During his commencement address at Harvard more than thirty years ago, former atheist Alexander Solzhenitsyn offended the narcissistically inflated sensibilities of America’s up-and-coming “ruling class” aspirants when he warned that America was tilting towards evil. This tilt toward evil was occurring because America’s ruling class and intelligentsia had rejected the Triune God and embraced instead evolutionary humanism, scientism, and the dream of building a socialist utopia (also known as social justice). All together, these evil ideas are the demonic revolutionary politics of hatred, destruction and death.
According to Jamie Glazov,, the former Soviet Union possessed many imaginative mechanisms to deal with the problem of enemies of the people who obstructed the path to socialist utopia or social justice:
"One of those mechanisms was the practice of confining individuals who were thinking the wrong thoughts to insane asylums. Indeed, if you caused any trouble for the commissars, a good inoculation of neuroleptics (powerful drugs used to “quiet” the symptoms of schizophrenia), forcibly administered through a tube in the nose, could do wonders in bringing your politically incorrect behavior to a halt.” (The Democrats’ Soviet Insane Asylum for Trump, Jamie Glazov, Frontpage Magazine, July 7, 2017)
Today’s progressive Democrats are also faithfully journeying on a Soviet-style odyssey:
" Horrified by Trump’s opposition to Obama’s “fundamental transformations,” they have found their own neuroleptics in the form of the 25th Amendment and a bill seeking to impeach the president for being mentally unsound. Indeed, Trump has to be mentally deranged and unfit for office, because what other reason could possibly explain his frightening disagreement with the Left’s un-American creed of identity politics -- race and gender uber alles? What other factor could possibly be at play in his embrace of individual freedom and responsibility -- and in his rejection of group privileges and racial/gender hierarchies that, as David Horowitz has noted, can only be manifested after America’s Constitution is null and void?” (ibid)
The left’s creed – identity politics – rejects the idea of the one human race created by the Holy Triune Creator God together with the fall, the supernatural third heaven, hell, angels, demons, imago Dei, and individual accountability and individual freedom. In the place of God’s Revelation, new pagan Leftism establishes group privileges based on the spurious idea of a genetically evolved racial/gender hierarchy consisting of many distinct races and genders:
“These hierarchies are based on the malicious premise that whites, heterosexuals and males are oppressors and - in the words of the Democratic platform - America is a society governed by “systemic racism,” which needs to be fundamentally transformed.” (The War Against Trump, David Horowitz, Frontpage Magazine, March 8, 2017)
Here's how retired Marine Lt. Colonel Oliver North describes the 'new' Socialist States of America, where according to the U.S. government North is not only a racist but an extremist because:
" I am a Christian and meet regularly with other Christians to study Gods word. My faith convinces me the prophecies in the Holy Bible are true. I believe in the sanctity of life, oppose abortion and want to preserve marriage as the union of a man and woman. I am a veteran with skills and knowledge from military training and combat. I own several firearms, frequently shoot them, buy ammunition and consider efforts to infringe on my Second Amendment rights to be wrong and unconstitutional. I frequently support the sovereignty of the United States, am deeply concerned about our economy, increasingly higher taxes, illegal immigration, soaring unemployment and actions by our government that will bury my children beneath a mountain of debt. Apparently, all this makes me a 'right-wing extremist.' At least that's what it says in the April 7, 2009 'assessment' issued by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security." (The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture, David Kupelian, pp. 14-15)
Identity politics was spawned by cultural determinism, an ideological subset birthed by the Darwinian idea that man is an ape of evolution, therefore his identity is determined for example, by his skin color or his sexual and/or erotic appetites. This proposition rejects the concepts of the human soul/spirit, personhood, individuality, free will, and morally informed conscience (paired with personal accountability and responsibility) because it emphatically denies the existence of the Creator God of the Bible. (Cultural Marxism, L. Kimball, American Thinker, Feb., 2007)
Consequently, and by extension, it also rejects the first principles of our liberty enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. These are our "unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Revolutionary politics reject these because these principles of liberty "are endowed by our Creator," who made man in His image.
Thirty years ago Solzhenitsyn clearly saw that the God-hating, socialist-utopia seeking faith of the ruling class and its apostate clergy had already produced a spiritual, moral, and intellectual sickness responsible for replacing traditional freedom for the good, true and right with destructive freedom that makes society defenseless against human decadence and criminality. America, said Solzhenitsyn, is traveling the same highway to hell taken previously by the Russians.
