Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Avoiding the bad ditches ,,,, find new things

The attacks come  form the external sources after grace ,,,, spiritual warfare is under way 24-7  I wanted to share what I might  help,  we live one very asnine culture ,,  we  are laden  in experimental drugs called Ritalin for decades >/ the results are largely  nasty... the public believe their kids need  be mind controlled so we venue in the world of timothy Leary  you pay ,  they play l...  both ways ...

Now  we seek to legalize drugs. amazing.... than what ,,,we say do not look nearly naked at the beaches now that's  ok,  but if you look that is wrong,,, the  target is now males God made us who we are ,  despite the up side down  culture can't figure what part is for what,   still trying change everything so we moved the lysergic theories to the  dress  downs cross overs, dress uppers,  now the neutering of males identity as being illegal,  do not be bold, wow,,,,how  messed up it is , mill that will be   now we have  new things to deal with tv computers, ipads   etc etc  anything goes so it;s easy ,,,,and radio can be real bad to now wow,  the magic or words ,,, so the fall is under way , I added this hope to  be able see through the maze a bit for those  asking  how to  stay free,  and move by faith hardly religion largely big business ,  some good faith ere there,  ,  interesting operatives be hide the scene.... lots of money and  philosophy ,  how about real connection real faith you ask,,,? 

 I love radio, that loaded with bad jokes now , to bad,  used to love the old deep historical stuff barley find it now.

 That we have art or music  list goes on be wise know, walk away form the twisted stuff, it comes so fast  so easy , greed and dope  greed  is huge ,,, like dope... people kill for it , the more you get to know Christ the  further we can get away from it all , but we also get attacked new ways.... as so as we move one way the other side  slithers  in  another way ,  get used the move ,,  keep the focus going  on Christ ...

 The Christian, by the receipt of the Spirit of Christ in faith, is thereby volitionally free to choose to receive and derive character from either God or Satan in the midst of his behavior. In this sense the Christian is the only one who is really volitionally free to choose the receptive derivation of character in his behavior, since the unregenerate are "slaves of sin" (Jn. 8:34,35; Rom. 6:6,17).

We can be temped  almost any time ... or tested .... spirit war fare is all day long  focus on Christ  the rage comes  the more you walk by faith more fierce is the Opposition,  to do so  religion will attack faith their  not the  same , religion is  man talking,   faith  is  God walking in us . one night i was driving listen to radio talk show they were pounding  this group for their ole songs out of date  country it got down rite nasty as it gets,,   wow had turn it off ,  all medium mix it big bucks  either way   nuts is big money people are amazed see late night wrestling  see men women beat each other senseless ,  people raging,  . We are mere step away from whole sale  collapse, i realized I was getting into the win mode   not good ,,,  warlike that so is all the other stuff be low we might do ..., big money ,,, promoted it could be stopped easily  but it;s the  case their blame you  ahahaha... and we believe it!!the flesh is weak  it wants   ease stuff etc,,, etc etc,  entertainment  blood ,  see on the streets have to change focus at any given time fast ..  the dark web is deeply troubling place ,,,   the stuff is down rite crazy but lets you see what  can be ...

   Paul's point in listing these "works of the flesh" is still in the context of asserting that the teleological freedom of the Christian to fulfill God's objective of expressing His character within His creation to His own glory, could never be used as an excuse or pretext for exhibiting such behaviors as here mentioned (cf. 5:13). As noted in reference to the savage behaviors mentioned in 5:15, these actions may have already been reported among the Galatians,
s congregations after the arrival of the Judaizing religionists.

