Tuesday, December 17, 2019

inside the searches

Quote this is why I  have changed so much,  was and is the case little effort to undo the muddy waters of added  tradition  vs the spirit led life.....

Clement, most famous of the Alexandrian college faculty and a teacher of Origen, boasted that he would not teach Christianity unless it were mixed with pagan philosophy (Wilkinson BG. Truth Triumphant, ca. 1890. Reprint: Teach Services, Brushton (NY) 1994, p. 47).
interesting they used that so openly..here.

the dragon found a home in among us and few  have ask ,,, and we still don’t , the author is quite right ...

Foreword for Stephen Crosby’s How ‘New’ Is the New Covenant?

It is safe to say that the root of most errors in believers’ minds is a failure to appreciate the reality and finality of Christ in the New Covenant.  Too many are trying to function with a mixture of law and grace, letter and Spirit and type/shadow versus substance. So much practice in the history of the visible church has taken its cue from the Old Covenant and not the New.

Take tithing as a glaring example. For centuries the mainstream church has relied on the members giving their tithe in order to finance the institution’s needs. The proof-texts for enforcing tithing were primarily drawn from the Old Testament. There were many instances of and statements about giving in the New Testament, but tithing was never mentioned as a benchmark. In fact, here a whole new way of looking at giving is found -- a way that has nothing to do with percentage points, a way that has to do with Christ’s example of self-sacrifice, and a way that simply says, “Give, each according to their ability.” But most church peoples’ consciences are weighed down with a percentage-driven method of giving that has nothing to do with the revelation found in the New Covenant.

Hence, there is a crying need for Christ’s people to see that they are living in Christ, not under Moses; that they are to walk in the Spirit, not follow the letter of the law; that they are married to Jesus, not the Torah. They must understand that the better New Covenant is in force, not the obsolete Old Covenant. Stephen Crosby’s How ‘New’ Is the New Covenant? Provides a deep breath of Christ-centered air in our law-choked religious atmosphere.

The author’s chapters and appendices on the New Covenant and the Torah are must reading for today’s believers. They cut through eons of misunderstandings, and shed needed light on why the New Covenant sealed and inaugurated by Christ’s blood is so vital for understanding where we stand as the New Creation and the New Humanity. Those who read How ‘New’ Is the New Covenant? should see law-rooted scales fall from their eyes, resulting in a clearer view of Jesus’ glory.

-- Jon Zens, author of ‘This Is My Beloved Son, Hear Him’: The Foundation of New Covenant Ethics and Ecclesiology, and editor of Searching Together since 1978

How Witchcraft Destroys the Church by Mark H. Evans

I had the privilege of meeting Mark while in Tucson, AZ, recently. He brought a copy of his book along. After reading it, I believe it brings some important and nuanced perspectives to the table that speak to the core needs/problems of our hour.

By "witchcraft" Mark does not have in view wiccans gathering in the woods. Rather, he is concerned "to show how the church has allowed certain people to gain prominence within its ranks who do not belong there, and the terrible cost that is being paid because of it." Thus, the author sees witchcraft as connected to the desire for Power and Control, which is then expressed through Rebellion. "Witchcraft," he says, "is the attempted usurpation of God's power and control over nature, over circumstances, and over people." At the heart of witchcraft, then, "is the acquisition and use of power."

Understanding witchcraft in these terms opens the door for us to see the many ways it has invaded churches. Numerous well-meaning believers have given allegiance to a person, "thinking they were following God, and never questioned what was really going on." Mark notes, "I have seen individuals persuade others that they had a new or fresh revelation from God," but if those deceived by this person "were to dig a little deeper, they would find that the person persuading them was not anything close to how they were representing themselves." Such persons gain power over others "through disingenuous means." They are "usually skillful at attracting a crowd and can be the life of the party."

In churches, then, witchcraft manifests itself often through people who are Narcissists -- it's all about them. Mark observes, "Narcissists can say one thing in private to one person, something completely different to another person in private, and then declare that one or both of them misunderstood what they meant when confronted with the discrepancies . . . . 

 Many Narcissists love the confusion that surrounds them. The intentional splitting of relationships to mask themselves can bring intense disputes . . . . The Narcissist is always up and looking for some way to promote himself or herself . . . . Narcissists have spent most of their lives perfecting their ability to confuse and misdirect . . . . The Narcissist will surround themselves with others who will support him or her, and will often manipulate these supporters to carry out the duties of expelling someone who has discovered what is happening . . . . Obfuscation, control, manipulation, and the quest for power are the tools and goal of the Narcissist."

There are just a few places where I would see or state things differently, but, as Winn Griffin noted in the Foreword, "you may not agree with everything Mark writes," but "may I suggest that you see in this book a 'wake up' call to all who can hear the alarm clock!"

