Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Coming full bore !!!

Goonisphere is under way !!! a communist utopia !!! we hope not ....
  The word goon is someone used to punish another  to make them conform!!!

A cooperative media is essential to the planned change in public consciousness. As in totalitarian regimes, "voluntary" social transformation relies on effective propaganda. That's why our Education Department's Community Action Toolkit, The President's Council for Sustainable Development, and the UN's Local Agenda 21 all call for partnerships between educators and the news and entertainment media in every community. The public must be persuaded to give its consent; the people must learn to feel so uncomfortable with dissent that contrary voices would be silenced.
The masses must never notice that this manipulative process is changing their minds and actions. Since few people do notice, Professor Raymond Houghton's triumphant promise in a 1970 NEA publication is becoming an alarming reality:
"...absolute behavior control is imminent. ... The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will never self-consciously know that it has happened."[7]
This plan for "behavior control" would include three essentials steps: (1) a supportive news and entertainment media willing to disseminate politically correct information and inspire values that erode the old boundaries, (2) a management system for measuring and monitoring change, and (3) universal participation in the dialectic (consensus) process.

By use of a change agent, or “facilitator”[2], individuals are herded toward “consensus” by compromising their position for the sake of “social harmony.”   According to Kurt Lewin,
“A successful change includes, therefore, three aspects:  UNFREEZING the present level, MOVING to the new level, and FREEZING group life on the new level.”
This is precisely the technique with which the communists brainwashed American POWs, the only difference being they could accelerate the “unfreezing” phase with physical torture. In group dynamics the pain is not physical, it’s emotional. ... Transformational Marxists such as Kurt Lewin refined their weapon for the new battlefield: Using group dynamics to invade the culture to affect the paradigm shift.  The weapon looks like this:
      A Diverse Group   (“Diversity” needed for conflict)
      Dialoging to Consensus   (Dialectic process)
      Over a Social Issue  (Problem/Crisis/Issues)
      In a Facilitated Meeting  (Controlled environment using facilitator /change agent)
      To a Predetermined Outcome  (Paradigm shift)        

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