What gave his message its unassailable integrity, courage and force is that he spoke from the hellish crucible of the Soviet death camps. His message was:
”Look what happened when a godless regime takes over. Let our experience teach you not to continue on your current path of trying to live without God.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Prophet to the World, Aug. 2008, heedingthetimes.net)
In their diabolical attempts at possessing the wills and minds of the masses, evolutionary humanists wielded terroristic mind-control tactics such as propaganda of the lie (i.e., 2+2=5; God is dead; no one believes in Jesus Christ anymore), redefinition of words (more lies), revised history (more lies), brain altering drugs, conditioned atheism through the teaching of Darwinism (occult science magic), polymorphously perverse sex education, and terror-and-confusion inducing political correctness in the form of fear-inducing hate crime laws and speech codes (inverted pseudo-morality). Together, these tactics created a climate of confusion, paranoia and fear where a majority of people became double-minded thinkers who said the same thing (i.e., accused the innocent of bogus sins such as racism and homphobia), seemingly wanted and believed in the same things (i.e., global warming, open borders, homosexuality, and Sharia), and voted the same way. But this was an illusion caused by fear of speaking the truth, hence double-thinkers,
"…..live with self-censorship throughout their lives. Since the regime demands loyalty right from childhood, many don't even notice. They just automatically control how they express themselves." (The Power of Freedom, published in The American Enterprise, Natan Sharansky, Apr/May 2005, pp. 38-39)
To determine if a society is fear-based, Sharansky applies what he defines as the "town square test." In this test, if you can go to the center of town and publicly express your views without being punished, you have a free society. However, if you are punished for expressing your views, such as the traditional view of marriage being for one man and one woman, then you live in a fear society. In such societies there are always three types of population:
"True believers, who accept the ideology...dissidents, who take risks to speak publicly; and double thinkers, who have doubts or disagreements about the official ideology but are afraid to express them publicly." The level "of dissidence is always a function of how tough the regime is." (The Power of Freedom, pp. 38-39)
Measured by Sharanskys' town-square test we can see that America is already a three-tiered fear-based society consisting of an inner ring, an elitist ruling class (evolutionary materialist, or modern Greek Atomists, and pantheist Ba'al and Gaia worshippers), Circling the outer ring is a somewhat larger ring consisting of social justice warriors, Hollywood liberals, academia, and black, LGBTQ+, and Muslim supremacists who willingly embrace and enforce lies in order to be accepted, privileged, enriched and empowered. At the instigation of inner circle elites, second circle denizens persecute, hound and blackmail the much larger outer ring of miserable, self-hating double-thinkers. Operating around the outer edges are those who are most resistant to possession of mind and will: dissidents and truth-tellers.
The real source of evil is the elitist inner circle, a parasitic confederacy of god-men described by Professor Angelo Codevilla as America’s Ruling Class:
“Today’s ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters — speaking the “in” language — serves as a badge of identity. Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money because, as government has grown, its boundary with the rest of American life has become indistinct. Many began their careers in government and leveraged their way into the private sector. Some, e.g., Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, never held a non-government job. Hence whether formally in government, out of it, or halfway, America’s ruling class speaks the language and has the tastes, habits, and tools of bureaucrats. It rules uneasily over the majority of Americans not oriented to government.” (America’s Ruling Class---and the Perils of Revolution, Codevilla, July/Aug. 2010, The American Spectator)
The faith of America’s Ruling Class rests on three pillars of sand: humanism, evolution, and will to power disguised as science. The two most important are science and Darwinism and the third, an arrogant assumption of god-like superiority enabled and empowered by the first two. Codevilla summarizes this attitude as “we” are the best and brightest while the rest of Americans are unevolved humanoids, hence,
“…retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly constrained.” (ibid)
Despite America’s pervasive spiritual, moral, and intellectual pathology most Americans (Trump supporting deplorables) still retain faith in God (more or less) thus some sense of right and wrong, while the Ruling Class are amoral malignant narcissists---hard-hearted, conscienceless moral imbeciles who view themselves as gods.
