Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ignorance is not bliss!!!!

Today, China’s Communist Partocracy commemorated its 70th anniversary of coming to totalitarian power. This year, the infamous event in world history, coincides with the Jews celebrating their New Year; Rosh Hashanah is both a Day of Remembrance and a Day of Judgment. After 70 years, is a Day of Divine Judgment coming upon China? 
The following articles are well worth reading to begin to comprehend the human costs of communism “with Chinese characters.” Mao embarked on a state planned “grassroots socialism,” to achieve his “Great Leap Forward.” Instead, Mao’s economic planning resulted in a most severe political famine. Helen Raleigh “…death toll during the Chinese famine ranged between 30 and 60 million. To understand the scale of this atrocity, it is important to know that the estimated death toll for World War II was 60 million. So Mao inflicted human suffering in one country possibly equivalent to that of the entirety of World War II.” *
*See also: Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962 Paperback – November 19, 2013 by Yang Jisheng (Author), Edward Friedman (Editor, Introduction), Stacy Mosher (Editor, Translator), Jian Guo (Editor, Translator). The following articles are well worth reading:
Why China at 70 needs to listen to the voices of those it silenced by James A. Dorn 30 Sep, 2019
Actually, China’s Communist Government Can Rot In Hell  By David Harsanyi OCTOBER 1, 2019
No state has ever murdered, tortured, imprisoned, and terrorized more of its own people.
As Communist China Turns 70, Its Dark Past Haunts Its Future by By Helen Raleigh OCTOBER 1, 2019 
Raleigh: "As communist China turns 70, an inevitable question is how long it will last. All we know for sure is that 'those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.'"  "In my autobiography, 'Confucius Never Said,' I documented the suffering of my family at this time. My father lost a number of family members, including two uncles, his aunt and her family of five, his maternal grandmother, and his favorite teacher from high school during the famine. The most devastating loss was his baby brother,… We can only estimate that the death toll during the Chinese famine ranged between 30 and 60 million. To understand the scale of this atrocity, it is important to know that the estimated death toll for World War II was 60 million. So Mao inflicted human suffering in one country possibly equivalent to that of the entirety of World War II. ---While millions of Chinese people were starving to death, China continued to provide food to other countries, including the murderous Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.* Many people inside and outside China credit Chinese Communist leader Deng Xiaoping for saving China through economic reform. But the truth is that we wouldn’t talk about the economic miracle in China today if not for 18 ordinary villagers in Xiaogang village of Anhui Province.  In 1979, tired of constant starvation, these farmers proposed a bold idea to their village leaders. The leaders would secretly allow these farmers to be responsible for the gain and loss of their own production in the field. Extra production exceeding the government quota belonged to the farmers who produced it. Farmers were allowed to sell their extra produce in the black market. The village leaders ran the risk of being executed as counter-revolutionaries if this arrangement were discovered. So they signed a “life and death” contract, which stated that farmers agreed to take care of the leaders’ families if anything bad happened to them. This gamble paid off. Once set free, the production and the standard of living of these farmers increased in a very short time."*PCB: Precedent: USSR’s Great Helmsman Stalin starved over 2 million Ukrainians, while selling their grain on European markets]  FYI:
MAOISM: A GLOBAL HISTORY By Julia Lovell Knopf, 610 pages
"The most impressive sections of Ms. Lovell’s book are well-researched accounts of Maoism in Indonesia, Cambodia, Africa, South America and India.
For French Maoist aficionados in the 1960s, Ms. Lovell writes, the era was seen as “one long, fantastic liberation fiesta.” "Ms. Lovell’s account of the Maoist cult in Europe is sound, and damning."  PS PCB: I don’t know if she dealt with the Maoist cult by Canada’s Mao sympathizers Jacques Hebert – and Pierre Trudeau; in 1958 the two traveled to China. Trudeau became Prime Minister and appointed Hebert to the Canadian Radio and Television Commission as well as Co-Chaired A Task Force on Cultural Policy (global and national).  In 1980, Hebert called for the launching of a "Building Bee for Peace in Canada". '"To get the operation well under-way, we must, from the very first day of the first year, use absolutely every means to mobilize each and every citizen of Canada: Members of Parliament and other community leaders, workers and bosses, scholars and non-scholars, professionals and unemployed, artists and drop-outs: everyone. During the first six months we'll organize an information blitz such as has never been seen in the world [except, perhaps, in Mao's China]. "

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