutions. The
weapons of our warfare are not carnal! I totally expect the world and much of America to be in opposition to
Christian values. If it is not happening in your neck of the woods yet, just wait a few years, it will. The Bible
tells us to expect it. Those who make great social and political efforts to change a fallen world before God
establishes His kingdom of righteousness on earth are spitting into the wind.
Gods laws were given to us show us how much we are missing the mark so we will seek God’s Savior by faith
(Gal 3:24). Dobson and Dominionists use Jewish law to try to reform sinful society. This cart before the horse
method of Christianizing the world is quite impossible no matter how noble their motives. It never worked in
unbelieving Israel and it will not work in the Gentile unbelieving world. Those who use this method will bring a
worldly backlash of hatred on their own head.
Dobson also has a very ecumenical worldview of the church proven by his associations and his
endorsements. Sound biblical salvation doctrine is obviously not the main criteria for unity among
denominations with Dr. Dobson.
There is a book available from psycoheresy-aware.org that analyzes the teaching of Dr. Dobson if you wish
further information. This link to the book also has a very good short brief on the major points in the book,
James Dobson’s Gospel of Self-Esteem and Philosophy. Reputable discernment ministries such as Dave
Hunt’s The Berean Call endorse and sell the book.
Psychologies with underlining theories of psychotherapy are major tools of Satan to bring Eastern
pagan thought and doctrines of demons into the Church. The view of psychotherapy is that everyone is a
victim and any bad behaviors that people might display are caused by physiological illnesses from which they
can recover through using the right techniques. In contrast, the Bible tells us that all people of flesh are sinful
and they must turn to Jesus, die to self and become reborn into a new spiritual creation. Only this spiritual
rebirth will begin the process through which the soul of a person starts a transformation by the renewing of the
mind toward the Spirit that is in him (the process of sanctification).
Psychology programs might bring some change in outward behavior in people but the heart of the
unregenerate man is still wicked. Putting a coat of paint over a cracked pot does not fix the pot. Control over
the flesh comes by the soul conforming to the likeness of the Spirit. Psychotherapy is a worldly substitute for
sanctification and true healing but it is now being taught in churches, Christian seminars and Christian groups
like it was biblical truth. They Christianize the terms and use scripture out of correct context but the
information in these programs still originated from the theories of psychotherapy that we ought to know came
from atheistic men and spiritualists.
If a proper analysis is done of the post-modern “Seeker Friendly” and “Emerging Church” one should see that
their whole approach to evangelism and church growth derives from theories of marketing and psychotherapy
psychology. These churches see these programs as a door to get people into their church. Therefore, they
present popular psychology wrapped in pages torn out of the Bible. Few are the wiser, and their church is
numerically and monetarily richer. So many people have now come in the church through the psycho-door
that they perpetuate these theories for subsequent generations. Church leaders that went through this door
have been so thoroughly brainwashed into supporting psychology as practical Christianity that the average
“Saddleback Joe” and “Emerging Sally” think this Western psycho-Christianity is true Christianity.
They have substituted psychology from demonic men for Godly counsel by elders, counsel from the scriptures
and counsel from the Holy Spirit. They learn pre-packaged psychological techniques to control the flesh
instead of putting on the spiritual man with a renewed mind. This sanctification process is the program God
designed to bring a believer to true repentance and a more abundant life. In contrast, learning psychological
techniques to control the flesh is really conforming to the ways of the world.
Rom12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove
what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
“Christian psychology” ties into Dominion Theology because leaders and churches who teach
Dominion Theology extensively use tools of psychology. Go to any large church that practices any
form of Dominion Theology and you will also find programs that are more likely to be based on
theories of psychology than on sound biblical doctrine - Observe the prosperity teaching, the success
seminars and the sensual emphasis. Many who say they do not believe in Dominion Theology
indicate differently in their worldly lifestyle. The only kingdom they are really concerned with is the
earthly one they now live in. They give little thought to spiritual matters. These real or defacto
dominionists wish to make the flesh and the spiritual kingdom compatible. This of course is quite
impossible but many will certainly die trying.

Word of Faith” leadership uses another form of psychology. They knowingly or unknowingly use
psychological mind control techniques that bring on mass suggestion, hypnotism and altered states
of consciousness. They use these tools to lord over their flock and to make their presumptions
plausible. When mystical experiences occur in their presence through using these psychological
techniques it validates to the sheeple that these leaders are anointed.

 The leaders then tell their subjects that they are latter day apostles, prophets, and healers anointed to lead the Church to take the world back from the Dominion of Satan before the return of Jesus and these sheeple believe them.

Additional psychologies that have infiltrated the church include theories on visualization, inner healing andcontemplative prayer. These and more are beyond the scope of this paper on Dominion Theology but The Intrusion of Psychology into Christian Theology by Don Matzat will tell you much about it. (This really is a must read - I believe I disagree with only one point - Matzat’s Lutheran view of Jesus coming through sacraments). We now also have philosophies that originated from psychology that teach that all truth is relative and if you get the results you want, it is your truth. Without holding groups to the absolute truth that salvation comes by
God’s grace through faith (trust) some Evangelicals now take some rather strange unbiblical positions aboutsalvation.

With their pragmatic philosophy, if a program is growing, then God is in it regardless if it is biblical. If it does not appear biblical, they will just redefine the scriptures.
We have Evangelical leaders uniting with Catholics on the common ground of completely different

 We have some Evangelical leaders saying that we should not proselytize other religions. We
have Evangelical leaders who evangelize and then turn the converts back to the same denominational
theology that never presented them a path for salvation. I suppose they think that these reborn
Christians will now be sanctified within a theology of works and mysticism. We have Evangelical
leaders saying that Moslems and Mormons worship the same God. We have Evangelical leaders
joining with the ultra liberal World Counsel of Churches and signing agreements with them on their
socialistic agendas of secular humanism.

These neo-Evangelicals take the position that being one in Christ is saying we have agreement on
one or more worldviews. They think this “unity” is then fulfilling the prayer of Jesus that the Church
be one as Jesus and the Father are one. If unification on programs of secular humanism makes us
one body then we might as well throw out the Bible because what is written there has no meaning.
Indeed, some “Evangelicals” apparently have stopped using parts of the Bible, especially the
prophetic passages that do not fit their worldview.

The name “Evangelical” has lost its meaning. Neo-liberals wolves in sheep’s clothing have crept into theEvangelical movement and have eaten the choice cuts. Old Evangelicals need to drop the name Evangelical and just start calling themselves what they are – Bible believing Christians. I am sure the wolves will work on that name next, as they did with the name “fundamentalist”.

By now you should get my drift that worldly psychology has infiltrated the church and has corrupted the church to conform to the secular humanistic dream of a utopian society on earth brought through man’s own efforts. Much of “Christianity” wants a flesh appealing utopian society on the earth before
the return of Jesus but the Bible teaches that Christians will be persecuted and hated by the world as Jesus was (Joh 15:18–20). Many who follow the teachers of Dominion Theology do not have a clue about what they believe.

 Most are just playing following the leader and have never even read throughthe Bible themselves. Most are just following preachers who tickle their ears.

Friday, December 27, 2019


 The question  turtullian warned  of ??

Lucky charms world!! in  theology,   of  emotional  guessing, philosphy and changing terms !!!