                                                                                                                        -- JZ, July, 2016 

 Agree here is more on origins ,,,

The second manifesto called for the regeneration of society through Rosicrucian philosophies, leading to the anti-Vatican, scientific era called "Age of Enlightenment." The ancient Hermetic "sciences" of astrology, alchemy, and magic had been integral to Rosicrucianism, which is important when we discover that Brook Westcott had founded and run the "Hermes Club" first of all, for three years starting in 1845, prior to involvement with political elitists in the more-intense forms of similar activity. By connecting Westcott (who became an Anglican bishop) and his political friends to the Rosicrucians, we can see that their League-of-Nations movement was an attempt to set up the Rosicrucian "world government composed of leaders of all nations."

Long before Westcott, the Rosicrucians in Britain were led by, and flourishing under, the writer, Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Bacon wrote the book, "New Atlantis," a Rosicrucian fantasy with Scientific Utopia at the core. Does this help us to see that Edgar Cayce was also a Rosicrucian? Recall from a previous chapter that Cayce came prophesying regarding an ancient Atlantis, and that with mankind's discovery of hidden Atlantean records/books, a new Kingdom would be set up on Earth, on/near the year 2000, with a human representative of Jesus as the ruler.

John Dee (1527-1608), the astrologer, was an early scientist and represented the pattern of scientists to follow. It's not hard to see that, aside from Nature Worship becoming the science of Evolution, astrology became the science of astronomy, while alchemy became the science of chemistry. Nor is it hard to understand that both astronomy and chemistry were applied together to advance the evolutionary view of the universe...which is today the science of astro-physics. And so in winning one argument against the Vatican -- proving one truth that the earth does revolve around the sun -- they then made utter fools of themselves by teaching as fact that living things evolved like magic from various materials. To this day, knowing that it's not enough to state that living matter arose from chemical reactions, they state as fact that all living creatures, and their amazing abilities, evolved through mutations!!! 

Dee was a European magi, practicing "white magic" and claiming to communicate with angelic beings through his dreams and crystal-gazing. This, then, is the sort of deluded bloke who partook in the introduction of Rosicrucianism into England's royals spheres, claiming, prior to Bacon's claims, that America was the New Atlantis. Bacon not only promoted the Atlantis of John Dee, therefore, but supported Dee's British-Israelism? Dee had convinced the Royal family that the British were the true Jews; the Royals accepted the idea seeing that they had recently, since Henry VIII, declared themselves supreme rulers of both Church and State...usurping the Vatican all the while.
The question is, why was it that, two and three centuries later, some early charismatic fathers were also found promoting British-Israelism? Could we suspect that the Rosicrucians had by then become such experts at feigning Christianity that they corrupted even the Bible-based fundamentalists...those who joined and supported the charismatic movements? It is important to know that men such as Dee were long-ago capable of amazing sermons and prayers that would fool the best of pastors. Take this Dee prayer for example. From that prayer, learn that Rosicrucians are diabolical deceivers.
And you may have heard that Isaac Newton was a Christian, which is precisely how his fellow Rosicrucians wish to promote him. Lord Northampton, a modern devotee of the Jerusalem-Temple rebuilding project, and head of the Scottish rite, said in an interview: "If you look at [Isaac] Newton's work in the Royal Society, he spent many, many hours and days reconstructing precise models of the temple...because he was convinced that the actual harmonies of the universe were locked in that Temple as the microcosm of the macrocosm...which is exactly what Zorzi had argued."

Elizabeth I ruled after Henry VIII, and in her courts the Rosicrucian spy agency became an infestation. Dee, while working for Elizabeth, was in very fact a spy, and of course it's hard to tell where loyalties lie where spies are concerned:
During World War II, Heinrich Himmler, Nazi thug, albeit brilliant and avid student of the occult had all the huge mechanism of the Abwher at his command. Evidently SS scholars uncovered information about the Elizabethan Secret Service not revealed previously. Himmler stated categorically that the Rosicrucians were a branch of the Elizabethan Secret Service." "Resurrecting Marley" Mather Walker:

Rosicrucians owned/controlled colleges and libraries for the sheer purpose of indoctrinating the world into their program. John Dee had a library filled with thousands of "important" works. Invisible Rosicrucians of the early 17th century had their so-called "invisible college" until such time that they could come out of the closet as the Royal Society. It's not surprising that the Cayce prophecy involved a "Hall of Records" i.e. a library.
As an example of what appears to me to be Rosicrucian tampering with the Word of God, the 46th word in the 46th Psalm of the King James Bible is "shake," while the 46th word backwards in the same 46th Psalm is "spear," a clear reference to "Shakespeare," suggesting that Bacon or/as Shakespeare translated at least one of the Psalms. 

Some have suggested that the editor of the King James Version was Bacon himself, but this is possibly discredited in that James detested the Baconian Rosicrucians, and had even published his own book attacking the Baconians (he was supported by Scottish Rosicrucians). It may be due to this conflict that Westcott and Hort would later set out to usurp the King James Version with their "Revised Version" (1881). James was of the Stewart bloodline and therefore, if we believe the claims of "Bloodline of the Holy Grail," of the dragon line. It would not surprise me to find that the first ones to recently promote the KJV as the only true version of the Word of God were pro-Stewart Rosicrucians.  

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