Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ecclesia before it became A COMPROMISE

The sacerdotal polity ever more completely  changed  and depraved the  the social  ideal of Christ and his  apostles , Dr. Fairbairn 1910 dear sis the false forms  are   false forms,,,
That ideal was free spiritual brother hood, where men lived  in the spirit   and walked by it.  Clergy and laity  did not stand apart , opposed and divided  by officialism,  which are ever factious sanities: nay clergy and laity  did not  even exist than.
 all man made and  added as mistranslated  check the actual terms ,
The most eminent distinctions  were moral, the best gifts spiritual, and possible to all. THE MAN LIVED NEAREST TO God  STOOD  HIGHEST Among  men .... he who loved the most lived the best. quote
Christian salvation is not a static transaction whereupon one “got saved” at a particular point in time by engaging in prescribed activities. 

 Salvation involves being “made safe” from the dysfunction of satanically abused humanity, in order to function as God intended as the expressive vessel of divine character.

Genuine Christianity must not adapt itself to the games that the world plays with names, labels, and positions. Christianity is the dynamic reality of the living Christ within us functioning as Savior,JF


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