These are “the doctrines” of men and “of demons” produced for itching ears of the spirit of this world’s wisdom: this the Lord called “foolishness,” and “chose the foolish things of the world” to confound even philosophy itself. 
For (philosophy) it is which is the material of the world’s wisdom, the rash interpreter of the nature and the dispensation of God. Indeed heresies are themselves instigated by philosophy.

 From this source came the Æons, and I known not what infinite forms, and the trinity of man in the system of Valentinus, who was of Plato’s school. From the same source came Marcion’s better god, with all his tranquillity; he came of the Stoics. 

Then, again, the opinion that the soul dies is held by the Epicureans; while the denial of the restoration of the body is taken from the aggregate school of all the philosophers; also, when matter is made equal to God, then you have the teaching of Zeno; and when any doctrine is alleged touching a god of fire, then Heraclitus comes in.

The same subject-matter is discussed over and over again by the heretics and the philosophers; the same arguments are involved. Whence comes evil? Why is it permitted? What is the origin of man? and in what way does he come? Besides the question which Valentinus has very lately proposed—Whence comes God? 

Which he settles with the answer: From enthymesis and ectroma. Unhappy Aristotle! who invented for these men dialectics, the art of building up and pulling down; an art so evasive in its propositions, so far-fetched in its conjectures, so harsh, in its arguments, so productive of contentions—embarrassing even to itself, retracting everything, and really treating of nothing!

Whence spring those “fables and endless genealogies,” and “unprofitable questions,” and “words which spread like a cancer?” From all these, when the apostle would restrain us, he expressly names philosophy as that which he would have us be on our guard against. Writing to the Colossians, he says, -

See that no one beguiles you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, and contrary to the wisdom of the Holy Ghost.” He had been at Athens, and had in his interviews (with its philosophers) become acquainted with that human wisdom which pretends to know the truth, whilst it only corrupts it, and is itself divided into its own manifold heresies, by the variety of its mutually repugnant sects.

System to do lists and lynch mobs, would follow in later centuries led it self  to wild emotionalism, mystic s greek philospshers,   early secret socities and lot of ignorance,  later killing  10,000’s over and over,    the dramtic lust for power control... super ceeded the love of grace ..

What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and the ecclesia what between heretics and Christians?

Our instruction comes from “the porch of Solomon,” who had himself taught that “the Lord should be sought in simplicity of heart.” Away with all attempts to produce a mottled Christianity of Stoic, Platonic, and dialectic composition! 

We want no curious disputation after possessing Christ Jesus, no inquisition after enjoying the gospel! With our faith, we desire no further belief. For this is our primary faith, that there is nothing which we ought to believe besides.   Wow!!!! What?  Amazing !!!

Unsold !!??

Where Tertullian marks a substantial break from earlier Christian writers is his opinion of, and use of, ancient philosophers. He obviously has received a Classical Education. He refers to philosophers often enough (usually negatively) to reveal his knowledge. However for Tertullian, there is one source of truth. He relies almost exclusively (there are a few exceptions) on scripture when making his arguments. While some others use the Old Testament on a par with him, he easily outdistances all prior Christian authors in utilizing the New Testament.

 He uses the Gospels and Acts extensively and refers to the Pauline Letters even more. Unlike Clement or Origen, Christianity is not one of the schools of philosophy but The One Truth. Philosophers are in error and have been misled by Demons. For Tertullian the source of and inspiration for heresy is not any of the usual subjects; Simon Magus, Valentinus, Marcion, or even Lucifer. It is the philosophers:

We should then be never required to try our strength in contests about the soul with philosophers, those patriarchs of heretics, as they may be fairly called. … Whatever noxious vapours, accordingly, exhaled from philosophy, obscure the clear and wholesome atmosphere of truth, it will be for Christians to clear away, both by shattering to pieces the arguments which are drawn from the principles of things — I mean those of the philosophers — and by opposing to them the maxims of heavenly wisdom .. TURTULIAN  AMEN 

These are ‘the doctrines’ of men and ‘of demons’ produced for itching ears of the spirit of this world’s wisdom: this the Lord called ‘foolishness,’ and ‘chose the foolish things of the world’ to confound even philosophy itself. For (philosophy) it is which is the material of the world’s wisdom, the rash interpreter of the nature and the dispensation of God. Indeed heresies are themselves instigated by philosophy.Prescription Against Heretics (de praescriptione haereticorum), VII

OK, we’ve seen earlier Christian authors such as Irenaeus and Justin Martyr point out errors of philosophers, though I don’t recall anyone tossing out all of them at one time (Tertullian does name specific philosophical schools and even which heresies were inspired by which school). However where Tertullian foreshadows what would later become a common theme among Church authorities is with statements like this: 

“From all these, when the apostle[Paul] would restrain us, he expressly names philosophy as that which he would have us be on our guard against. Writing to the Colossians, he says, ‘See that no one beguile you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, and contrary to the wisdom of the Holy Ghost.’ He had been at Athens, and had in his interviews (with its philosophers) become acquainted with that human wisdom which pretends to know the truth, whilst it only corrupts it, and is itself divided into its own manifold heresies, by the variety of its mutually repugnant sects. 

You must ‘seek’ until you ‘find,’ and believe when you have found; nor have you anything further to do but to keep what you have believed provided you believe this besides, that nothing else is to be believed, and therefore nothing else is to be sought, after you have found and believed what has been taught by Him who charges you to seek no other thing than that which He has taught.

 End results ?syncretism – combining different systems of beliefs. Syncretism taints our perception of faith. 

Spirit led is redued to the opionions of logicians  witheout experince in the inherenet spirit of God , 1 corinthians 1-4-5 kj3 of the Neb,  or know faith by  going beyoud what man can do..... to where inward awarenes take sover   eliminaned the logican's propensityto reduce God to human systems or mixed  sectarian   bahavioral  sciences in place of spirit ledness!!?  

Andwhere he disagreed with Platonic ideas, he simply altered those ideas to fit his theology. His writings demonstrate his attraction to Platonism. Following the days of early  Christianity,
Platonism continued to show itself in Christian thought. From Calvinism to Puritanism and realist evangelicals to reformers who support a two-kingdom theology, Greek dualism continues
to plague Christianity.

For as passionately as some scholars condemn mixing Greek philosophy and faith, others such as those mentioned above either support syncretism or fail to realize just how much Greek dualism is ingrained in their thoughts. Christianity emerged from a two-fold ancestry: Israel and Greece.

 While the firstgenerations of Christians were primarily Jews, they lived amidst a world shaped by Greek culture.2 These two lineages saw the world through very different lenses.

The Greeks made a sharp distinction between the body and the
soul. According to the Hebrews, however, the body and soul were absolutely inseparable. Greek
philosophy, especially the ideas found in Plato, split the cosmos in two placing greater value onthe realm that exists beyond this life. Humans and earthly things change, grow, and decay, which
is a problem for Plato and others alike. Greek philosophical thought is concerned with that which does not change; according to the Greeks, “change is a defect.”3 Thus, with Plato, begins a trend toward the devaluation of existence. This notion, when mixed with Christian thought, has profound implications for how believers approach Christianity.

Wright said:
The western tradition, catholic and protestant, evangelical and liberal, charismatic and social-gospel, has managed for many centuries to screen out the central message of the New Testament, which isn’t that we are to escape the world and go to heaven, but rather  that God’s sovereign, saving rule would come to birth ‘on earth as in heaven.’4
Quite a serious charge! Nevertheless, Wright makes no apologies. He uses strong language but, at the same time, expresses sadness. 

Why? Because he is afraid the charge is indeed true. 

