Saturday, May 2, 2020

magic mirror !!!! questions

"New Thought" and Ancient Mysteries

Now as then, those dark Luciferian teachings have become shining lights to post-Christian cultures inspired by "false apostles and deceitful workers" -- servants of Satan, the "evil one" who masquerades as "an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:13-14)  After all, The Secret offers gullible seekers everything under the sun. And its promises sound good, don't they? Consider these examples:

Byrne introduces Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) as "one of the earliest writers and founders of the New Thought movement... [who] has influenced countless writers and teachers."[1] This quote from Thoughts are Things summarizes his "mental and spiritual laws:"
"There is no limit to the power of the thought current you can attract to you nor limit to the things that can be done through the individual by it. In the future some people will draw so much of the higher quality of thought to them, that by it they will accomplish what some would call miracles. In this capacity... lies the secret of what has been called 'magic."[7]
During the 20th century, such thinking inspired "positive thinking" gurus like Norman Vincent Peale who, in turn, converted Robert Schuller and countless other leaders who are now pastoring churches or marketing the deception through church-related programs around the world. John Maxwell and other global change agents demonstrate the subtle influence of this feel-good, self-empowering ideology.
"Nothing," Byrne assures us, "can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts."[1 p.43]
Our sovereign Biblical God has no place in this man-centered philosophy. But other religions are acceptable -- including a compatible distortion of Christianity:
"Religions, such as Hinduism, Hermetic traditions, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and civilizations, such as the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, delivered it through their writings and stories. Recorded throughout the ages in all its forms, the law can be found in ancient writings through all the centuries. It was recorded in stone in 3000 BC."[1 p. 4-5]
The last reference points back to ancient mystery religions and to the words inscribed on the fabled Emerald Tablett. Remember, Byrne used those words, "As above, so below," to set the stage for her book. An occult website decodes their meaning:

How the mystery masters twisted thingsfor their control, most europe was deeply mixed into the esoteric world, of baocn john dee and t his  predecessor the abot of sponhiem lets look at few details r ,Peitho, the word translated "obey" in Hebrews 13:17, is translated 23 times "persuade", 10 times "trust", and one time "agree". It is translated 5 times "obey," but only in Hebrews 13:17, 21, does it refer to obedience to another person (See Acts 5:36,37; Romans 2:8; Galatians 3:1; James 3:3). Don't you think it just a little strange that it is translated "obey" when speaking of "leadership" in this place?

Another scripture that is a blatant example of ecclesiastical bias is found in 1 Timothy 3:1-2. The Kings James Version renders it thus:

"This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the office of a Bishop, he desires a good work. A Bishop then must be blameless..."

The translators, under the king's injunction to keep the main terms of the Church of England's ecclesiastical form, make two main errors. The first is adding a word to the text that doesn't appear in the Greek, i.e. "office". There is neither a word in the text for office NOR the idea of office outside their own paradigm.

The second is an error in translation. The word translated "Bishop" is episkopos. The word means to "oversee", to "tend".

Vine defines it thus: "EPISKOPOS, lit., an overseer (epi, over, skopeo, to look or watch), whence Eng. "bishop"..." The passage in 1st Timothy actually reads, "If a man wants to oversee, he desires a good work."

One reformer wrote,

"I am convinced that the King James Translators, laboring under an 'institutional church' mentality, selected the strongest words possible which conveyed the idea that the people must submit to the authority of the Clergy. In this way King James could control the people through the Church, of which he was Supreme Ruler."

Another prominent bias that was handed down and instilled in the mind of countless churchmen was the unbiblical limiting of women’s role in the churches. One example among many should suffice here.

The King James translators, as previously mentioned, were well acquainted with "ministers" within the Church of England hierarchy. They consistently translated the word diakonos "minister" when referring to a worker of the congregation except when it came to Phoebe, and then they translated it "servant" (Romans 16:1-2). Are you surprised? By the way, Phoebe is the only person in the entire New Testament who is referred to as a diakonos of a specific church and yet the KJV translators and most others that have followed suit purposefully dilute her “position”.

As we know from experience, "minister" is a word that has become a title. This word is taken from the Latin translation of the Greek word diakonos meaning "servant," or properly "table servant." The word group is translated 38 times "minister" by the KJV. It is translated "ministry" 16 times, "ministering" 3 times, and "ministration" 6 times. It is translated "serve", "servant", and "service" 21 times. It would be correct to translate it "serve" and its derivatives every time.

These example are just an hint of ecclesiastical biases included in the KJV New Testament that definitely effects the students beliefs and practices. Countless others could have been noted but it was not the purpose in this article to detail all translator biases that have adversely effected generations of Bible students but to point out the reasons why a non-ecclesiastical rendition of the New Testament is due.

If you want to read more on the subject you can view my theses, “Men Who Would Be Kings” at

Well praise God; there is such a translation now on the market. In fact, it is called “A Non-Ecclesiastical New Testament.” The author is a self-taught Greek scholar with a PhD in math from the University of Florida. He spent more than 10 years researching, compiling and revising his translation and used only the earliest manuscripts.

It is available in both PDF and hard copy and a preview is provided before purchase so that you can examine it for yourself. All the information can be found at 
I liketo  think others for having done so, green etc Pgs hopwood take deeper into  the were abouts fo truths few inmodern times have come across or took the time ot se what is true or not.. thank those brave enoughto not mawager on  the drama found in mere emtionalism , I thank Yates  for taking the time to     expound on the depth to as I do others  who  wanted get back to the spirit led unions rather the norm within the  tribal approvals .. 

Blessinngs the those the amazing group I met seeking truth and meeting as it once was when it was uncompromised...that your able to stay free to grow and by faith without resorting to  mixing  in the traditons of man the lofty ideas that go no where,  love -faith abound  be nice hope you all do very well ...may grace abound in all the truth faith  there no custumes  here  to  wear or sheets names titals there  non in the ealy faith it;s spirit loaded the alternative for centuries has sucked the life of the early  wonders replaced with platonic phsycobable so much more hard to see through all the fog, 1 corinthins 1-4 is the break free waters despite your day to life the end game  is rewarded by faith,  the systems are mans creation,  the relationship is God's creation  never for get it, you will not live long enough to  see wishful thinking become reality of any meaning full  awarenes of the indwelling ......  

where  growth is measured by faith not by intro version,,,  be rich the pursuit of truth focus on spirit led we all falter and will the  goon romans 7  the tragic failure is found in   untruths dealing with whom you have become ,,,doubt is cast to keep you in life long infanacy,  or gult the magican's power, open grave of words.,,   love to all  hold fast the simplcity by which grace came for you ... TAKE  time to seek the truth on terms the power or the magic of words is wise ole word craft, wars are waged over igorance .... 

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