How did this sick, twisted god-man attitude replace the Founding generation’s belief that “all men are created equal” because the spiritual image bearers of the living, personal Holy Triune God? Codevilla writes that by the 1820s,
“… J. C. Calhoun was reading in the best London journals that different breeds of animals and plants produce inferior or superior results, slave owners were citing the Negroes’ deficiencies to argue that they should remain slaves indefinitely. Lots of others were reading Ludwig Feuerbach’s rendition of Hegelian philosophy, according to which biblical injunctions reflect the fantasies of alienated human beings or, in the young Karl Marx’s formulation, that ethical thought is “superstructural” to material reality. By 1853, when Sen. John Pettit of Ohio called “all men are created equal” “a self-evident lie,” much of America’s educated class had already absorbed the “scientific” notion (which Darwin only popularized) that man is the product of chance mutation and natural selection of the fittest. Accordingly, by nature, superior men subdue inferior ones as they subdue lower beings or try to improve them as they please….As the 19th century ended, the educated class’s religious fervor turned to social reform: they were sure that because man is a mere part of evolutionary nature, man could be improved, and that they, the most highly evolved of all, were the improvers.” (ibid)
As their numbers grew and their narcissism inflated,
“… so did their distaste for common Americans.
Believing itself “scientific,” this Progressive class sought to explain its differences from its neighbors in “scientific” terms. The most elaborate of these attempts was Theodor Adorno’s widely acclaimed The Authoritarian Personality (1948). It invented a set of criteria by which to define personality traits, ranked these traits and their intensity in any given person on what it called the “F scale” (F for fascist), interviewed hundreds of Americans, and concluded that most who were not liberal Democrats were latent fascists. This way of thinking about non-Progressives filtered down to college curricula. In 1963-64 for example, I was assigned Herbert McCloskey’s Conservatism and Personality (1958) at Rutgers’s Eagleton Institute of Politics as a paradigm of methodological correctness. The author had defined conservatism in terms of answers to certain questions, had defined a number of personality disorders in terms of other questions, and run a survey that proved “scientifically” that conservatives were maladjusted ne’er-do-well ignoramuses. “(ibid)
Far from being the rational, scientifically enlightened, progressive free-thinkers they imagine themselves, America’s Ruling Class are narcissistic magic thinkers. Respected Conservative Christian writer Frederick J. Hutchinson connects magical thinking with narcissism. These two spiritual sicknesses go together like a dung-beetle on its’ pile.
Hutchinson characterizes magical thinking with the ridiculous proverb that if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, it makes no noise, meaning that if a narcissist did not see or hear the tree fall then it did not fall since whatever the narcissist thinks, covets, envies, hates, or lusts after is the absolute meaning of reality at any given moment. By extension of this insanity, if a narcissist hates God the Father then He does not exist, if he worships science and evolution then the Genesis account of creation ex nihilo is backward and anti-scientific, and if a magic thinker cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or detect his own soul in any way then souls do not exist. (Restoring History, Hutchinson, pp. 80-81)
Though the intellects of America’s ruling magic thinkers are intact, their conscience is depraved and their reason warped and perverted, thus useless for the pursuit of virtue. They are spiritually dead, their wills turned toward evil and their disintegrated souls rolled up into little brittle balls of self-centered selfishness in free-fall within an inner abyss of darkness and infinite smallness of depraved self..
This is why the Ruling Class advance deceptions like evolution, and climate change as 'facts' of science And because they hate the “retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional” masses in the great flyover zones of America, especially the white, straight ones in the Bible Belt, they sympathetically support bogus theories such as Critical Theory, White Privilege, and Critical Race Theory and bogus rights such as choice, euthanasia, sodomy, same-sex marriage, obscene sex-education, universal healthcare, and Sharia because in reality all of these theories and ‘rights’ ultimately unleash forces of destruction and death upon the hated masses in one way or another.
From the Renaissance to our own time, every step of the systematic downfall of Christendom and Protestant America has been led by arrogant, defiant narcissists who have deliberately fostered apostasy, corruption, unfettered sin, and an entitlement mentality among Americans so that today narcissism and magical thinking are at epidemic proportions at every level of society.
This mindset is a mystification of the most corrupt passions and inverted values of magical thinkers. It is a Satanist Mindset created,
“…by a social order that has attempted to sustain itself without God.” (Dr. Carl Raschke, cited in Satanism and Witchcraft: The Occult and the West, Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon)
A Satanic Mindset has gained a virtual chokehold on the levers of power and influence from the White House to Hollywood, academia, certain corporations, the media, the Supreme Court, Congress, and apostatizing seminaries and pulpits.
While our Satanically-minded Ruling Class see the signs of corruption and insanity over-spreading our nation as signs of progress, some Americans choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to what is going on while still others foresee only disaster. Solzhenitsyn however, holds out the only hope for a weary, spiritually disconsolate people. In his 1983 Templeton Prize address, “Men Have Forgotten God,” he stated,
“All attempts to find a way out of the plight of today’s world are fruitless unless we redirect our consciousness, in repentance, to the Creator of all; without this, no exit will be illumined, and we shall seek it in vain.”
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