Is he right? Have Christians missed it? Have we failed to live under the Word? Instead of allowing Scripture to shape our worldviews, are we guilty of attempting to grasp the
Bible from on top – our interpretation of it? Unfortunately, I have to agree with Wright. But his charge prompts more questions: 

What is the root of the problem? Where does the idea to escape this world come from? These questions lead us back to Greek philosophy.
Conventional Christianity is deeply rooted in Greek philosophical thought. 

For example,
when viewed through Greek eyes, faith becomes a private matter; salvation becomes merely a ticket out of hell and more of an individual experience, 


In the following study, I explore the impact of Greek philosophical thought on Christianthought. I shall argue that Greek dualism is the fundamental contradiction in Christian thought. Greek dualism creates problems for the doctrines of Christianity and ultimately thwarts a biblical approach to Christianity.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

life lite

This type of religion is callous, cold and austere. It has never learned to feel the inward freedom of Christ. Such freedom does not negate objective doctrines and standards; rather, it frees us from making them the end of the Christian’s life rather than a means to an end—the end being our love for God and love for our neighbor.” Grace does not pressure believers to perform. 

Grace merely provides an environment where they are free to respond to the Spirit’s leading. sprit led does nto lead us to steel or tioehr wise it is when wesliver awayf rom faith into duty of desire we fal for the  bite but we can quickly recover,  God is nto brutal task master the relgionof men have muderd many and many deigffering ways of slander and arrogance ,,,.. the blwo sections helps welive in age any real depth answers or spirit ledness, is the better road  external performance certianly if you rob a  store the consequences come,  God for gives men,  lynching is man's ego  slander  to a fools way ,    whenpter ask hjeius how many tiems to do I FOR GIVE MY BOTHER  7 times, no jesus said 70X7God FOR GIVES US DAILYAS WE  go or falter ,  why jesus came the law was not able it was death sentence to us , but Chrikst took that  death sentence away , I do nto bide anyone to what I can nto domy self , we all  battle.....

Many pastors, [teachers, dad’s, and mom’s] desiring that their [members or son’s and daughter’s] live holy lives, mix law with grace.

Mixing law with grace only produces guilt ridden, defeated Christians and robs them of joy.” (Emphasis added in brackets)

Historically religious groups have institutionalized religion in order to preserve their doctrines. The organization of the Roman Catholic Church preserved their doctrines against heretics. Judaism codified their religion with the Talmud and Mishnah in order to purify and protect their doctrines. Many of the “Creeds” of Christianity were written to preserve truth. While “Creeds” and other attempts to preserve truth are not wrong, often they are accompanied by rigid institutionalized structure that hinders the individual’s relationship with God.

Getz points out that historically movements have tended to institutionalize and neglect the individual, “Judaism, Roman Catholicism and the Reformation churches preserved their religious system, but they lost sight of the individual. In fact, the system in each instance—its dogmas and traditions and its forms and structures—eventually became more important than the people themselves.

 These movements also prescribed their ‘orthodoxy,’ but their adherents failed to appropriate the deeper and personal comprehension of God’s truth. People gave mental assent to doctrine, but there was little relationship to their daily living. Being a part of the movement was little different from belonging to a club, society, or group in the secular world. In many cases traditions overshadowed the Word of God. These movements all gained external conformity on the part of their followers, but apart from inner experience. People religiously performed routines and rituals, but without the true spiritual meaning.

Their religion became a matter of form and ceremony, not life and experience. A personal relationship with God was replaced with an impersonal relationship with an organization. All of these movements perpetuated themselves by means of an education that was authoritarian, stereotyped, and transmissive. They utilized the indoctrination with little room for creative thinking and freedom. The learning atmosphere became non–permissive. 

All of these movements developed a hierarchy of leaders, who in turn developed a careful and logical system of theology. It was the leaders who did the ‘thinking’ and the ‘communicating,’ while the ordinary people became the recipients and followers of the wisdom of the sages.”

A pastor may find an authoritarian, institutional style to his liking because it is a comfortable way to preserve truth, produce results and feed his ego. But believers in such a church do not develop a strong faith in God. They develop a “toxic faith” which blindly follows with unquestioning loyalty the doctrine and direction of the leader. 

 Motivated by peer pressure and fear, they fanatically support, and win converts for their church or group. However, they soon “burn–out” from this fleshly activity and begin to question why their faith is not working. Having never developed their own spiritual growth through a strong personal relationship with Christ, they have no inner strength of their own. They are codependent on others.
This “toxic faith” does not satisfy the longings of a hungry soul. If they start seeking an answer, it is interpreted as a challenge to the leadership. They are not given answers, but told, “If you are not one of us, you are one of them.” They are either brought back into conformity through guilt and threats, or if this fails, finally ostracized from the church or group. 

 Arterburn and Felton comment, “When religious addicts create a toxic faith system, God is lost in the process. In God’s place, rules are implemented that serve only to further the empire of religious addiction. As new people come into the toxic faith system, they are indoctrinated into the rules rather than strengthened in a relationship with God. The rules reinforce addiction, not faith. Addiction leads to conformity to a predictable pattern of behavior, often blocking faithful following of God.”
Unfortunately, dictatorial leaders will attract some believers who feel comfortable in a legalistic environment

It is a passive life, they are told what to believe, do and say. They never have to exercise their wills and make decisions that develop a strong independent personal faith. They are disenfranchised from the joy of living a daily adventure of walking in the Spirit by faith. Since some believers function under pressure, they may not be conscious of their lack of internal growth. Crabb and Allender observe, “People with ‘executive personalities’ (who rarely have close friends) mercilessly pound others about their responsibilities. 

They apply pressure in every available way to compel others to have devotions, witness, attend church, and tithe. Some people, depending on their temperament, conform to the pressure and appear to move along nicely on the road to spiritual maturity. Others rebel. In either case, little heart movement toward God takes place” Authoritative personalities can promote an outward unity that masks a concealed problem. 

The enforcement of lists of “dos and don’ts,” and the security of external conformity do not allow an honest evaluation of a believer’s true spiritual condition. Van Impe elaborates, “One of the most troubling aspects of neo–fundamentalism was the extremes of legalism that were often espoused. One crusade sponsor refused to support the endeavor unless I submitted a written statement that none of my employees wore wire–rimmed glasses. He felt they were an indication of ‘yuppyism.’ Other standards were set for choir members, counselors and ushers. 

Rules governing makeup, hair styles, clothing fashions and accessories were among the regulations demanded by some of the legalists. Pastors not in agreement usually remained silent so as to keep peace. The tragedy of the situation was that those who practiced the enforcement of such standards often–times overlooked gross sins committed by leaders of fundamentalism or by members within their own churches.”
A woman in our church used to attend an extremely legalistic church where a friend reported her to the leaders because she didn’t fold her husband’s socks correctly. Soul liberty did not extend to doing the laundry!
Many conservative leaders have blind spots; they speak out boldly on visual sins while remaining silent concerning spiritual sins. Van Impe comments, “Christian leaders at times aided and abetted the transgressors by covering up or attempting to get church boards to overlook the wicked offense. Though the sins included adultery, homosexuality, possession of sex magazines, lying, cheating and numerous other forms of wickedness scripturally condemned, still these iniquities by religious leaders were overlooked. At the same time, men who winked at such sin broke fellowship with brothers who held different views concerning hair, sideburns, pantsuits, bell–bottom trousers and music.