   Paul commences his list by indicating, "Now the works of the flesh are evident,..." Referring to them as "works" of the flesh connects them to the self-effort performance "works of the Law" (2:16; 3:2,5,10), as well as with "works of darkness" (Rom. 13:12; Eph. 5:11). Interestingly enough, these behavioral expressions of the patterned selfishness and sinfulness in man's soul will be evidenced in the context of both legalism and license, in both of the extremes that disallow the Christian liberty to love by the Spirit under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

   "Immorality" is derived from the Greek word for "prostitute," . It refers to any sexual activity outside of God's intended context of marriage between one man and one woman. It is broader that just premarital fornication, as translated in some versions of the New Testament (cf. KJV).others
   "Impurity" expands the concept of sexual irregularity beyond the sexual acts themselves to any act and attitude that is defiling, unclean, or indecent; to anything other than the pure, clean and proper use of our physical bodies as the purity of God's character is expressed in us.

   "Sensuality" denotes a lack of constraint whereby our passions, impulses and senses are given free rein to engage in wantonness, debauchery, excess and immoderation. greed .
5:20 ­ "Idolatry" is the inordinate devotion or worship of someone or something other than God, by attributing ultimate worth to such an object. The sexual sins previously mentioned were often integrated with religious idolatry in the pagan worship of Cybele, Diana, Aphrodite, Baal, etc.

   "Sorcery" is a translation of the Greek word from which we get the English word "pharmaceutics." Throughout human history drugs have been utilized in religious activities as the medicine-men and magicians have mixed up strange potions in witchcraft and occult activities.
   "Enmities" refers to hatred of one's perceived enemies, and engaging in hostile antagonism with them.
   "Strife" translates a Greek word that also identified the goddess Eris, the goddess of contentiousness and quarrelsomeness that leads to war. Actions of agitation and provocation that stir up trouble, discord and wrangling are indicated by this word.

   "Jealousy" is a translation of the same word from which we get the English word "zealous." It is the boiling fervency of ungratefulness and resentment concerning what others have or do.

   "Outbursts of anger" comes from the root of the Greek word meaning "to kill." Uncontrolled fits of passion and rage wherein one's fury and temper are so acute that it could lead to life-threatening action are implied by this word.

   "Disputes" are rivalries and altercations caused by mercenary motives when a person attempts to manipulate and use another person for his own personal gain at the expense of the practice politic ...

   "Dissensions" are any occasion when people refuse to stand together in unity, and instead stand against one another in disunity and divisiveness.

   "Factions" translates the Greek word from which we get the English word "heresies." In its broadest meaning it refers to the sectarian and partisan attitude of wanting to choose up sides in order to engage in conflict.

5:21 ­ "Envyings" is similar to "jealousy," for it refers to the grudging attitude that cannot tolerate another's success or prosperity, and regards the other as their rival.

   "Drunkenness" is the Greek word that we now refer to as the drug "meth." It refers to the over-indulgence that leads to being intoxicated and controlled by another substance.

   "Carousings" is derived from the Greek word komos, the name of the Greek god of revelry. The quest for and involvement in the uninhibited excess of cavorting and partying is implied by this word.
   Paul concludes the list by adding "and things like these," to explain that this is not an exhaustive listing of selfish behaviors, but comprises a few of the behaviors that are representative of the "works of the flesh." We must avoid the systematizing tendency of attempting to arbitrarily place the behaviors mentioned by Paul into classifications and categorizations that tend to be self-limiting. Paul simply lists these actions without any implied grouping.

 The attacks come  fast and  hard , often  from media or simply the ole nature gets tackled ,at the right time  spiritual warfare all day affair , materialism is huge here  junk and more junk    our performance will not rescue us only Christ can,   in given event  till we are anew completely the war rages for our souls ...... to make it fall  etc.... the race is is on get back and go the right way,   he forgives  and strengthens......  hold fast  pray for one another kindness , and find a real good friend  if needed , stay close to real faith real faith laden  Friends ...... a gold mine of power ............

blessed here with few guys close  deeply enjoy developed solid faith life with,  Gossip  is devilish   it;s twisted  stuff ,  worthless, stay free .  be-wise ...!! choose well  God will guide ,

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