Grace Frees the Believer From the Law and Legalism
Paul proclaimed, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8: 2). He declared the good news that the believer is no longer under law, “For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace” (Romans 6: 14).
The believer is not lawless but is now indwelled with the Holy Spirit who exercises supervision over him. He lifts the believer to a higher plane and enables him to live a righteous life. An airplane can defy the law of gravity because its engines’ power allows a greater power to take over—the law of aerodynamics. 

Likewise, the believer is now given power that can overcome sin, “Because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4: 4). Christ now empowers believers to do something that the law could never do—live his righteous life through them. Paul warns the believer not to go back under the law, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5: 1).

Girard comments, “Genuine holiness cannot be other than the free expression of free people doing what pleases God because they want to. It is less than free—if coercion, pressure, or fear are the source of it—then it is not holiness, it is conformity—a mere work of the flesh.” This does not mean the Christian is “lawless” and should not live a moral life. Paul declares, “I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law” (1 Corinthians 9: 21). James calls it, “the perfect law that gives freedom” (James 1: 25 and 2: 12).

Under grace, we are not free to sin, but free from sin. For 2000 years God has run the world without the law. He does not need legalistic teachers to help him now. Rather, He needs teachers who understand grace to instruct believers how they can unleash the unlimited power of Christ who indwells them. The New Covenant believer has not only been cleansed from his sin because of the cross, he now has the resurrected life of Christ living in him to produce holiness. 

Christ’s death on the cross fulfilled the requirements of the law, and the Old Covenant, which was external. Christ’s resurrection life now allows us to live under the grace of the New Covenant which is internal. Paul warned, “Are you so foolish, having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3: 3). We start the Christian life by faith and live it by faith. The Spirit that gave us spiritual life now produces Christ’s own holy life in us. Most believers “knee–jerk” at the suggestion that the flesh can do anything for salvation—that would be legalism. But the same person may see nothing wrong with the flesh trying to produce holiness. They could state their theology as, “Saved by faith (grace) and kept by struggle (legalism).”

The flesh cannot do anything spiritual. You can legislate, manipulate, pressure, condemn, and coax it, but the flesh will never produce supernatural holiness and good works. You cannot mix the Holy Spirit and the flesh or grace, and the law anymore than you can mix oil and water. Jesus said, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing” (John 6: 63). Many Christians vacillate between the flesh and the Spirit for a lifetime, never enjoying their joyous victory in Christ. For a time, they appear to be doing something spiritual, laying one law on another and measuring each other by their own standards. Sometimes they try to walk in the Spirit, then fearful of totally abandoning themselves to Christ and growing inwardly they become impatient with the Spirit and slip back under the law.

Because legalism, externally, gives the appearance of being spiritual it is difficult to identify its deadness. Believers can act like Christians, conform to the “acceptable evangelical norm,” perform programs and never enjoy the resurrected life of Christ living through them. They are still living under the law, trying to teach the flesh how to look and act like it is controlled by the Spirit. But when they hear the “joyful sound of saints on higher ground” in Canaan, sadness fills their soul. They must face the reality that they are still wandering in the wilderness.

Rigid legalism also works against harmony in the local asembly . Hollinger warns, “Based on my observations, a heartless Christianity can lead to two equally undesirable outcomes. One is skepticism… the second possible outcome is rigid legalism. Here one remains within the boundaries of orthodoxy to be sure, but spiritual vitality is replaced by human rules and inflexible standards established to designate those who are “kosher” from those who are not. It is a judgmental faith demanding that believers dot their theological ‘i’s’ and cross their theological ‘t’s’ in precisely the same manner.

This type of religion is callous, cold and austere. It has never learned to feel the inward freedom of Christ. Such freedom does not negate objective doctrines and standards; rather, it frees us from making them the end of the Christian’s life rather than a means to an end—the end being our love for God and love for our neighbor.” Grace does not pressure believers to perform. Grace merely provides an environment where they are free to respond to the Spirit’s leading. Therein is the life the other stuff is grave , you will never be god enough ,,,,  prass onthe speit leding pur sue him be no time for the toehr stuff , discouragement is gate wak for rapid fire attacks ..

 pope,mto day have hard tiemwithe truth fo any kind even very simple truths  like God lives in as spirti so that make two fo us  whenI go out I night I go  withe him inme  the consolationthat world must be fast and right , or others things come about ,,,, dear one  there almost no real teachings the in depthnes of the newlife  spirit so much phsyocobale  sstem junk it;s pathetic  and  life less  for the most part  have to know what to know is how to get about knowing the know part  as whole,  of our great eternal now!! your in  1 corinthians 1-4  example read the more profound translatiosn or get a good tranlator  from way back  befere they edited out allthe indpeth thinsgtomake ebvery thing easy and hide the more deeper meanings or pc junk  to weaken terms   it helps 

God is spirit get connected that way so you know the differnces  , paul did ,  discerment  grow it  have to go to grow ...

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

getting free from the bondage basded opression

At this point we must be very careful to designate also what the law cannot do. Even though it points out sin, it has no power to save from sin. There is no justifying, cleansing grace in it. All the works of all the laws would not be sufficient to save a single soul. Why? For the simple reason that we are saved by grace through faith, as a free gift. “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20).

Do not stumble over this crucial point. We cannot earn forgiveness by working hard to obey. No sinner can gain favor and acceptance with God because he keeps the law. The law was not made for the purpose of saving or justifying. It was made to show us our need of cleansing and to point us to the great source of cleansing, Jesus Christ, our Lord. The Bible speaks of the law as a mirror to show us what kind of persons we really are. “For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed” (James 1:23–25).

It is obvious to all that a mirror cannot remove a spot from the face. Looking into the mirror all day, and even rubbing it over the face, will not provide any cleansing. Its work is to reveal the spot and to point the dirty one to the sink for actual cleansing. The law, in like manner, can only condemn the sinner by giving him knowledge of his condition and then pointing him to the cross for true cleansing. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8, 9). Paul further emphasizes this point in Galatians 2:16: “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ … for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”

Right here we must consider one of the most fallacious propositions ever set forth relating to the law. Countless sincere Christians have accepted the idea that the Old Testament encompasses the dispensation of works and that the New Testament provides for a dispensation of grace. Under this garbled plan people were saved by works in the Old Testament and by grace in the New Testament. This is simply not true. The Bible holds forth only one beautiful, perfect plan for anybody to be saved, and that is by grace through faith. Heaven will not be divided between those who got there by works and those who got there by faith. Every single soul among the redeemed will be a sinner saved by grace.

Those who entered into salvation in the Old Testament were those who trusted the merits of the blood of Jesus Christ, and they demonstrated their faith by bringing a lamb and slaying it. They looked forward in faith to the atoning death of Jesus. We look back in faith to the same death and are saved in exactly the same way. Be very certain that the entire redeemed host throughout eternity will be singing the same song of deliverance, exalting the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world.

Friday, December 20, 2019

only one head rest are servants ...

‘Sacerdotalism’ is not a word we use every day! This is an area of controversy of which the diligent Bible student
needs to be aware. At its most basic, it has to do with the imposition of ‘priest’ between God and people. It isa key understanding of Christianity that, at exactly the same time as Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the
Jerusalem Temple was torn from top to bottom. Hitherto only the High Priest could pass through it in order to enter the Holy of Holies. So in the sight of all the world God had opened up the way, removing the barrier. God has now raised up a priesthood of all believers (see 1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 5:10). All believers can enter into the Holy of Holies as children of God.
The Priesthood of All BelieversThe first century church had no priests, and the New Testament nowhere uses this word to describe those in church leadership, but the idea of a ‘priesthood’ began to emerge forcefully again in the third century AD.

The biblical concept of God’s priesthood being all believers is revealed in different ways throughout the Bible. (See Exodus 19:6; Psalm 50:23; Psalm 51:17-19; Psalm 141:2; Hebrews 13:10–16; 1 Peter 2:5–9).Aspects of Sacerdotalism The list below is not exhaustive, but indicates the key dimensions of sacerdotalism.

1. Denial of grace
(a) Salvation by works (Galatians 1:8–9; 2:16; Titus 3:5).
(b) Self-mortifications, penances, etc. (Colossans 2:16–23; 1 Timothy 4:3).
(c) Celibacy as a requirement for ministry or a supposedly higher ‘religious’ life (1 Timothy 3:2; 12; 4:3–4). All the
apostles except Paul were married men, Peter being especially mentioned. (See 1 Corinthians 9:5). The celibacy
of Paul indicates that it can be an appropriate condition for some people.
(d) Monastic communities have sometimes been founded to reform the church, providing help to the needy, but
historically they have sometimes departed from principles of gospel living. (See Galatians 5:1).
(e) The doctrine of purgatory (Luke 23:42 – 43; 1 John 1:7– 9; the blood cleanses, not further work or punishment).
Sacerdotalism tends to promote the false (and proud) view that we can ‘earn’ some aspect of our salvation. Man’s pride constantly resists the idea that only Jesus has achieved the conditions for our forgiveness and acceptance. He alone lived the absolutely sinless life. (To point this out is not to deny that we are to co-operate with him as the Spirit changes us; throughout our lives as Christians we are to live holy lives and grow in obedience to the Lord. How easy it is, though, to begin to credit ourselves for supposedly meritorious acts or privations which are not even part of the ‘law of Christ’, and congratulating ourselves rather than giving all the glory to God!)

2. Love of splendor   and the praise of men Too much in what is pleased to call itself ‘church’ is bound up with outward show – and apparent inward barrenness.

(See Matthew 23:5–12; Luke 22:25–26; 1 Timothy 6:3–10; 1 Peter 5:1–3.)
3. Ignorance
Fear of, and blind obedience to ‘priests’ or even to church ‘elders’. Such deference tends to keep us in ignorance,
and sadly that is where some desire to remain! (See Matthew 15:13–14; Romans 8:15; Jude 12–13.)
4. False worship
Some worship the bread and wine in the communion or eucharist. (Hebrews 7:27; 9:12; 9:25–28). Some worship
crucifixes, saints, relics, and Mary the mother of Jesus (Exodus 20:3–5; 32:4; Psalm 115:4–8; Isaiah 44:14–20;
Revelation 19:10; 22:8–9).
5. Hindering of the realisation of salvation being available to all who repent, believe in and trust Jesus
Some teach that salvation is found only within their own sect. Others teach apostolic succession only through
their own priesthood. Yet others use language not understood by the ordinary people or make access to the Holy
Sciptures difficult. All these things hinder the understanding that salvation is freely available to those who repent
before God, put their trust and faith in Jesus and are baptised. (Matthew 11:28; 23:13; 28:19–20; Acts 2:38–41.)
6. The practice of the use of intermediaries
The imposition of ‘priests’ can open the door to apostasy in individual believers as well as whole communities of
believers: there is the so-called infallibility of popes, even where their teaching contradicts Scripture, for example,
(Mark 7:9–13); priestly or ritualistic ‘pardons’ (Romans 5:1–2; Hebrews 10:19; 1 John 1:7–9); and invocation
of ‘saints’ as intermediaries. (Matthew 11:28; John 6:37; Acts 4:12 – note that Peter is the speaker; Ephesians
3:12.) We are to approach God the Father through Jesus his Son – not through anyone else.
7. False prayers
The encouragement of long-winded repetitions; ostentatious prayer in public; prayers for the dead. Matthew
6:5–7; Mark 12:40.
8. False ritual
The beautiful simplicity of the gospel can be obscured by rites, ceremonial and observances. Ritualism can be
all about outward performances rather than faith in Jesus Christ and true, personal worship of God. (Matthew
15:9; Colossians 2:16.) 9. Sin – and how Sacerdotalism can mislead To understand what can go wrong in a ‘sacerdotal’ approach, we first have to recap and summarise some key points about sin and forgiveness.

 The Bible does make some distinctions between different kinds of sin. Under
the Mosaic covenant, punishments varied (cf. Deuteronomy chapter 17 and chapter 22). However, it is made clear that all sin separates man from God, and that man’s fallen condition (or ‘original sin’) is at the root of particular sins. When we repent of our sin and believe in Jesus and are baptised into him in water and Spirit, we have been saved from the penalty of sins committed up to that point, and we have begun a new life in him. The New Testament makes it perfectly clear that believers need to continue believing in Jesus and to repent of sins committed after conversion (see 1 John 1:8–10, addressed to believers). The believer has been saved from the penalty of death for past sin, but is still being saved from the power of sin – but now with the help and presence of the Holy Spirit.

There are distinctions to be made at this point: there is sin that leads to death and that which does not (see1 John 5:16). Moreover, the New Testament does indeed establish ethical and disciplinary procedures within the body of Christ. However, man’s tendency to want to create religious rules has gone far beyond the principles established in Scripture, elaborating the minutiae of regulations and hence leading people to think that outward adherence to complex ethical systems is the heart of the matter.

 That applies in relation to our initial salvation from the penalty of sin(death) won for us by the sacrifice of the only one who was without sin, Jesus; and it applies too as we continue to repent of and receive forgiveness for many subsequent sins of thought, word and deed, action and neglect, in the course of our ‘sanctification’ throughout our Christian life – as we go on repenting and go on believing and seeking t (see John 15:10) and go on abiding in him (as, again, he taught disciples to do;see John 15:1–8).
The Bible student does well to read the epistles again, looking at the dynamic way in which the apostolic writers characterized this ongoing Christian life in terms of a fight and a race. The main focus should be on what Jesus himself taught about the eternal consequences of sin. Then, whenever we are forgiven, we will have a right understanding of what he has won for us.

Sacerdotalism, however, tends to put the focus on us and our imagined achievements in terms of detailed observances of ecclesiastical rules, lists and elaborations, rather than on
Jesus and an inward heart of faithfulness and obedience to him. (See Matthew 5:20–23; 23:16–22; James 2:10.)

Sacerdotalism, or reliance upon ‘priests’ (howsoever they identify themselves), is controversial and this is a controversy that cannot be avoided by the diligent seeker after truth. Anyone who seeks to put themselves between man and God (by becoming a spiritual ‘father figure’) seeks to take away some of the glory of Jesus>>>>>>>

– it is as serious as that. This is not to say that a maturer Christian cannot offer wise counsel and be a prayer partner, helping a younger Christian to grow. But sacerdotal-ism goes far beyond that useful and godly help. It creates barriers for seekers after truth. We need to heed Jesus’ warning in Matthew 23:9.  thanks  inside real love and care  for one and all  it help break down the intro version of the present in which  people for get to go to grace  and turn on each other as the new cultist   ego promotes the self made image of power , resent  take over . Stay free  learn faith get back up and get going ... I would rather see as the ass did , in balam than listen to  the complete mistake on his back... trust God in the end we answer to him  alone.....  get used to that relativity,,,

 Trust  r all done out side faith is sin , even the human engineered religious systems  that married many  alternative unions .....  aid one  another the truth  of brother hood and sister hood of grace   knew no such forms  in their walk .... only by faith ...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Part Two A jack in the box !! random truths

The list of 2,000 names have long since been lost, however, it has been reported by researchers who read the list before they disappeared that Weishaupt had recruited many Lutherans and Calvinists to his Satanic order. ((magic money  and power)) !!!

Many were Lutherans and Calvinists who were confident that once saved always saved. There is no record that John Calvin himself joined secret societies but there is evidence that he accepted money from the Rosicrucians to fund his Protestant efforts in Switzerland. Accepting contributions from secret societies doesn't constitute apostasy, but it certainly opens the doors of Rosicrucian lodges to the undiscerning followers of Calvin. (subtle is the serpent) ??? 

 secret books members  Sadly  to real when I SAW THE BOOK FOR SALE FOR $750,000 POSTED ON  rare ole books contained the info  was present in the  names signed section,, were mad view able   I saw listed  by the electronic touch you could   view a few pages  of the members   names  which were fully there,,, it was stunning to see as deeply troubling to me  ,,,,, in my mind it had confirmed  my  already  present unction of the levels of corruption that took place ,that book was off line  not long there after  I wondered why some one let that out ??? to expose the  the depths of that  material ...why they let that out , 

 cheers up truth exists God  sees ,,, us all,     we repent move on the greeter truth day by day  peter said how many time do I for give my brother?? Jesus  said  70X 7 a day  wow,  the leg lists  sucking the facts  down hard,,,   no one to burn!! oh heavens no   the jerks did so to many!!!! .. 
SAD   we have no idea what grace is often non  , nor truth ,  all to often  each of us falters hourly  and daily  how the fight is subject the  ignorant judgments than and  some for now!!!   .... till we die and made anew, phsyically   where men women are new creatures, no  kids, cars or   worries ,, here is war fare day by day  ,,,  ever heard of shape memory  our body remembers  tissues  contain memory  sensation etc ,  the means to subdue must be spirit led !!  not physical   war rages in dreams,   as do  the  spirit  manifestations  people get saved by dreams., God is spirit , he's not a geek philosopher ,  or paper  but a real being Paul warns of the magic word guys , ,, 

Next magic of fancy words  terms and forms!!  we got one here  major problem as people try to radicalize the holy spirit thru the geek logicians , good luck !

A problem with allegorization is that allows the allegorizer to use his or her own imaginations to justify just about anything.  The Bible warns about this:
16 Thus says the Lord of hosts:
“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you.
They make you worthless;
They speak a vision of their own heart,
Not from the mouth of the Lord.  (Jeremiah 23:16)

26 How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Indeed they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart (Jeremiah 23:26).

 God  is not pleased with unison that were used..... Meanwhile, when King James VI arrived in London in 1603 and was crowned King James I, this Christian kingdom transferred its allegiance from the Church-Circa  of England to the Knights Templar. Again, Christ was not pleased with the Protestants. 

On the continent of Europe, Rosicrucians who were bitter enemies of the Templars, crossed the English Channel to secretly overthrow the Stuarts. As they arrived by boat to Southern England they, too, lodged in inns run by Protestant Masonic guilds. Soon these lodges were turned into Rosicrucian secret societies and Rosicrucian Masonry was born, and Christ was not pleased with the Protestants. Forty years later Templar Masonry and Rosicrucian Masonry were at war with each other in a British civil war over absolute rule. The Templars wanted the Stuarts to remain sovereign while the Rosicrucians wanted a constitutional monarchy that was not controlled by the Knights Templar.  
Allegorizers seem to most often value their opinions than the mouth (or Word) of God.
 breaking the grip  of infancy, kj3 says Isiah  28;9 To  whom shall he teach knowledge ? to whom shall he explain the massages ? those weaned from milk,  those moving from breasts ..  

In 1688 when the glorious revolution dethroned the Stuarts and established a constitutional monarchy, Templar and Rosicrucian Masonry were both known as Freemasonry for their respective roles played in winning freedom for the British subjects. The Stuarts who were controlled by Templar Freemasonry remained in England which threatened a new Hanoverian Dynasty which dynastic family was controlled by Rosicrucian Freemasonry.

 In 1717 the problem was resolved when the Stuarts were exiled to Paris, France and with them went their Templar Freemasonry.

 In 1725 the Templars organized their first continental lodge with Scottish flavor. In 1750 when the Philadelphia church period began Templar Freemasonry became Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
When secret societies attached themselves to the Reformation and turned it into the Protestant Reformation Christ was not pleased with this dichotomy. In fact, the Sardis church period was reprimanded by our Saviour with a strictness surpassed only in the letter to the lukewarm Laodicean church period. Christ's condemnation of the Sardis church is found in Revelation 3:1-2 — "I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God."
 Luther refereed the body as gelemine the word church was  orgined  under the king for state control through it;s pagan past  Circe or circa   carthers used it . amazing  esoteric unions were mixed  rosicrusions forms  were a business  model  use to control the masses through instituionlism ... Christ  used ht ecclesial merely people as his temple , all were able to contribute etc  required to do so the young s literel the kj3 the neb does nice job on  the depthness  of the spirit led  sections in the new testament for the basic reader  over the platonic  systematized religions of man's creation... to merely father as the elder  was  down so by the ones most of love spirit led not greek or paganized  logicians   thus any could share as the spirit led them to do so , desir eot  sense inside  the faith based unction over the Gnostic philosophies   the elders were not overlords sis   spiritual discernment was allowed to operate, during the gatherings,,,,   

it was not a Greek lecture hall,  they taught so did others of their lives the revelation of God who is spirit ... enjoy the in depth  sections stuff many  have long since desired but must exercise their own thinking that they to are spirit led!!! and cradle free ,,  to know so as well  each has things to give ... you thus become the living Epistle of Christ  not in paper but life , we advance in  the  faith  , faith is  doing what is impossible for us to  do,,,  what is possible for us bring no glory to God just our own flesh  we are still in great want of faith !! after salvation???at times ....

Allegorizing May Have First Developed in Alexandria And Was Held By Followers of Simon Magus and Valentinus
Gnostic and pre-gnostic leaders took a different approach to biblical interpretation in the first and second centuries. They tended to accept allegory over what the Bible actually taught.
This practice may have first developed in Alexandria, Egypt. Here is some of what Eusebius said Philo (c. first century) taught about those who made some profession of Christ in Alexandria (any bolding mine):
3. In the work to which he gave the title, On a Contemplative Life or on Suppliants, after affirming in the first place that he will add to those things which he is about to relate nothing contrary to truth or of his own invention, he says that these men were called Therapeutæ and the women that were with them Therapeutrides. He then adds the reasons for such a name, explaining it from the fact that they applied remedies and healed the souls of those who came to them, by relieving them like physicians, of evil passions, or from the fact that they served and worshiped the Deity in purity and sincerity.
4. Whether Philo himself gave them this name, employing an epithet well suited to their mode of life, or whether the first of them really called themselves so in the beginning, since the name of Christians was not yet everywhere known, we need not discuss here…
7. Philo bears witness to facts very much like those here described and then adds the following account: “Everywhere in the world is this race found. For it was fitting that both Greek and Barbarian should share in what is perfectly good. But the race particularly abounds in Egypt, in each of its so-called nomes, and especially about Alexandria
9. And then a little further on, after describing the kind of houses which they had, he speaks as follows concerning their churches, which were scattered about here and there: “In each house there is a sacred apartment which is called a sanctuary and monastery, where, quite alone, they perform the mysteries of the religious life. They bring nothing into it, neither drink nor food, nor any of the other things which contribute to the necessities of the body, but only the laws, and the inspired oracles of the prophets, and hymns and such other things as augment and make perfect their knowledge and piety.”
10. And after some other matters he says:
“The whole interval, from morning to evening, is for them a time of exercise. For they read the holy Scriptures, and explain the philosophy of their fathers in an allegorical manner, regarding the written words as symbols of hidden truth which is communicated in obscure figures.
11. They have also writings of ancient men, who were the founders of their sect, and who left many monuments of the allegorical method. These they use as models, and imitate their principles”…
15…Philo’s words are as follows:
16. “Having laid down temperance as a sort of foundation in the soul, they build upon it the other virtues. None of them may take food or drink before sunset, since they regard philosophizing as a work worthy of the light, but attention to the wants of the body as proper only in the darkness, and therefore assign the day to the former, but to the latter a small portion of the night.
17. But some, in whom a great desire for knowledge dwells, forget to take food for three days; and some are so delighted and feast so luxuriously upon wisdom, which furnishes doctrines richly and without stint, that they abstain even twice as long as this, and are accustomed, after six days, scarcely to take necessary food.” These statements of Philo we regard as referring clearly and indisputably to those of our communion.
19. For they say that there were women also with those of whom we are speaking, and that the most of them were aged virgins who had preserved their chastity…by their own choice, through zeal and a desire for wisdom
20. Then after a little he adds still more emphatically: “They expound the Sacred Scriptures figuratively by means of allegories. For the whole law seems to these men to resemble a living organism, of which the spoken words constitute the body, while the hidden sense stored up within the words constitutes the soul. This hidden meaning has first been particularly studied by this sect, which sees, revealed as in a mirror of names, the surpassing beauties of the thoughts”…
23. In addition to this Philo describes the order of dignities which exists among those who carry on the services of the church, mentioning the diaconate, and the office of bishop, which takes the precedence over all the others (Eusebius. Church History, Book II, Chapter XVII. Translated by Arthur Cushman McGiffert. Excerpted from Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series Two, Volume 1. Edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace. American Edition, 1890. Online Edition Copyright © 2004 by K. Knight).
So Eusebius claims that Philo (c. 1st century) reported that those in Alexandria were ascetic, had mysteries, seem to have been gnostics (ones who claimed to have special knowledge/wisdom was essential for salvation), had some promotion of celibacy, allegorized scripture, and had a bishop–and Eusebius seems to claim that they are part of the Catholic Church (see vs. 17 above)–even though the Roman Church did not have celibacy rules at that time (please see the article Was Celibacy Required for Early Bishops or Presbyters?). This seems to have been where a major departure from the true faith occurred.
Hippolytus, who also appeared to be a Roman supporter, in the early third century, wrote this about the heretic Simon Magus:
Now Simon, both foolishly and knavishly paraphrasing the law of Moses, makes his statements (Hippolytus. Refutation of All Heresies, Book VI, Chapter IV. Translated by J. H. Machmahon. Excerpted from Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 5. Edited by Alexander Roberts & James Donaldson. American Edition, 1886. Online Edition Copyright © 2005 by K. Knight).
Simon then, after inventing these (tenets), not only by evil devices interpreted the writings of Moses in whatever way he wished, but even the (works) of the poets. For also he fastens an allegorical meaning on (the story of) the wooden horse and Helen with the torch, and on very many other (accounts), which he transfers to what relates to himself and to Intelligence, and (thus) furnishes a fictitious explanation of them. (ibid Chapter XIV).
Simon Magus came on the scene about the same time Philo wrote about the Alexandrians.
Alexandria was also the original home of the heretic Valentinus (who later went to Rome), and it seems like some of the leaders in Alexandria adopted some of his traits. The historian HOJ Brown noted:
Alexandria was the home of the celebrated gnostic Valentinus. Valentinus adopted Philo’s method of allegorical interpretation…For a time, Valentinus and his followers existed with the orthodox Christians of Alexandria. (Brown HOJ. Heresies: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the History of the Church. Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody (MA), 1988, p. 86).
Valentinus, even though condemned by Polycarp of Smyrna, when Polycarp visited Rome, ca. 155, was also tolerated by, and existed in, the Roman Church until at the 170s A.D. when he was finally put out after he had greatly influenced the church there.
Speaking of Polycarp, in his famous Letter to the Philippians he uses essentially a literal, not allegorical approach to understanding scripture. The simple truth is that the actual early (prior to the third century) leaders of the church (outside of Alexandria), that the Roman Catholics consider non-heretical, did not try to promote an allegorical method of understanding scripture. But the heretics did.

Demetrius is in the list of successors for the Orthodox Church of Alexandria from 188-231. During that time, Demetrius encouraged the heretic Clement of Alexander.
Yet Clement mixed gnosticism with his form of Christianity:
Unlike Irenaeus who detested it, Clement refers to secret tradition, and his affinities to gnosticism seems to go beyond mere borrowing of gnostic terms. (Brown HOJ. Heresies: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the History of the Church. Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody (MA), 1988, p. 87).
Clement, most famous of the Alexandrian college faculty and a teacher of Origen, boasted that he would not teach Christianity unless it were mixed with pagan philosophy (Wilkinson BG. Truth Triumphant, ca. 1890. Reprint: Teach Services, Brushton (NY) 1994, p. 47).
In other words, many scholars understand that Clement of Alexandria, who is often listed as a major leader in Alexandria held some gnostic views.
Here is some of what Clement wrote hinting that Greek philosophy was given to call Greeks:
Our book will not shrink from making use of what is best in philosophy and other preparatory instruction…
Accordingly, before the advent of the Lord, philosophy was necessary to the Greeks for righteousness. And now it becomes conducive to piety; being a kind of preparatory training to those who attain to faith through demonstration. “For your foot,” it is said, “will not stumble, if you refer what is good, whether belonging to the Greeks or to us, to Providence.” For God is the cause of all good things; but of some primarily, as of the Old and the New Testament; and of others by consequence, as philosophy. Perchance, too, philosophy was given to the Greeks directly and primarily, till the Lord should call the Greeks. For this was a schoolmaster to bring “the Hellenic mind,” as the law, the Hebrews, “to Christ.” Philosophy, therefore, was a preparation, paving the way for him who is perfected in Christ…

The Greek preparatory culture, therefore, with philosophy itself, is shown to have come down from God to men…
And our much-knowing gnostic can distinguish sophistry from philosophy, the art of decoration from gymnastics, cookery from physic, and rhetoric from dialectics, and the other sects which are according to the barbarian philosophy, from the truth itself. And how necessary is it for him who desires to be partaker of the power of God, to treat of intellectual subjects by philosophising! And how serviceable is it to distinguish expressions which are ambiguous, and which in the Testaments are used synonymously! (Clement of Alexander. The Stromata, Book I, Chapters 1,5,7,9)
Scripture has called the Greeks pilferers of the Barbarian philosophy…Accordingly, the Barbarian philosophy, which we follow, is in reality perfect and true…
As, then, philosophy has been brought into evil repute by pride and self-conceit, so also gnosis by false gnosis called by the same name (Clement of Alexander. The Stromata, Book II, Chapters 1,2,11)
It should be noted that Clement claimed that he only kept the true portions of philosophy of the Greek and not untrue portions–but that is essentially what all Gnostics claimed.
And Clement influenced Origen.
It may be of interest to note that in the second century, allegory was condemned by the Roman supporting Irenaeus (who is a Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox saint):
11…But if any one, “doting about questions,” do imagine that what the apostles have declared about God should be allegorized, let him consider my previous statements, in which I set forth one God as the Founder and Maker of all things, and destroyed and laid bare their allegations; and he shall find them agreeable to the doctrine of the apostles, and so to maintain what they used to teach (Irenaeus. Adversus haereses, Book III, Chapter 12, Verse 11. Excerpted from Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 1. Edited by Alexander Roberts & James Donaldson. American Edition, 1885. Online Edition Copyright © 2004 by K. Knight).

 It was also opposed by Nepos of Arsinoe in the third century. Here is what The Catholic Encyclopedia reported:
An Egyptian bishop, Nepos, taught the Chiliastic error that there would be a reign of Christ upon earth for a thousand years, a period of corporal delights; he founded this doctrine upon the Apocalypse in a book entitled “Refutation of the Allegorizers” (Chapman, John. “Dionysius of Alexandria.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909. 14 Aug. 2008 <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05011a.htm>.)
Thus, a treatise against the allegorists was written when it became apparent that allegorists were gaining influence.
The allegorists were also opposed by Lucian of Antioch in the third century:
Lucian of Antioch…The opposition to the allegorizing tendencies of the Alexandrines centred in him. He rejected this system entirely and propounded a system of literal interpretation…(Healy P.J. Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas. Lucian of Antioch. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX. Published 1910. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat, October 1, 1910. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York).

Dr. Williston Walker thus describes:
With Antioch of this period is to be associated the foundation of a school of theology by Lucian, of whom little is known of biographical detail, save that he was a presbyter, held aloof from the party in Antioch which opposed and overcame Paul of Samosata, taught there from c. 275 to 303, and died a martyr’s death in 312…. Like Origen, he busied himself with textual and exegetical labors on the Scriptures, but had little liking for the allegorizing methods of the great Alexandrian. A simpler, more grammatical and historical method of treatment both of text and doctrine characterized his teaching (as quoted in Wilkinson BG. Truth Triumphant, ca. 1890. Reprint: Teach Services, Brushton (NY) 1994).
Your question !!! who were they ....
 the spirits led verses the  platonic gnostIc  state run religions  that came by the third century...!!
The Cevennes: a craggy, mountainous region on the Languedoc side of the Rhone valley (the other side isProvence.) It saw the last stand of the French Protestants against Louis the 14th’s imposition of Catholicism. The king revoked the Edit de Nantes in 1685: Protestants had to convert or leave the kingdom. Most converted, many left - migrating to the “Refuge” (mainly Geneva, Amsterdam, London, and some German principalities.) An irreducible handful, known as the Camisards, resisted to the end. it would be like wise withe penn and fox to...,  spirit led is non Gnostic   way  1 Corinthians 1-4 and 2 Corinthians 3 give you much deeper glimpse in your mind of what that is the kj3 or young's literal, I prefer non slanted reads I do use th neb it;s potent view as the verb tenses  it;s  much more close than others that flalent term to reduce the impact  of tense  to neutering terms, into mere gnosis , epigenosis s is spirit given  discernment  not plato or aristrotalism  based natural knowledge   which as epigenosis, we use a weak word that indicates a mere knowledge based  on obscurity  , unclear, good guess ta-mating   term the mind been trained to grasp the more weak versions,,guess ideas  you suggested is common,  practice now , the mere word knowledge,    in the west has little depth obscure  in most cases , due to the lack language education the new norm where  less ability is considered wise... no awareness is the new discernment   awful....

The Camisards influence “spread to Britain in the early years of the eighteenth century and, via Annie Lee’s Shakers, toAmerica.”7 Here, inspired Protestantism met the African slaves’ culture and produced what came to be called Gospel singing and Negro Spirituals, with all that that syncretism has given back to the world of music, voice and singing. 

African- Americans actually reversed the direction from spiritual singing back to the body, and in a sense rebelled against the spiritualism of Protestantism by switching over in the 50s and 60s to the word “soul”. The notion of soul had all but disappeared in its deeper cultural meanings from most Christian movements (including Catholicism, where it had become an edulcorated euphemism for spirit.) What had come to rule was associated with “The Spirit” as the sublime Master of the body. 

the narrative was defined in obscure unions  :The list of 2,000 names have long since been lost, however, it has been reported by researchers who read the list before they disappeared that Weishaupt had recruited many Lutherans and Calvinists to his Satanic order
Now the hidden deeds of the Sardis church period were so concealed that to this day they are not recorded in either secular or Protestant history. 

What is recorded in Protestant history is defamation of the Catholic Church as the greatest curse since the introduction of Christianity and adulation of the Protestant Reformation as its greatest blessing. Yet Christ had no good thing to say about the Protestant church period while he had six commendations for the Catholic Church period. 
What Christ's seven eyes jealously observed during this period of church history was simply this: when the Catholic Church cast out the secret societies by Inquisition, the Sardis Reformation church embraced those same secret societies. 

Both exoteric and esoteric history of this church period record that instead of completing its divine work of reformation, Reformers separated from the Catholic Church and with financial aid from secret societies and with political and military backing from European kings they took up military arms against the church.

 Hence, Sardis reformers became the Protestant Reformation church, it was not yet an ecclesia  where people were the temple not t he hut they met in!!!!!  and Christ was not pleased. When the Protestant Reformation aligned itself with the adversary's secret societies to war against the Catholic Church, Christ's jealousy demanded that the same punishment afflicted on the secret societies during the Inquisitions of the 13th and 14th century be visited on the Protestant Church. 
Hence the Jesuits of the 16th and 17th century renewed the Inquisitions, this time against the Protestants. If Christ had not judged the Protestants for abandoning reformation in exchange for political protest, he would owe the Ephesian church period an apology for sending them into 300 years of martyrdom for abandoning evangelism in exchange for defending the faith. As an ecclesia christian   where we se the body as one undived and not sold out nor  to any secret groups!!! ,,,,,

I remain free of them with others  both  by way of love and truth..... but press on the high calling  of spirit led faith  the struggles again the flesh are life long  the law laden  heresy still seeks to bind people back the ole ways of flesh performance  as means of countering  the inward   passions, only through the spirit led  can we do so as we see no value as compared to the glory of God in us, if we are listen for him,   and even be consistent to any degree , real question what is and where is the real faith that can discern well enough to know other than parrot what another  has told them to know?  The platonic thinking  so  far in tack the epigenosis is largely missing,  .... if it was active many seek time alone with God , that perhaps is not  present ,  since the mad rush for materialism is so over whelming,  (a euphoria)  it  has become it;s own hectate's as master ..

enchantment  ruling the hearts amassing!!!   vast amounts of junk!    the sustaining thing that is a living awareness ..? we are are prone to it  any time,  many yearn for but have kept them selves  away from the easy path way,   faith  is all but easy , hard brutal  compared to using to using human intermediaries???? to do your thinking for you,,,,   in the place of faith ,,, to do what they need to do for them selves ,,  is  what that means ...thanks  amazing ,, what was it like before it got muddied up  before ego, .....??? sold out...